The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1374: Do morning exercises in the middle of the night

The vanguard pharmacy just opened, because elixir is ten times more effective than conventional elixir, and it is bound to be extremely hot.

Among them, the best-selling one is Yangyuan Xuandan, which costs 1,000 yuan, because it can last for ten days after taking it, and the intake rate is ten times that of ordinary Dan medicine!

Blood coagulation Huidan and Humaixuandan are also very good, but one focuses on healing and the other protects, so the warrior generally only prepares a few spares instead of using them every day.

"Lao Yuan, Lao Feng."

Jun Chang laughed and arranged: "Here is the place for you. This seat is back to Zongmen first."

He also came to participate in the opening of the store, and in the future, all operations and operations were handed over to Yuan Feng and Feng Guichen for management, and he only needed to count money at the gate.

"Have you heard of it? The new vangotan pharmacy in the west of the city sells a lot of elixir, which is ten times more effective than conventional elixir!"

"Of course I heard that the owner of the Cai family next door bought a lot. It is said that they will be closed after returning!"

"Walk around and look over."

"Look in the past, don't expect to buy elixir."


"Because it opened just an hour after opening."

Vango Dan Pharmacy sells more than ten times the traditional medicine. It has spread throughout the Yuanyuan City in just half a day. With the fluidity of various military soldiers, it will gradually extend to other cities.

Many people rushed to find out that the shop had hung the brand of “Dan Yao Xing Xin”.


Can only come tomorrow morning.

the next day.

Many warriors got up early, but when they first arrived at the Vanguard Drugstore, they found that there were already long queues.

"Isn't that Dan Pharmacy? So many people are rushing to buy it. Is it selling elixir?"

The most frustrating thing is that after a long queue, it's your turn to turn your eyes. As a result, you close the door and hang the brand of "Salvation of Herbs, Buy Early".


"Waiting all morning!"

The warrior who did not buy the elixir returned disappointed and decided to start earlier the next day.

The popularity of Vanguard Dan Pharmacy has also brought impact on other Dan Pharmacies. For example, the two old pharmacies in Chengdong and Chengbei have experienced a serious decline in sales in just a few days. The person in charge is anxious and angry.

They can only be blind and angry, and dare not have any ideas. After all, Feng Guichen sits in the town, and offending him is equal to offending Dantang!

Therefore, to do business in the upper world, contacts and relationships are very important. It is because of Dantang's chief alchemist that Jun Changxiao had the idea of ​​opening a store to develop the door industry.

In the next few days, Yuanyuan City is destined to be very lively, and every morning in the morning, you can always see that the street where Dan Yaodian is located has a long queue.

Many people are excited about buying elixir, and many people are frustrated because they didn't buy it.

Of course, the news about the Vangudan pharmacy has also begun to spread to the farther cities. Many families are poor, and the simple families and scattered people are on their way to the city of Yuanyuan.

Lu Deshui is very happy now, because the influx of foreign warriors in a short period of time will undoubtedly bring more income to the city.

"Yuan Gongzi."

In order to draw closer to the relationship between Wan Guzong, he deliberately hosted a dinner in honor of Yuan Feng and stated: "One year free of tax!"

Lu Deshui had thought that the Dan pharmacy where Feng Guichen was seated would be hot once it opened, but it was not expected to be so popular. According to the current trend, as long as the news spreads around the surrounding cities, it will definitely be more terrifying!

"Lou Lord."

Yuan Gongzi took a sip of wine and laughed: "Although the scale of Yuanyuan City is larger than any city in the Lower Bound, it is not noticeable in the Upper Bound because ..." He paused and said, "No one remembers it. Characteristics. "

Lu Deshui fell into a brief silence and clapped, "Three years of tax exemption!"

He understood that the other party was telling himself that the establishment of Vangudan Pharmacy in Yuanyuan City would be a treasure, and that would be the biggest feature, so it would be absolutely cost-effective to collect less tax and drain more warriors.

"I heard the lord said that in the future, medicinal material stores will be opened in the city, and I will actively connect with other cities, hoping to build a large market integrating elixir and medicinal materials." Yuan Gongzi whispered.


Lu Deshui widened his eyes, and then boldly said, "In the future, your shop will not have to pay taxes. What is the need for Lu Mou to help you!"

"Then trouble Lord Lu!"

Yuan Gongzi toasted.

Lu Deshui also hurriedly raised his glass.

The two happily drank for half an hour before leaving in absentia.

In fact, Jun Changxiao really had the idea to open a medicinal material store, but he didn't decide when it would be implemented, let alone create a big market for medicinal materials and elixir. Yuan Gongzi said that it was fraudulent, but why not fight for the best interests of Zongmen.


The Vangudan pharmacy is in full swing, and the disciples in Vanguzong are also practicing hard. The breakthroughs in the big realm and the small realm can be described as wave after wave.

Jun Chang laughed and did not sit idle, because the popularity of Dan Pharmacy was expected, but he could not always be hungry for marketing, otherwise it was easy to play with fire and self-immolation, so he could only step on the flying sword and start walking around the city ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ hope to sell more medicinal seeds.

Yuan Feng, who is in charge of the internal affairs, was transferred to Wuyuan City to run a business of elixir. The suzerain was often away from home. Senior officials and disciples would go to the flower rose to discuss anything. After all, it was Mrs. Zongmen.

The dog left no comment.

Or pretending to be unknowing.

In this way, she obviously has no real job, and she has become the second-ranked leader of Vanguard. She is responsible for many internal affairs.

The queen who commanded a plane had no problem managing a sect, so when Jun Changxiao went out, she took care of many things in an organized way.

One day, night.

Jun Changxiao returned from buying medicinal seeds from other cities and fell in front of the courtyard of Longshoufeng. Seeing that there was light in the study next door, the woman was still sitting at the table sorting out the door materials, like the empress who had endured so many nights. Qiqi's novel launches online

"Not touched?" Said the system.


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, then walked towards the courtyard, but for some reason he suddenly turned around and walked towards the flower rose courtyard, and turned back when he was about to enter.

The flower rose organizing the file noticed something, pushed the door and came out, seeing him walking around the door, wondering: "What are you doing?"


The dog left the ninth set of radio gymnastics in the fastest time, saying, "Of course it's morning exercises!"

The flower rose wondered: "Morning exercises in the middle of the night?"

"My pleasure!"

Jun Chang laughed like a big sand sculpture and continued to do it. After a few cycles, he turned around and said, "Tired, go to sleep."


The flower rose was speechless.

Just before entering the courtyard where he lived, Jun Chang smiled and said coldly: "Everything you do must be like me, and you must always pay attention to the combination of work and rest."

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