The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1476: The unrefined sword of the upper world is unsealed!

Wraith Valley.

Upper bound second-class forbidden ground.

Those who can enter here must have at least six rounds of transfers to Danjing or above, otherwise they will be delivering food.

It is said that some of the more dangerous second-class forbidden places may not be able to eat even if they reach nine revolutions, and it is normal to fall into them.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "Although there are many treasures in the Valley of the Wraiths, there are also dangers. Taking this group of disciples into it may cause an accident."

If he went in by himself, he would not be worried at all, but he could be classified as a second-class forbidden field, which means that the lower martial arts cannot enter at will.

"They won't go in."

Jun Chang laughed: "Let's go in."

After getting a lot of resources from the third-class forbidden area, he was very enthusiastic about the higher second-class forbidden area, hoping to get more resources from it.

Although the three forbidden grounds have been destroyed one after another and things are a bit unreasonable, Gouyu still hopes to obtain more resources in the shortest time to strengthen the overall strength of Zongmen.

and so.

The second-class Wraith Valley must go through.

If the strength allows, don't mind going to the forbidden ground again.

Systemically said: "According to the level established by the relevant departments, first-class forbidden land must have at least the ability to find the truth to be able to be mixed, so the host still looks at the present and has less daydreaming.

"It's just the search."

Jun Chang laughed: "You can break through two epic tasks."

"I really think that the second mission of Shi broke three revolutions, and the third mission of Shi broke six revolutions. Will the subsequent missions continue to jump?" The system said silently.

Jun Chang laughed and said: "As long as the completion level is high enough, you can naturally skip the level."

In the previous history, the three missions jumped to the third level, which is indeed related to the completion degree of up to 500%. If the subsequent missions can maintain this level or reach a new high, it is not difficult to climb the level.

But the problem is.

Whether the degree of completion can be high depends on the type of task.

No one can tell if the follow-up missions of history four will be the same as those of history three, which will allow the disciples to complete the mission of the sect to crazy bugs.




At a valley entrance surrounded by mountains on three sides, a strong wind blew inside, which sounded like a ghost crying.

That's right.

This is a second-class forbidden ground that makes the lower martial arts scare.

Due to the increased level of danger, there are irregular weeds growing at the entrance, indicating that there are very few casual repairs gathering on weekdays.


Not long after, Gu Zhaoxi appeared in the camera, stopped at Taniguchi, and said, "We are here."

"It's a bit evil."

Feeling the blast of evil wind blowing from inside, Jun Chang laughed and immediately raised his alertness.

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, and others frowned, telling them intuitively that if they went in, they would have difficulty living out.

"You wait outside."


Jun Chang smiled at Gu Zhaoxi and said, "Go, go in."

The two brothers, born and dead, walked into the Valley of Souls under the eyes of Li Qingyang and others, fully explaining what it means to die without death.

"Go in!"

"The elder suzerain went in!"

Outside Taniguchi, all the followers quietly followed up to see Jun Chang laughing, and his eyes were full of admiration!

Earlier, I just said so casually, the purpose was to let him pass the forbidden land without a name, and as a result, he really entered the Valley of Wraith!

"Heroes are young!"

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

"My model!"




In the Wraith Valley, the cold wind screams, and the sound alone will make people unconsciously creepy.

Jun Changxiao and Gu Zhaoxiyi were daring and stepped in with six relatives.

The environment in the valley is completely different from the outside world. The most obvious is that the area where the field of vision is accessible is all dark. The nearby vegetation is either withered or withered, as if there is no vitality.

"There will be treasures here?" Jun Chang laughed and questioned.

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Brother, the worse the environment is, the more weird natural treasures can grow."

"such as?"

"I am not sure as well."

"The storyteller didn't tell you?"

"That guy is not almighty."

Jun Chang laughed with interest and asked, "Brother, who is this storyteller?"

"My friend."

Gu Zhaoxi said: "Storytelling is used to maintain livelihoods in major cities."


"Vegetables are very good, so I just went south and north to learn more."


Jun Chang laughed, but thought that if he could know what ordinary people don't know, would he really be an ordinary person who depends on storytelling to make a living?

"Do you know where he is?"

"That guy has nowhere to stay, the ghost knows where he is."

"If you have a chance to meet in the future, you must refer to your brother."


The two talked and walked. They didn't feel like they were in a forbidden area, but they went out on an outing, not giving the second-class Wraith Valley a face at all.


After walking for about ten minutes, Jun Changxiao and Gu Zhaoxi entered the deeper area, and heard deafening roars, and then a pair of red eyes appeared in the dark place, as if the devil came out of hell.

"Red-eyed soul beast!" Gu Zhaoxi's eyes stared.

In his understanding, this is a monster that resembles a wolf howling. The strength of an adult body is comparable to six rounds of Dan, and he likes to live in groups.


After the first pair of red eyes appeared, a lot of them appeared in the dark environment, and it was a minimum to have more than one hundred!


Gu Zhaoxi frowned: "Let's get around."

If the more than one hundred monsters that are comparable to the six rounds of the Danish realm launch an offensive, the impact will be extremely difficult.


Jun Chang laughed and sacrificed the blue dragon and the moon knife, and his eyes were hot: "This level of monster, the nucleus in the body should be valuable, how can it be bypassed!"


Gu Zhaoxi twitched slightly.

This brother is even worse than me!

If it is the usual, Jun Chang laughs may be persuaded, but after the appearance of the red-eyed soul beast, the system will issue a side mission to wipe out a hundred heads, so naturally there is only one word, dry!


Gu Zhaoxi gathered his strength in both fists, and said with great arrogance: "You and my brother ~ ~ today, we will launch a killing ring in the Wraith Valley!"

The camera turns spiritually. Thousands of red-eyed soul beasts gather around them, and a ferocious blast erupts, enclosing Jun Changxiao and his three laps.


Gu Zhaoxi collapsed and said, "We seem to be in trouble!"

If it was only a hundred heads, he confidently smashed through the various walks, and now faces thousands of heads, many of which are comparable to seven turns, that is really ... I was wrong, I should n’t have come in at the beginning!

In fact, when things have come to this stage, it can only be said that it deserves it. After all, the six relatives walked up and didn't recognize the steps. In reality, they could not recognize the parents who would be abused when going out.


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Leave it to me."

"it is good!"

Gu Zhaoxi hurried back.

Besieged by thousands of fierce red-eyed soul beasts, Jun often laughed and raised his hand, offering a pocket-sized knife, smiling at the corner of his mouth, and saying, "It's time to perform real technology."


The unrefined sword of the upper world is unsealed!

Gu Zhaoxi said blankly, "Fruit knife?"


Jun Chang smiled and took a step back with his right foot. He bent down slightly, his right hand was drawn with a knife, his thumb and index finger were clamped on the handle, and he said, "Excuse me!"



The violent gas wave erupted instantly and gathered the tornado.

Gu Zhaoxi was backed up by the qi shock several times. He saw his brother completely filled with the wind, and was shocked inside: "What's the situation!"


At this moment, the wind came to an abrupt end.

Jun Chang laughed with a black cloak proudly standing in the whirlpool. The word "dog god" was faintly engraved on it. The pocket knife in his hand had been turned into a golden silk sword. It was decorated with nine iron rings. The momentum!

What kind of knife is it? Gold wire ring knife! Magic Moon Academy

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