The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1474: Jin Hao kills blue

Time returned to the various ethnic groups to surround Wanguzong. Later, the real people from Tonggu came forward to negotiate, and the disciples followed the departure stage.


At the entrance of the mountain, Jun Chang laughed and took out the God-change lightning rod, and said in a deep voice: "This thing is the treasure left by my ancestors, and this seat will be given to you today."

Li Qingyang's face changed greatly, and he said, "The disciples cannot afford such a valuable thing!"



Li Qingyang took the lightning rod.

Although this thing is automatically bound to Jun Changxiao, as a disciple, he can hold it, but it is simply difficult to use.

"The disciples must have worked hard in the past two years to live up to the expectations of the suzerain!" Li Qingyang said earnestly.

Jun Chang patted his shoulder with a smile, and said, "Go."

In this way, Li Qingyang stepped into Lei Ling with the treasure that represents the ancestors of the ancestors, and has been continuously self-motivating and self-working for two years.

It is no exaggeration to say that from the beginning of the peripheral training to the final exposure to Lei Chi, the **** who accompanied him to change the lightning rod is like faith, and motivates him all the time until he returns.


"The disciples do not shame their mission!"

"It is indeed the most important disciple in this seat. Come here and present the ancestors."


Li Qingyang handed God to change the lightning rod.

When obtained, the object was dim, and when returned, the object was full. Obviously, following the two years of his training, he had absorbed enough thunder energy.

Here comes the problem.

Is there any bullet in the gun?

It seems that the ironwood forest, which is divided into two by the deep gully, is full of fierce thunder system attributes. Not only there are bullets, but the power is terrible!


As a witness, Gu Zhaoxi narrowed his eyes and his legs were a little soft.

The specific picture he was watching was not too clear. He just felt that a sturdy white mang thunderbolt spewed from his brother Zhibao, and then there was a large gully in the field of vision that was wide and deep.

Recalling the movement that just occurred, it can only be described as a blast!

No wonder I found that the guy who has done bad things in the dark has the strength of nine turns to turn the realm of Dan, and my brother didn't have any fear to come here. It turned out to be such a terrible killing trick!


Too great!

Gu Zhaoxi ’s admiration for Jun Changxiao is like endless rivers!

"Should die?"

Even the horrible amount of lightning power just now, even if it is replaced with a guarded one, I am afraid it will be wiped out on the spot.

However, when Gu Zhaoxi looked at the end of the gully, he found that Jin Hao had disappeared, and there was a pool of obvious blood stains on the soil, so he exclaimed: "The bombarded rotten rotten?"

"Do not."

Jun Chang laughed: "He ran away."

"Can this also run?" Gu Zhaoxi was even more surprised.

Jun Chang laughed the lightning rod into the space ring and said: "It should be what escape magic is used during the crisis."

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

Gu Zhaoxi shook his head, his eyes lit up the next second, then flew to the blood stains to remove the dirt, rejoicing: "Brother, this guy's Jin Yaosheng gun was not taken away!"


Jun Chang hurriedly came over and saw the bright golden spear half hidden in the mud, so he picked it up with a wave and said, "It's a bit rewarding."

Using the first wish equipment, he could not obliterate the guy, but broke a piece of equipment, anyway, it makes sense.


Deadly loss.


However, when Jun Chang laughed and came into contact with Jin Yaosheng's gun, a certain force broke out on the surface, and he flicked his hand fiercely.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "There must be instrumental spirits in these artifacts, and a master-slave contract has been signed with that guy. Even outsiders can hardly use it."

"It's a bit tricky."

Jun Chang laughed out a ray of soul and merged it into Jin Yao's sacred gun. Sure enough, he saw a juvenile-shaped instrument sitting in place, so he persuaded: "Good birds choose wood to live, and follow that guy rather than follow me."


The little boy proudly said, "I am the master of the master, and I am the master of the master. I will never trust you!"


Jun Chang laughed without persuading to persuade him, and immediately withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and threw Jin Yao's sacred gun into the prison tower of Tianyuan Town. He urged: "Er, you have the instrument in it."


The prison trio suddenly came to spirit.


Outside, Gu Chaoxi said with joy: "The guy's chariot has not been taken away, it should be a high-level flying treasure!"

Could this be a rich boy, **** on-line?



A few thousand miles away from Tiemulin, the space oscillated into a vortex, pale Jin Hao emerged from the inside, and became empty under the right shoulder. Obviously, the entire arm was lost under the attack of Ray Mang just now, and it is no wonder that the weapon would be lost.

"But ... hate ..."

His eyes flickered with anger.

I thought that guy had no bullets in his gun, but it turned out to be true. Although he was able to use the secret method to escape in time, he was hit again!

"Jun always laughs!"

"I don't kill you, I promise!"

Planted in the hands of Jun Changxiao twice in succession, and they were also lightning rods, once bombarded through his chest and once bombed off his right arm, which made him arrogant and unacceptable.

"Brothers and brothers are called with the rebels. This is a big news. If Jietang is known, the real people in Tonggu can't protect him!"

Jin Hao's painful face gradually emerged with a smirk.

This time the broken arm injury is not as serious as before, but it takes a period of time to nurse. He can completely do it by himself, and only a little bit of tricks can bring great trouble to Jun Changxiao.


"You can't kill him yourself!"

Suppressing the internal injuries, Jin Hao communicated with the space ring and wanted to take out the chariot, but found that ...... also fell on the iron wood forest!


A spit of blood spurted.

People did not erase it, and lost two pieces of equipment, which was a blow to the heart.

The only thing that pleases Jin Hao is that although Jin Yao's armor is broken, the problem is not big and can be repaired. Otherwise, it is really unmanageable and the equipment is completely complete.

"Jun always laughs!"

"You and my enemies ~ ~ don't wear them together!"

Jin Hao, who was more and more eager, raised his head and shouted, and immediately found that the sky was gathering clouds, and the Emperor Ling Yao appeared out of thin air.

"Injured by Jun Changxiao again?"

The woman's speech was as cold as ever, but it sounded quite ironic.

Oh shit!

Let her watch the joke again!

Wait a minute!

Isn't this woman also ordered to chase Gu Zhaoxi?

Now that you know that you were hurt by Jun Changxiao, you must be in Tiemu Forest!

"The Emperor Ling Yao!" Jin Hao looked coldly: "Jie Tang asked us to investigate the rebels. Since you are on the scene, why don't you capture them!"


"You and Jun often laugh together!"

Ling Yao, the empress, said lightly, "Don't frame others casually."


Jin Hao whispered coldly: "On the battlefield of the niche, he often protects Jun and often laughs. Can you hide it from Jietang, how can you hide it from me?"


Suddenly, a sharp blade came through the sound.

Jin Hao's eyes widened suddenly, then lowered his head stiffly, and found that his chest had been broken by some weapon, and blood dripped down the top.


The Emperor Ling Yao fell down and was close to him, and whispered, "It is foolish to send you to be an undercover in the Funeral Pavilion."

Jin Hao's eyes flickered in shock.

This woman even knew her true identity!

"The equipment left by the ancestor Jin Yao is insulting his elders by wearing it on someone like you, so ... let the more powerful strongman inherit it."

With every word that the Emperor Ling Yao said, Jin Hao's vision and hearing became worse and worse, and the strange attributes emerging from her body stirred the internal organs.

"You ... well ... poison ..."

As soon as the words were finished, people lost their minds completely.

At this point, Jin Hao killed the youth, but did not die in the hands of Jun Changxiao, but died in the hands of Ling Yao Yao Empress. Magic Moon Academy

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