Due to the destruction of the martial arts field, Li Qingyang had no intention of fighting, so this informal consultation ended with the victory of the official Guan Yaoyao.

After a short match, the improved Zhushan No. 1 not only showed strong combat power, but it could fly, and it deeply shocked Ding Xingwang and others.

You know, it's just a bunch of bamboo and wood.


Manipulating the bamboo armor is Shangguan Yuyao!

This woman is very strong in the study of martial arts and formation methods, but the martial arts practice is common, but now Zhushan No. 1 can learn from Zhuan Dan, which refreshes everyone's martial arts awareness!


Old Taixuan proudly said, "How?"

"What is the control of energy consumption?"

There is no doubt that Zhushan No. 1 is an epoch-making product in the world of martial arts, but the biggest disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of fuel, and it is just burning money crazy during use.

"If you use Xuanshi as an energy unit, you can maintain the strength of the fighting just now, and it will cost about 10,000 an hour." Taixuan Old Man.


Jun often laughs silently.

One ten thousand, ten hundred thousand, hundred million ...

This is to achieve the popularity of the whole sect, everyone is equipped with Zhuanjing machine, can not afford to burn.

The system said: "It's a bit hard-core to let everyone be a Gundam."

"if not?"

It was only a few years since Wan Guzong first came to the upper world. Even if the whole process starts, it will be difficult for thousands of years of influence, so Jun Changxiao can only go away.

If Zhushan No. 1 can be produced in large quantities, even if the strength is only at one level, it can also bring qualitative changes to Zongmen. After all, one hundred thousand disciples, one hundred thousand turns, it is picturesque!

The system uttered: "If you don't break through the sect, you want to change the sect to Dan. Isn't you afraid that Buzimai will get involved?"

"Can it still reduce energy consumption?"


Jun often laughs and rejoices.

"But ..." Taixuan said again, "low energy consumption will reduce combat effectiveness."

Because it involves the core technology of mecha, there is not much to disclose about the research of Zhushan One. In short, it is the best solution under the current strength to have a revolutionary combat capability.

Low energy consumption? can!

High power consumption? can!

But the price is either sacrificing combat effectiveness or sacrificing Xuanshi consumption.


Jun Changxiao accepted the best plan for Zhushan No. 1 to have one turn and consume 10,000 basalts, and said, "Can it produce energy?"

"How many?"

"One hundred thousand units."


The elderly Taixuan almost fell.

Zhen Dejun collapsed: "Sovereign, there are tens of thousands of large and small array methods on Zhushan No. 1. It only took us more than two years to improve!"

"Doing research, of course, takes time."

Jun Chang laughed: "However, if you master the core technology, you should be able to mass-produce."

"You are standing and speaking without back pain!" Taixuan old man gave him a white look, and said, "Not to mention whether 100,000 units can be made, the materials alone cannot provide it."

Speaking of materials, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Master, can ironwood be used to make mechs?"

"Not only can it, the effect should be very good." Taixuan old man said.

"Just right, I brought a lot back before."

"How much is it?"

"Go back to the mountains to see for yourself."

Elder Tai Xuan came to Houshan with doubts, until he saw a tree as hard as iron, his mouth twitched: "Can this kid move the iron wood back?"

"How many Zhushan No. 1 can these ironwoods make?"

"Probably ... 500."

"Then trouble the Master and take care of yourself, and make it as soon as possible."

"At least five years."

"Isn't it? Only fifty can be built a year?"

"It takes time to model, stitch, and outline the matrix!"

"The problem is not big, Master can go to the mystery of time and space."


The elderly Taixuan was arranged for work.

However, when returning to Zhenfatang, he calculated with his fingers: "Five hundred units for five years, fifty units a year?"


The next day.

The Zhenfa Church started to get busy.

Jun Chang laughed and took out the mechnine sketched overnight, saying, "Master, can you create this style?"

Taixuan Old Man's Zhushan No. 1 is really too low. He intends to make a change in appearance, at least at first glance it is particularly bluffing.

Although the dog left design has a high meaning, the overall structure is different, especially the dragon on the left and the auspicious cloud on the right, fully showing the Chinese culture.


Taixuan said, "Too ugly!"

This design cannot be said to be ugly, mainly because of the combination of ancient style and technology, which makes his old thinking a bit difficult to accept.

"This matter does not need to be discussed, listen to me." Jun Chang smiled seriously.


Although the elderly Taixuan was reluctant, he still came to the Foundry Pavilion and placed the pattern of Huahuali on the table, and said, "Fan Tangzhu, the parts of Zhushan No. 1 will be given to you by the Foundry Hall."

Okay outsourcing?

"no problem."

Fan Yezi was idle and idle, so he took a large number of ironwood from Houshan and started making according to the specifications on the pattern.

I have to say that he is a master carpenter who is proficient in casting, and the parts have the same size and shape, which is just a walking engraving machine.

The production of Zhushan No. 1 component is simple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is difficult to outline the matrix method after assembly, because every detail must be improved, otherwise there will be no effort in the event of a small accident.

Members of the Zhenfa Church are neatly arranged in the secret space of time and space, holding a pen to trace the lines on the parts, and the workers on the assembly line work overtime.

When Jun Chang came to inspect with a smile, he couldn't help but sigh: "If there are mass production machinery and equipment, it would be better."

"Brush mall!" Said the system.


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile.

He only had more than 200,000 contributions, which made him panic.

Under the acceleration of time, Shitai Zhushan No. 1 was made in just a few days. Because the material is iron wood, Yishui's lacquer black, and because of the change in style, it looks really bluffing.


Jun Chang laughed: "The name is too old-fashioned, it is better to change it."


"Diablo II!"

Dark, taken from the color of the mech.

Destroy God, representing strength and destruction.

As for the word 'two', it belongs to the improved version of the second generation.

Jun Changxiao never realized that he still had a talent for naming, so he silently gave him a praise.

The old man Taixuan originally intended to refuse, but who would let the family be the suzerain, heeded me in one sentence, and he was utterly speechless, and could only compromise: "Then Diablo."

So far.

Zhushan No. 1 was officially renamed Diablo.

Whether there will be three or four in the follow-up will depend on whether the Zhenfa Hall continues to improve.

"Have the absolute core technology and intellectual property rights." Jun Chang smiled and said with a chin. "When the second-generation machine will soon be eliminated, you can also sell it to truly benefit the people."


The system said silently: "At that time, the warriors of the upper world went out to say hello, and the style of the painting changed from fantasy to science fiction properly!"

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