The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1302: Age is not important, what matters is who identifies with who!

Nine levels of hell.

Jun Changxiao always sits cross, the Five Elements Jiantian Jue is running, the attributes of the Five Elements are pouring in frantically, and he is enveloped in it, like a pupa.

While fighting against the Twelve patrols one by one, although he was exhausted, he was never nearly exhausted like today, mainly because of the scuffle just now.

"The lord of the fortress doesn't seem to be very strong, and his strength is similar to himself."

Reminiscing just now, Jun Chang laughed and estimated in his heart.

"Hard to say."

Systemically: "This person seems to be injured."

This sentence brought a blow to Jun Changxiao, saying: "The injuries let him run away, am I too failed!"

"It can't be helped."

The system said: "After all, it's on the site."

It's rare to comfort the host, but ... it's more about spitting and hitting.


Jun Chang laughed and found a little psychological balance, but wondered: "This guy is so strong without being injured. Wouldn't it be more terrible if he recovered?"

"No, no!"

"The state must be restored as soon as possible, and the fortress must be broken first!"

A few hours later, relying on the strong Five Elements Body and the Five Elements Jiantian Jue, all the psionic powers that Jun Changxiao lost were restored, and the state reached the extreme.

"How did that guy get tuned by Erya?"

He murmured and blended into the prison tower.


The whipping sound was endless.

"Ah -----------"

The tattooed man, who was already bruised all over, screamed in pain: "Aunt Grandma, forgive me ... forgive me, I ... I don't want to die, brother ... come and save me ... brother ... I figured it out ... I Still young ... I don't want to die ... "

Jun Chang smiled.

Letting a person who seeks death reignite the hope of living, filled him with a sense of accomplishment and pride.


Eyes of the Void and Twelve Patrols have troubled the scalp in the corner.

They witnessed the new prisoner's training throughout the whole process, and the new gameplay was simply shocking and mad!


With all the ropes removed, the tattooed man collapsed like mud.

His legs twitched from time to time, as if undergoing long-term electric shock treatments.


Still want to die?

Do not!

He wants to live very much now!

Even after being tuned up, I suddenly discovered that the world is so beautiful!

The experience of all-round love for several hours made the tattooed man deeply understand that death is a very horrible thing!


Jun Chang smiled and asked: I heard you are from the upper world? "


Because the soul is still sour, the tattooed man is weak.

"Why were you locked in?"


Tattooed man is silent.


Jun Chang laughed: "You don't say, I don't force it, Erya, let him die!"


Tattooed man with wide eyes.

He didn't look like this just now, he was a good guy!

Please do not insult the word 'good man', because Jun Changxiao is a person who uses whatever means to achieve his purpose. Refer to the twelve patrols for sneak attacks.



After Erya had ordered, various ropes appeared again.

"Don't ... Don't ... Don't!" The tattooed man hurriedly said, "I said ... I said ... I was defined as a rebel in the Upper Realm and violated the rules of the Realm, so they were detained by them!"


Jun Chang smiled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Tattooed man said: "The rebels just don't submit to Jietang's control, they yearn for unrestrained, they are deemed to be rebellious, they will make a rebellious act."

"So it is."

Jun Chang looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Your strength should be good in the upper realm. Since they caught you, why not just execute them on the spot, but instead send them to the ninth floor of Hechen?"


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The **** little rope tangled up like a snake, which made the tangled tattoo man hurriedly: "Because ... I have the spirit of reincarnation, and it gets stronger every time I die!"

"Spirit of reincarnation?"

Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

Having reached a higher level, he naturally knows that this thing is just like the spirit of the fire soul and the evil spirit. It belongs to the spiritual species naturally born in the universe.


Really peer!

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "So you begged to die, hoping to become stronger?"

"Do not!"

Tattooed man: "I need to escape here."

I used to die to become stronger, but this time to get out of difficulties. After all, I was forced to be suppressed by the heavens, and I will be trapped permanently in the place where the array is used.

Jun Chang smiled at him and said, "I can help you escape from here."

The tattooed man suddenly became alert.

You also said to help me die, but in the end, the tortured people have a fear of death. Are you sorry to help me again?

"It's true."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "I am also a rebel."


The tattooed man looked surprised, "You are also a rebel?"


Jun Chang stood up with a smile, holding his back to his back, and said, "Have you heard of the Old Manhood in the Upper Realm?"

The tattooed man thought for a while and said, "I haven't heard it."

Not to mention that he has never heard of it, and the vast majority of warriors have never heard of it.


Jun Chang laughed and sighed again and said, "I was in the upper world like the sun and the sky, and Megatron Universal, because I offended the world hall, so I was blocked from all related information?"


Clenching his fists, the anger erupted completely, saying: "When this seat rises to the upper bound, the bound hall will be destroyed!"

The kind of hatred and anger shown in the eyes and limbs is perfect, making the tattoo man secretly say, "This guy hates the hall like me!"

The enemy's enemy is a friend!


The tattooed man solemnly said, "Can you really save me out?"


Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "I have lived for sixteen thousand years. Do you think the name" brother "is appropriate?"


Tattooed man said: "Because I lived 35,264 years old."

It ’s not bragging if you look at it all!

Of course ~ ~ He is not a lifetime, but a combination of several lifetimes, such as a thousand years old broke through the air, and then can't go up, find death directly and reincarnate, continue to cycle.


Jun Chang smiled slightly, and whispered in his heart, "I knew that I had lived ten thousand years old!"

"The age doesn't matter." He turned around and said seriously: "The important thing is who we identify with who!"


The system said, "I haven't changed my age before I started changing tricks. This is really a dog!"

Erya stood beside the owner, smiling innocently.

The tattooed man looked at it and immediately made the right choice. He hugged: "Age is really not important. I agree with you very much, so you are my brother from now on!"

"That's the case."

Jun Chang smiled and waved, "Please ask my brother to fill out this entry form."

"Is this the program?" The system crashed and said, "Anyone with a little brain must not agree!"

He was not beaten in seconds, because the tattooed man glanced at the entry table and said sincerely, "Brother, brother wants to go out!"

You ca n’t say let me join the Zongmen, just join in, anyway, come out with sincerity, for example ... first help yourself out of the trap and leave this dark and ghostly place!

"go out!"


They appeared in the ninth floor hell.

Jun Chang laughed and began to spy on the barriers of space, and began to break through. He chatted: "Brother, how many times have you been reincarnation since you have the spirit of reincarnation?"

"One hundred and sixty-five times."

"I went and died so many times?"

"Hey, there is no way. There are too many enemies. Sometimes when you are born, you can find martial arts. After hard work, you can achieve today."

"Why can't I die now?"

"Because, it's too strong."

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