The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1346: Entering Dandan

Under a scent of extremely poisonous milk, Jun Changxiao once again carried a new mainline mission and a new soul bomb, which seemed to be his life to escape.

"Be content."

The system said: "It is also 100 years old. The new task is more comfortable than before. At least there is no limit on the number of disciples. You only need to reach the level of fairy gate, which is nothing more than an enhanced epic task."

That's what it says, but Jun Chang laughed and growled: "It must be tens of thousands of times harder to become the top-level sect of the upper world!"

"Complaining can't solve any problems. Since you can't resist, you must learn to enjoy." The system said: "Hosts still have to adjust their mentality quickly and specify a plan to fully develop the sect."


Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his flabby red neck, sighing helplessly: "I'm destined to work hard for Zongmen to become stronger in my life."

"no way."

The system said: "After all, it's Zongmenliu. If you let the host go to the wind and snow all day ... you can't do it."

There is nothing wrong with this.


Jun Chang laughed and cursed in his heart, and suddenly found that the two spiritual cores in Dantian began to tremble violently, and the psionic energy stored in them began to roll and slowly degenerate.

"Muffy ..." He said briefly, then surprised, "I'm going to break through?"


After completing the epic mission, Jun Changxiao once again ushered in a breakthrough opportunity.

Although the previous chapter was not synchronized with the reward due to the author's negligence, it is not too late to make up for it now.


The heaven and earth attributes flooded into the courtyard frantically, gradually covering Jun Chang's whole body of laughter, merging into Dantian along the meridians, and began to replace the previous attributes, gathering more pure energy.

The first transformation is the spiritual core, which gradually turns from pale white to golden yellow, like a layer of noble color.

"This is Dan Nuclear."

The system said: "When all the internal psionic powers have been transformed, the host is equivalent to a transition into Dan."

Jun Chang smiled and didn't speak, because he was immersed in a wonderful state, the soul seemed to fly out of the body, into the endless ocean with various attributes, sometimes butterfly stroke, sometimes breaststroke, sometimes dog planing, comfortable to the eyebrows From Tao Ran.



After the nucleus gradually converged, after the internal psionic energy was transformed and replaced, it began to converge from a vortex into a liquid, and then splashed into it, each time bringing more powerful power.


Jun Chang laughed, a stronger air wave emerged all over the body, and spread to the entire Wanzong.

When Black and White Rakshasa noticed it, he said, "Little brother is going to make a turn ?!"

The spread of the promotion trend contains extremely strong attributes of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth. All the disciples who touched the Zongmen were all open and cheerful, so they sat down and felt slowly.


The disciples stuck at the peak level of Wu Zong and Wu King, driven by the suzerain, even appeared to be promoted, and over time, the number and size have increased significantly!

In just one hour, there are as many as 1,000 disciples who have just entered a new big realm, and there are countless improvements in the small realm!

Both Zongmen's high-level and core disciples have stepped into Wu Sheng. Although they have not made any breakthroughs, they have benefited a lot.

The advancement into the Dan Realm lasted for about two hours, waiting for the waves of enshrining the ancestral gate to become weaker and then gradually dissipated.

"call out"

Jun Chang laughed and flew out of the study, hung above the hall, and shouted from the sky. The coercion that pervaded the whole body made Zongmen disciples respectfully.


In just one day, stepping from the middle to the upper level to break through the air, and then moving from the ground to the Dan state, and successfully turning the energy in the Dan core, this speed of raising (opening) and rising (hanging) is really terrifying!

Even more frightening is that after entering the new realm, Jun Changxiao not only got rid of the constraints of heaven and earth, but could fly freely in the sky. Even in Dantian, there are two new energy nuclei and powerful energies such as martial arts and kendo.

The mortal world refers to the energy gathered in the spiritual core as psionic energy, and this transformed attribute in the upper world is called true energy.

To put it simply, it used to be nothing but Reiki. Now it is Reiki, and it immediately becomes taller. After reaching four revolutions, Qi will be transformed into Taoism, and after seven revolutions, it will be transformed into Immortality.

Each change in Dantian will not only enhance stronger strength, but also strengthen various aspects, such as the physical body and soul, so this time Jun Changxiao entered the realm of Dan, which is an all-round sublimation.

The dog left floating in the midst of the air, feeling the more pure nature of the world coming, as if around him shouting to his father, his face suddenly raised a happy expression.


After enjoying the pleasure brought by the new realm, Jun Chang laughed and fell into the hall with a smile, and summoned all the high level of Zongmen, just to discuss one thing, that is how to tell the development Zongmen in the upper realm.

Different from the start of the single-world **** mode in the world of mankind, there are disciples and helpers in this new world. Although the strength cannot be established for the time being, it is at least not lonely and reliable.


Yuan Gongzi first stated: "No family or sect is inseparable from resources. I think the first way is to make money."

"That makes sense."

Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

Don't look at him coming up more than a month in advance. During this period, he obtained a lot of black stones from the ancestral gates such as Yujian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong, but the resources for the development of Zongmen are definitely a waste.

He Luochao said: "The martial arts in the lower world is already embarrassing in the upper world. The suzerain also needs to consider equipping his disciples with new mental methods and martial arts, so as to make the disciples' realm faster.

In the end, the creation idea of ​​all martial arts is dominated by the attributes of the lower realm. Even if the level reaches above the divine quality, it will be incapable of coming to the upper realm, and will not be convinced by soil and water.


Bai Luocha took out a few cheats, and said, "I have the arts of mind and martial arts here. Although the level is not high, it is very suitable for the disciples to use for initial practice."

He didn't show it before because the mental creation and the upper bound, even if the cultivation is successful in the lower bound, it is difficult to achieve the best results because of incompatible attributes.

For example, He Wudi once practiced a lot of nirvana martial arts, but because of the serious mismatch with the properties of the starfall continent, he could only practice martial arts such as Yijinjing after joining the Zongmen.

It was very resistant at the beginning, and it was beautiful after practice, because this kind of martial arts was so strong!

"No need to."

Jun Chang laughed: "This seat has a new mentality adapted to the upper world."

After all, the copies of the Hua Zhao Xin Jing and Du Tian Palm Seals, which are copied in advance, will be distributed to both senior management and disciples.

Bai Luocha took it in his hand and whispered: "Never heard of these two martial arts ~ ~ Is it better than your own cultivation?"

With a little doubt, he began to read the Huazhao Heart Sutra, and after careful thinking, he exclaimed: "This is the fairy-like mind!"

Hei Luocha has already left, because he has long realized that the mentality given by the Sovereign is stronger than what he once practiced, and at this moment has been sitting in the room and began to practice.


The door was closed, and Ye Xingchen posted on it.

Aniu was slightly hurried, then lowered his head to look at the mind that was more profound than Yi Jin Jing and Wu Xing Jian Tian Jue, and said with excitement, "This kind of mind should help me change faster. Qiang, and then look for revenge on that abominable woman! "

"Senior Xuan!"

After getting Hua Zhao's Heart Sutra, He Wuji was also crazy in his heart and added, "How many good things have you given the Sovereign!"

Also starting to read the new martial arts seriously is Jun Chang laughs. After gradually realizing the strength of this mentality, he rejoices like madness: "The upper world start is much cooler than the lower world start!"

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