The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1475: Forbidden Land Disaster

Ironwood forest.

The fighting in the worst areas ended, but the damage caused was irreparable, so most of the forbidden area was reduced to rubble.


Gu Zhaoxi sounded: "Jin Yao chariot!"


Jun Changxiao found the golden chariot that Jin Hao had left in Tiemulin, so he grinned, "This guy gave me another good treasure."

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Brother, the quality of the Jin Yao chariot is not low, it is said that it is not inferior to the Tonggu warship in terms of speed and performance!"

"is it?"

Jun Chang laughed and came into his mind.

There are no instrumental spirits inside, but there are complex lines, which should be driven by the matrix method.

To control this high-level Jin Yao chariot at will, you need to erase the existing soul brand, and then inject it into yourself.



On the other side, there was news of the battle.

Jun Chang laughed to bring the chariot into the space ring, and rushed over with Gu Zhaoxi.

The five Li Qingyang are still fighting fiercely against the Iron Armor King. However, from the point of view of the situation, suppression has been achieved, and the other party is completely fine.

During this time, the dog left took out the Jin Yao chariot, and then the spiritual thoughts merged into it and shrouded in ...

and many more!

Why is the soul brand suddenly gone?

During the initial snooping, the imprint left by Jin Hao was clearly visible. Now, after a while, he came in and disappeared, which made Jun Chang smile suddenly a little stunned.

Or does the other party know that the treasure is difficult to keep in their own hands, and he simply removed it?

"Good guy."

Jun often laughed with emotion in his heart.


At this moment, the Iron Demon King, who seemed to be a dragon, was finally unable to support, and the scars fell in front of the Kaihei five.

Although the level of damage in the fighting area is not as good as that in the other side, Tiemu has been destroyed.

The most deadly is the soil, the ground is cracked and sunken, and the energy flow is severe.

The third-level forbidden area defined by the relevant departments to be used to break through the air and be transferred to the Danish martial arts was declared dead. Even if there is only a small amount of iron wood that can be cultivated in the future.

"Clean the battlefield."


Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others successively broke the iron wood and the full-space ring of the armor pieces that had fallen off from the Iron Armor King, and then followed the master to leave the Iron Wood Forest.

The place was thriving before coming in.

After leaving, the place is coated with charcoal.

This is the Eternal Buddhism, as long as you enter Baoshan, you will never return empty-handed.


"Ironwood is gone ..."

After Jun Chang laughed and led his disciples to leave, martial arts soldiers from all walks of life came one after another, watching the broken environment in front of them, with pity on their faces.

Because it is a third-class forbidden area, high-level transfer to the realm of Dan or the real world will not bother to come in, but for the low-level martial arts, the destruction of Tiemu Forest is equivalent to losing a place that can be experienced and can make money.


A casual repairman sighed helplessly, "Let's go to the nearby Huoyun Cliff."

Huoyunya is also a third-class forbidden area in the Upper Realm. You can hear it by its name. It must be related to fire, and it contains firestone, which can also be used to cast equipment weapons.


The destruction of Tiemulin left all martial arts soldiers to put their minds on other forbidden grounds, but when they hurried over, they found their colleagues gathered outside, so they asked, "Why don't you go in?"

"It has been closed by eternal ancestors!"


It turned out that just when everyone came, Jun Chang laughed because of the way, and led his disciples into Huoyun Cliff one step ahead. In order to avoid accidents to outsiders, he blocked them well.

The casual repairer who made his fortune in the forbidden area said, I thank you!

"Dad! This place is full of good fire properties. Can I absorb it without any pretensions?"




The small fire at the bottom of the cliff opened its mouth like a beast that was extremely hungry, madly ingesting the pure fire energy around it.

The monsters in the forbidden area shivered in the dark.

Faced with such a powerful existence as the soul of the fire soul, as long as they appear, they must become food.

The properties of the fire system in Huoya Cliff are very strong, so the temperature becomes higher as it goes deeper, but gradually cools down under the crazy ingestion of the small fire. Li Qingyang and others continue to advance and collect various fire-based ore into the bag.

After an hour.

Existence of the isolated matrix method disappears.

Jun Chang laughed and left his disciples in full view.

As soon as they walked on their front feet, they went into Huoyun Cliff after they repaired each road until they felt that there were no fire-related factors in their surroundings, and they said in despair, "This forbidden area is gone!"

"It's all right!"

"We can go to Narcissus Lake!"

When they arrived at the scene, the third-class forbidden ground that stretched for hundreds of miles and bottomed out was even more bottomed out, because the water was gone!

"Muffy ..."

Just as everyone was guessing, they suddenly found that a familiar back in the distance was leaving, so he hugged his head and said, "Sure enough they are again!"


Tiemu Forest, Huoyun Cliff, Narcissus Lake.

In a short period of time, he was patronized by Jun Chang with a smile. In the end, all attributes, ore, and natural treasures were taken away.

Some of them may be preserved in landforms and environments, but their internal attributes and certain factors have been destroyed. It is no wonder that martial arts have been abolished and become ordinary places.

The upper world is blown up!

The warrior is angry!

Jun Chang laughs at this kind of past. The behavior of being indifferent to grass will seriously damage the underlying ecological chain. If it is not curbed, where else will everyone go to make money in the future!

"From the perspective of this guy's route, it is obvious that we have to walk through the forbidden area to Fengqi Xianshan Road. We must hurry to the next forbidden area to stop it!"

As a result, many casual repair groups organized spontaneously and successfully blocked Jun Changxiao and others before a forbidden land without a name. They almost sent up the banner of "protecting the environment, everyone has a responsibility" to resist their endless destruction.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

An old man said earnestly: "Although there is danger in the forbidden land, there are opportunities ~ ~ You go in and destroy it repeatedly, how can we develop in the future!"

"This is your problem, not my problem." Jun Chang smiled.

The forbidden land is not public property. Whoever has the ability to obtain it in the past has been able to obtain it. Now that I have the ability, why ca n’t I mine it?

Besides, the third-class forbidden areas that have existed to this day must be left by the major forces. Throughout the history of the Upper Bound, I do n’t know how many rich-prohibited forbidden areas have been overexploited and disappeared.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

A middle-aged man pointed to the distance and said: "The Valley of the Wraiths, thousands of miles away, is a second-class forbidden land. There are countless treasures in it. Can you pass the third-class forbidden land and leave us a mouth for these low-level martial artists? Eat! "


They all said in a supplication.

Jun Changxiao went into the third-class forbidden area to search for treasures. They didn't have any opinions, but it was a bit too terrible to eat meat without soup.

"Wraith Valley?"

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "Second class forbidden area?"


Gu Zhaoxi said: "The quality and quantity of this treasure in the Valley of the Wraiths are not comparable to third-class forbidden land."


Jun Chang laughed and snapped his fingers, and said, "Go for a break!"

As a result, under the eyes of various road repairers, the dog left to enter the forbidden area without a name, and instead headed to the Valley of Wraiths thousands of miles away.


Everyone was relieved.

However, Wan Guzong did not enter the Xuanzi level in the upper world and dared to break into the second-class forbidden area. Isn't it a bit of death?

Worried he did very much.

The third priority is to avoid being destroyed!

In this regard, Wraith Valley said that your **** have kept a garbage forbidden area, but they have pushed me to the abyss.

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