The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1348: Revisit the old industry


Van Gogh is very dishy.


Jun Changxiao just broke through a turn, not even the solid stage, let alone face the third turn, even if facing the second turn may be completely burst.

However, this does not mean that the first-ever arrival of the ancient emperor Buddhism is a soft persimmon that can be used by anyone, because the ancestral gate and the two black and white Luosha protectors sit in town!

The two brothers returned to the upper realm and no longer suffered from the constraints of heaven. After a night of recuperation, their realm strength had been completely restored.

Because the strength of the elderly Taixuan is three turns, the transfer of Dandan Realm sent by forces such as Yujian Xuanzong and Ling Dao Xuanzong is also at this level, so when Jun Chang laughed and shouted the two major protection methods to support the scene, everyone was immediately exited by the gas shock .

As the so-called female college junior holds the BRIC, the realm is different from the next level mountain.

The black and white Rakshasa has reached the second level of Zhuan Dan Jing, and it is infinitely close to the sixth turn of the third level. In the face of several three turns, it can be described as `` Master ''.

"come on."

Bai Luocha laughed: "We two are here to play with you."

In front of Jin Hao, he looked very small, but when he was lower than his own level, he immediately became tall.

He Luosha said coldly, "Dare to come to my eternal trouble, you're afraid you're impatient."

The expressions on the faces of the martial arts stunned by the powerful gas field are wonderful, but there are still more puzzled in their hearts. Why is there a two six turns for a celestial gate that has just gone through the thunder array?

It can be seen that they saw the scene that happened yesterday, why dare to come to trouble? Haven't you thought about it, it is very powerful to resist the thunderous array?

In fact, the minefield and the real strength cannot be linked, because it is just an obstacle to heaven.

For example, if a mortal warrior successfully crosses the robbery, he will be regarded as a big man when he comes to the upper world?

No, that is a must-go process, so no matter how shocking the crossing is, coming here is still no different from a novice.

In fact, Jun Chang laughed against thousands of thunders and thunders very horrible, but at this moment in the world, there is really no big threat under the circumstances of not using super strong cards.

If you ca n’t do it, you ca n’t pretend?

Do not!

You can also find a helper!

The two elder brothers who were worshiping went to the foot of the mountain, and immediately settled the dog's leftover master.

"It turned out that there were experts to help out, no wonder it was so brazen!"

Although the situation is extremely unfavorable to him, the strong swordman of Yu Jian Xuanzong remained calm and arched, "The green mountains will not change, the green waters will flow, and we will ..."


Bai Luocha banged over with a punch, and his opponent's opponent was backing away.

Jun Chang laughed sitting on a chair prepared by Xiao Xieji, and said, "I will enter my realm of the ancient ancestors without saying hello, and willfully destroy the public formation facilities, so I won't see you again, just meet in the cell. . "

Hei Luosha understood what the younger brother meant, so he didn't pretend to play the trick, he broke out and rushed to the past, and all the martial arts soldiers lay down.

The reason the whole process was not expressed was because, like an adult, beating a group of children.

Bai Luocha was a bit skinny. He raised his fist and bombarded Yu Jian Xuanzong's strong one again and again, because his strength remained just right, the other party could only be defeated by the crickets, and finally 噗 噗 was lying on the ground.


Seeing that all the martial arts fighters were dealt with, Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "They did not trigger a side mission when they came to trouble."

The dog left it back to the state of mind when it first developed its ancestors. All his mind was thinking about how I should make money and how I should contribute.


Tianyuan Town Prison Tower.

Zhao Doudou sitting in the inspection room was depressed.

Because of his ascension to the upper realm, Jun Changxiao left all the prisoners in the starry continent. Nine prisons were empty, which left him a deputy prison director with nothing to do.


Erya held her face, sighed, and said, "So boring."

As an instrument mainly based on the nature of training, suddenly no prisoner can go to training, and the life is abnormally boring and monotonous.

Instead, he sat next to him, using his mind on cultivation.

He numbered 100,000, although he joined the Wanzong, was not released, but was responsible for cleaning in the prison.

The Purple King Demon King, He Wudi, and Ye Xingchen are known as the Brain Triad. Erya, Zhao Doudou, and Dai Lu can also be called the Prison Trio.


Suddenly, the door was pushed open.

Su Xiaomo, Li Fei, and others carrying the big noses, swollen faces, and foamy mouth martial arts fighters came in and grinned, "Brother Zhao, the lord knows you are very boring, and specially sent a few guests."

As soon as this statement came out, Zhao Doudou and Erya, who seemed like salted fish, were instantly revived in their full states, and then hurried out of the monitoring room, carefully examining dozens of Zongmen martial artists, and excitedly said, "Brother, good goods!"


Su Xiaomo said earnestly: "Listen to the suzerain, these are all Xuanzi-level Zongmen strongmen, the strength of which crushes the upper level and breaks the air."

"is it?"

Zhao Doudo hurriedly came over, squatted in front of the martial artists, and gestured \ 'v \' to Li Shangtian, saying, "It's time to take a picture with the big brothers."


With the shutter pressed, the picture appears.

At this point, the first arrival of Wanguzong has not yet officially opened its doors, and the first prisoners have been welcomed in the prison tower of Tianyuan Town.

As a deputy captain, Zhao Doudou is undoubtedly a winner in life. Because of his average strength, the prisoners in charge of the care are all in a big state.


Inside the hall.

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "How are the two brothers, Yu Jian Xuan Zong and Ling Dao Xuan Zong? What is the background behind them?"

"Although the two sect gates take the sword and sword paths, they are a bit strong, but they are not very high in the upper world, even if they have a backstage, they will not be too big." Hei Luochao Road.

"I can rest assured that."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and whispered, "Three turns of the Dan Realm should be very precious to the Xuanzi Sect. Is it good to ask them to redeem it?"


Black and white Rakshasa twitched.

They finally understood why the younger brothers locked them up after solving each of the warriors, and they had originally planned to let their ancestors pay money for redemption.

When the two came to the Fanchen Plane, they had basically entered the later stage of Fanchen's plot. At that time, Wan Gu Zong was enough to compete with the entire starfall continent, so some things were disdainful to do, so the brothers have hardly seen them.

But now Jun Chang laughs and Zong Men is a wild wolf that has been hungry for several days. As long as there are prey to fill the hunger, he must try his best and try his best.

To put it plainly, it is nothing more than re-entering the old industry ~ ~ two brothers, do you think it is appropriate to let those ancestors take black stones to redeem people? "

"How come you have 100,000?"

Black and white Rakshasa has no experience in this area and cannot give accurate price positioning.

"it is good!"

Jun Chang smiled and patted his thigh, and said, "It's decided, the upper one breaks through the 100,000 yuan, and the three turns around the Danjing one million!"


The corner of the mouth of the black and white Luocha twitched, and he secretly said, "Little brother, too dark!"

no way.

Everything is for better survival.

Of course, there is a risk in the upper realm of doing money to redeem people. In order to ensure the safety of the ancestral gate, Jun Changxiao continues to study the cheats given by the elderly Tai Xuan and actively revises the formation system deployed in the immortal mountain. If the other party comes by force VIP, big deal to tear up tickets!

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