The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1347: Eternal fairy mountain

Jun Changxiao only understands Hua Zhao Xin Jing a little, and he roughly understands that this martial art can be used not only for the cultivation of martial arts attributes, but also for tempering the body and soul.

It is a pity that it is a reward for the completion of the task, and the origin of the mind is not recorded on it, so it is impossible to know by the hand of the expert.

"With this mindset, are you afraid that your disciples will not be promoted?" Jun Chang smiled and grinned.

The upper world has more powerful attributes of heaven and earth. As long as you comprehend Hua Zhao Xin Jing, you can ingest it faster. Even if you do n’t have martial arts resources for a while, just give enough time, let alone break through the air, and you can move into Dan.

On the other hand, in the beginning of the Nether World, you need to recruit disciples, and you need to fight for luck.

Now when he first arrived in the upper world, the dog left not only had a transfer to Dan Realm, but also had a mind-like mentality, which undoubtedly made a big difference.

What's more, there are the prints of Du Tian.

It inherits the advantages of martial arts purchased in the mall, is easy to understand, and has great power, which can completely strengthen the **** strength of Zongmen.

"I'm confident!"

Jun Chang smiled with a twinkling gaze on the future.

To be exact, after decades of experience, Fan Chen has ceased to be a ignorant teenager, and at least he has enough experience to start a new world.

For example, the development of Zongmen cannot rely on martial arts. If you can refresh the martial arts facilities suitable for the upper realm, it will definitely be more powerful!


Jun Chang laughed and opened the mall panel skillfully, and then blurted out: "Look!"

At this moment, great changes have taken place in the mall. The three upper-level, middle-level, and high-level malls are now all suffixed with the [Upper Version] suffix. When he tried to point to the high-end, he even suggested that his reputation was not enough!


Return to the main interface and find that the data panel has changed dramatically.

Zongmen name: the strongest sect of all ages.

Master of Zongmen: Jun often laughs.

Zongmen Level: No.

Zongmen construction: 9 levels.

Function of the ancestral gate: Refining Medicine Pavilion, Foundry Pavilion ...

Zongmen Gongfa: Hua Zhao Xin Jing, Du Tian Zhang Yin.

Zongmen members: 100001.

Zongmen contribution: 700,000.

Zongmen achievement: 0.

Zongmen Reputation: 0.

Zongmen mission: No time.

Zongmen main line mission: within 100 years ...

In addition to some features unchanged, there is also a new prestige of prestige. When Jun often laughs on it, the pop-up content suddenly reaches a certain value and unlocks subsequent functions.


Jun often laughs and collapses.

Although it can be roughly inferred from ‘Zongmen Prestige’, you can give me some details, such as how can I earn reputation!


Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and clicked on the mid-level mall. The result still showed that the reputation was not enough. In the end, he could only open the first-level mall. He could go in after seeing the price. Because the minimum required contribution was 100,000. value!

The system said: "The host completes the last mainline mission of Fanchen, and the upper-bound version is really activated, because the price is normal when you are in a higher world."

"It starts at 100,000 in the early stages. Why don't you have 1 million or higher in the higher stages? You are not afraid to collapse the contribution system!" Jun Chang laughed and growled.

The system said: "Even if the Zimbabwe dollar finally collapses, it is not a matter for the host to worry about, but it is necessary to refresh the mall and buy props that can be used for disciples' practice."


When it comes to refreshing the mall, Jun Chang laughs and wants to cry.

The previous completion of the epic quest rewarded 500,000, giving him the feeling of getting rich overnight, and he could see the new mall system, and suddenly he rose overnight to return to the sense of liberation.

"So, now I'm not only looking for resources and money for Zong Men, but also trying to find prestige and contributions." Jun Chang laughed and sat down, covering his face with his hands, and mournfully said, "It's too difficult to be a man ... "



Suddenly, thunder came from outside the gate.

