The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1482: What the **** is this!

The production of Diablo is in full swing, and the disciples are not idle. As always, they have more than one practice to do the mission.

"Who are these mechas for?" Jun Changxiao began to think about it.

Li Qingyang and other core disciples all have a turn of strength, which definitely has no effect on them, so they need to choose another talent line.


Xue Rengui said: "I need this kind of mech in Zhanqitang!"


The Purple King Demon faintly said, "Don't I need it in the Spirit Beast Hall?"

"Zhutang Lord." Xue Rengui said silently: "Are you planning to let the monster control this kind of technical equipment?"


The Purple King Demon King stood up and said, "Don't look down on my orc?"

As the two prestigious masters of the Eternal Sect, there must be a fight when there is a good thing. After all, there are too few Diablos at all.

"Not look down."

Xue Rengui said: "It is obviously more appropriate for us to ride the battle hall!"


The king of the purple magpie said: "The members of my spirit beast hall have cultivated in these years, and their IQ is not worse than your battle riding hall!"

"Purple Tang, you lost your money."

"There and there!"

Azi looked down for a long time, determined that there was no money, and said angrily, "You pit me!"


Xue Rengui arched his hand and said, "On the IQ of the Lord Zitang, I can guarantee that the mech is equipped to the Spirit Beast Hall, and it will be scrapped in a few days.


The Purple Demon King is about to undress and dry.

IQ may not be able to keep up, but hard power can still lie down.

Jun Chang sipped his tea with a smile, and said indifferently: "This way, if you have five of them, whoever can better control the mech will give it to anyone."

Since both the entrances wanted it, it was only proved by their ability.


Xue Rengui and the Purple King Demon King spoke in unison.

The day.

The two halls each received five Diablo II machines each.

The Zhenfa Church also dispatched special personnel for guidance, such as how to use internal formation to start, attack, defend, and fly.

War riding hall.

After Zhong Yi listened to it carefully, he dashed into the cockpit, put his hands on the formation enchantment, and started successfully.


He smiled and said, "It's simple."

It is very simple for Zhanqitang and nightmare for Lingjutang, because people like Zizhu Demon King and Niu Lao are holding small books to remember various operations, and sometimes scratch their ears and say, "I didn't hear you again."


The disciples sent to explain were depressed.

I repeated the words countless times, you are not not clear, you simply do not understand!

Play with power, they do.

Playing with intelligence, they really don't work.

In particular, this kind of mecha that requires skilled control of each drive device really needs careful thinking.

"too difficult!"

After learning for one day, the members of the Spirit Beast Hall completely chose to give up. Finally, they handed over five Diablo to War Riding Hall, squatting on the peaks one by one, watching others beating and flying, flying around with jealousy and envy. hate.




In a dark mountain forest, dozens of warriors walked quickly. From the perspective of physical fitness and distance, they were obviously trained professionally.


Slightly, the front warrior stopped and said, "This should be the gathering place of the Lingyan Fire Wolf."

A middle-aged person with a 28-eight distribution type laughed: "Take them all together, and we can make a lot of money again."

This person's strength has broken through the upper ranks, and the nearby twenty or thirty men are also in the lower middle ranks. They belong to the kind of mercenary group and use hunting to earn martial art resources all year round.



At this moment, howling came in the depths of the forest.

"Boss, we were found!" The man said.


The leading middle-aged man sacrificed a weapon and was excited: "Let's do it!"


The men pulled out various weapons, their strengths gradually gathered, their eyes flashed with intense warfare.



The howling howl came closer.


Slightly, a fiery beast was drilled into the depths of the forest, and the number gradually developed from more than ten to hundreds!

"Boss, this is too much!"

Dozens of people were quite excited. When they saw the number of Lingyan Fire Wolf reaching hundreds, and it was still rising, it was a bit horrible!

"damn it!"

The leading middle-aged man yelled, "Withdraw!"

It is no problem to deal with dozens of heads with their strength, but there are no bones left to face so many that will definitely be eaten.

"Brush! Brush!"

Immediately, dozens of warriors fled to the periphery of the forest.

Not long after running, it was found that three young men in black robes came over laughing and laughing.


There was so much movement inside, didn't they hear it?

"Brother, are they running away?"

"It looks so funny."

"Isn't that just a bunch of lingering fire wolves."

I heard a few people talking about themselves. The middle-aged leader almost vomited blood, but sneered in his heart, "Since you dare to come in, you can just give us time!"


"Running towards these people!"


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Everyone rushed to the past, apparently intending to lead Lingyan Fire Wolf in front of each other, so as to give themselves time to escape.



Dozens of warriors bypassed the three black robe warriors one by one and laughed, not forgetting when they rubbed their shoulders, "Silly!"

"Brother, Lingyan Fire Wolf came at us."

When a group of casual repairs ran over, the fierce spirits of hundreds of spirits and fire wolves rushed to lock on them.

"Then it's all decided."

The leader heard the words and almost couldn't help laughing.

You guys, who don't seem to be in the lower middle, can solve hundreds of lingering fire wolves, and I will stand upside down!

"Boss, look!"

At this moment, his men interrupted his thinking, so he hurriedly released his spiritual thoughts, and saw the three young men take off the black robes uniformly, revealing weird costumes, and the word '万古' inscribed on the chest. A waist tag with 'Battle Hall' written on it.


"They're from the ancients!"

As the crowd was exclaimed, three young men waved their hands, three Diablos appeared in front of them, then leaped into the cockpit, and after proofreading various instruments, put their hands on the matrix drive.


As if a bunch of iron block mechs, their eyes flashed red, and then raised their hands to take out the sharp sword in the back and put them into a super-combustion combat posture.

"what is this?"

The leading middle-aged people and their subordinates are all dumbfounded ~ ~ It is not important what is important. When the members of the Warrior Church of Wanguzong start the mech, a brutal massacre is immediately staged!



The light of the sword flickered, and the strong wind permeated.

"Flop! Flop!"

Suddenly, blood bloomed in the light, and the limbs fluttered in the wind.


For a moment or so, the three diablos slowly inserted the giant sword with the word “Fan” into the scabbard behind them, standing proudly in three areas, surrounded by the corpses of the Lingyan Fire Wolf and the fire system nuclei scattered all over the ground.

The leading middle-aged man sat down with his legs trembling and madly shouted, "Who can tell me, what kind of monster is this!"


Three disciples of Wanguzong jumped out of the cockpit and skillfully cleaned the battlefield.

Crystal nuclei, skin and bones are all taken away.


Immediately after finishing the operation, someone received the sound transmission technique, so he said, "Some brother and sister are having trouble doing the mission of the ancestral gate, so let's hurry to support it."


The three jumped into the cockpit again and started the flight procedure. Two aircraft-like wings behind the mech opened up, and then jet streamers flew up into the sky.

The middle-aged man who had witnessed this scene laughed **** his face.


I must be a hell!


The warriors near Wanguxianshan were all crazy, because during their foreign training, they often saw strange black things driving by the ancient disciples in the mountains or the sky.

The most terrible thing is.

Get started, the strength is comparable to a round of Danjing!

In a forbidden place without a name, Sanshou stood outside with a broken face.

Why don't they go in, because just a few minutes ago, ten elders of the ancient ancestors stepped on the dark monster.

It's over.

There is something wrong with this forbidden area!

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