The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1373: This is not easy!

As soon as Jun often laughed and wanted to buy a store in the city, Lu Deshui immediately stated: "The stores in the major streets of the city, the monarch can choose whatever he wants!"

Not long after.

People rushed over from Fangshi, and delivered various elixir facilities, as well as books on medicinal materials and medicine.

"Master Lu, how much is it?"

Jun Changxiao was preparing to pay, and Lu Deshui hurriedly arched, "These daily necessities don't cost much, so he has the right to be given to the monarch by the monarch!"


The dog left no excuses and hugged, "Thanks a lot!"

"Should the monarch have a regular meal before visiting the shops, or should he go now?" Lu Deshui laughed.

"Just now."


Led by Lu Deshui, Jun Chang laughed through the streets of the entire Yuanyuan City with a smile, and finally selected four okay stores in Xicheng District, saying: "Lou, Lord, what's the price?"

"Give it casually!

People are really very hearty.

Jun Chang, who has always been particular about it, laughs and thinks, and then decides to spend 5 million yuan on the market and buy four shops.

After completing the various procedures, Lu Deshui laughed and said, "Does the monarch want to open so many pharmacy stores?"

"Of course."


The system said silently: "I don't want to hit him that much."

Lu Deshui said solemnly: "There are two long-established Dan pharmacies in Dongcheng and Beicheng. If the monarch is not special, I am afraid it will be difficult to establish a foothold in Abyss City."

The business of elixir and weapons and equipment is undoubtedly the most popular in the upper world because of the high demand, but it is also controlled by many old and established shops, and it is difficult for new entrants to survive.

Throughout the world, there are countless shops that open every day, and there are many closed doors, not to mention the final loss, and even a lot of enemies.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Thank you, Lord Lu for reminding me."

With all kinds of materials and shops, after a few words of polite chat, he left and returned to Zongmen.

Lu Deshui was very enthusiastically sent to the gate of the city. Until the figure completely disappeared, a security guard said, "Citylord, you seem to value this monarch."

It is contrary to common sense that a master of the Zongmen who did not even reach the Xuan word, let the master of a city entertain him so.

"This son."

Lourdes Waterway: "Not easy!"

I can think so, not because of the medicinal herbs planted, but because I can take a sect gate to the upper bound!

Many people regard this city owner as Ai Shangyu, but in fact it is more like Xie Guangkun. The readers who guessed wrong in this chapter please line up the team to hit their own faces.


Jun Changxiao returned to Wanguzong along the road. As for the long-established Dan Pharmacy in Dongcheng Beicheng reminded by Lu Deshui, he didn't take it seriously, because he must have core competitiveness since he wants to buy and sell.

You sell Yang Yuan Xuan Dan, I will certainly sell it, and the effect is ten times yours. Do not believe that there is no market and no users!

After returning to the ancestral gate, Gou left convened high-level officials to discuss the matter of opening a Dan pharmacy, and received Yuan's strong support on the spot.

"That's it."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Wait until the next batch of medicinal materials are mature and used for refining elixir, and then set up Wangu Dan Pharmacy in Abyss City, Lao Yuan, decoration of several shops in the city and so on.


Yuan Gongzi left for Yuanyuan City the same day, accompanied by Feng Guichen.

Jun Chang laughed that this was to make the Lord Lu's arrangement clear, so that he could take care of it in the future.

Sure enough, when Lu Deshui determined that Dantang's chief alchemist was really the owner of the ancient ancestors, he was even more polite to Yuan Gongzi, even as a brother.

"Extreme, terrible!"

"Just the golden signboard of Master Feng, once Wan Guzong opened a pharmacy, I am afraid it will cause a huge sensation!"

Lu Deshui thought that Jun Chang was also thinking about it, so he ordered Li Luoqiu that day to spread Dan Tang ’s chief alchemist ’s upcoming opening of a Dan pharmacy to a farther city.


After Feng Guichen knew this, he smiled bitterly: "I am no longer the free and easy person who likes to travel the world."

The former one collapsed, and the new one was erected. He is now the owner of the Vanguard Zongdan Medicine Hall and the chief alchemist of the Vangudan Pharmacy.

Fortunately, Dantang is a non-power organization. In addition to reporting at a fixed time, members generally do not restrict their activities, nor do they interfere with their part-time work.

If you do n’t see him, the other seven chief alchemists will either be honorary elders at the top Zongmen, or be honored as guests at the top families. If you learn that Feng Guichen joins an unknown Zongmen, he may still vote Come to look down on it.


A month later.

The new batch of medicinal materials are all mature.

Feng Guichen began to make various elixir.

Sun Bukong and others just helped Dan Dao because they had been in contact with Dan Dao for a short time.

Jun Chang didn't stop laughing, took out a small amount of medicinal materials to make a reshaping Dan, and then distributed it to his disciples in an effort to make the Zongmen popular at an early date.


Feng Guichen also ate a sculpting dan. After feeling a great improvement in the physical body, meridians, and soul, he was shocked: "What kind of elixir!"

"Ancient ancestral elixir!"

"I have researched Dan Dao for so many years and I have never seen a single elixir that can have multiple effects!"

As a higher-level upper bound, the technique of elixir is very developed and naturally involves the physical body, meridians, and soul. However, one gathers multiple enhancement effects, and the ascension is extremely obvious. This is completely non-existent.

"Feng Tang mainly remembers."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Our first goal is to act low-key."


Feng Guichen's mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Master, how do I remember that the first purpose you said earlier is to be a man with iron bones and to do iron bones?"

"Feng Tangzhu." Sun Bukong whispered, "The first purpose of our ancient ancestors is to change at will according to the mood of the suzerain, and it will be fine in the future."

Feng Guichen raised his black line on his forehead.

This ancestral gate created by the predecessors of Tonggu is not rigorous at all!


Abyss City.

The gongs and drums are loud and the firecrackers are humming.

For a moment, Jun Chang smiled and stood in front of the decorated shop. He tore the red cloth hanging on the plaque and announced the official opening of the ‘Wangutan Pharmacy’.


Lu Deshui smiled with arches congratulating.

On the day the Dan Pharmacy opened, the streets gathered martial arts soldiers. After all, the propaganda was in place, and the chief alchemist of Dantang was sitting.

At first, they went into the store to buy elixir with a mentality of trying, but they learned that many elixirs had more than ten times the efficacy than ordinary elixir, and they were instantly compared.

"Lou Lord."

Jun Chang smiled and handed a Yang Yuan Xuan Dan and laughed, "You can try it."

"it is good!"

Lu Deshui pinched up in doubt ~ ~ then thrown into the entrance and wait for the medicine effect to fully open. When the blood veins and pores seemed to open instantly, absorbing the attributes and laws between heaven and earth, it was shocked: , Incredible! "

Seeing this, many homeowners secretly said, "So exaggerated?"

In fact, this is not an exaggeration. You should know that Lu Deshui took one first yesterday, and the expression that appeared was even more exaggerated. He was asked to cooperate today, and the performance was so bad that it reminded Ke Lingnan of Lingyuan Continent. That's the real golden partner.

Lord Ke, miss you hungry!

"Sovereign monarch, I buy a Yangyuan Xuandan." A homeowner said.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "These elixirs are all made by Feng Tangzhu. As the chief alchemist of Dantang, his elixir technology must not be questioned. Therefore, the price of elixir in my vango pharmacy is also higher than usual. Elixir is ten times more expensive, because there are not many quantities, and there is a restriction on purchases. "

In fact, there are a lot of supplies prepared this time, but the amount of dogs left must be controlled. First, hunger marketing, and second, the scarcity of goods is expensive.

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