Jun Chang stood up with a smile and was startled: "Someone broke into a minefield?"


Zhen Lao Chuan Yin said: "A large number of martial arts are breaking out, it seems very strong in terms of strength!"

Although the previous martial arts has disappeared in the Zongmen Gongfa, it does not mean that it has completely lost its effect. For example, it can be adapted to the upper-bounds system by the mass-transmission technique of Ait.


Fengqi Xianshan outside.

The thunder array previously used to test the god-changing lightning rod was artificially destroyed, and the first four turn to the Dan kingdom strong were rushing, and it was roughly judged from the costumes that they came from Yujian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong.

Therefore, the elderly Taixuan had foresight, and hit so many doors, not even the hills where he lived all the year round, and ran away with his luggage.

"The strongest of all ages?"

The strongmen of the major gates stopped at the foot of Tiegushan Mountain, looked up and saw the plaque hanging at the gate, and the corners of their mouths suddenly sneered.

It's crazy to use the name of Wangu, even dare to add the strongest word.

"Three elders!"

Shen Jian, a strong man in Yujian Xuanzong, said: "Isn't this what Lin Lang once said?"


Jun Chang smiled when he had appeared in front of the mountain gate.

The so-called enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and the main gates saw the murderer who looted their own high-level and disciple resources, and almost stared at him with angry eyes.

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I first arrived in Wanzong, and haven't opened business yet. Please visit, visit, and visit. Please choose another day."


A strong man raised his finger to him, and said angrily, "Grab my sect resources and hurt my sect disciples. If you and your apprentices don't give an account today, you will blaze Fengxi Xianshan to the ground!"

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled and pointed to the right, and said, "Look there!"

Although everyone was absolutely vigilant, they still turned around subconsciously, only to find that the most upright peaks were engraved with the four strong and powerful characters, "Eternal Fairy Mountain".

Not right

When I came last time, I wrote about Fengxi Xianshan.

"This seat is solemnly announced today." Jun Chang laughed like Hong Zhong and said, "This is the ancient fairy mountain, and the whole mountain is my realm of eternal ancestors. Anyone who violates my ancestors by any force, although it will be far away.

弟 The powerful voice rang through the mountains, and all the disciples were full of blood!

One of the strong Dandan realms sent by Yujian Xuanzong whispered, "My husband also has a sentence to tell you, you must pay the price for committing Yujian Xuanzong!"


Jun Chang smiled and stretched out his fingers, Dan Tian said luckily, "Come here!"

In this new world, which pays more attention to martial arts, since there is a conflict between each other, and no one gives in, the best way is to fight until one side concedes or loses.

However, in the face of such low-quality provocations left by dogs, the strong players in the cases did not rush up, because they all felt that there was a variety of matrix atmosphere around them, and the level was definitely stronger than the thunder array just broken.

The old man Taixuan slipped away, but the formation method in the mountain is still there.

Jun Chang laughed overnight and studied all night, not only mastered it, but also used it in the defense of the ancestral gate.

In terms of Wan Guzong's current overall strength, it must be far less than Yujian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong, but if two of them want to win it, they must pay a price.


The man who turned to Danjing said coldly, "Dare to come down and fight with my husband!"

"Do you want to single out with this seat ~ ~ or challenge the entire sect?" Jun Changxiao said with interest.


"it is good."

Jun Chang raised his hand with a smile, and rang a finger, saying: "Even if you challenge me forever, the black and white guardians will meet these friends when they go out!"



Suddenly, a strong burst really erupted on the Dragon's Back Peak of Longevity.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Under the bgm appearance of Qiao Bangzhu carrying the sound, the black and white double shame turned into a black and white streamer that staggered on the footsteps of the mountain.

The powerful aura burst into the wind like a violent wind, and all the martial arts fighters retreated. The three-turn Zhuanjing strong man sent by Yujian Xuanzong was surprised: "Six ... Six turns ?!"

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