The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1485: Kodak Mountains

The northwest region is larger than the southeast.

Moreover, sometimes the mountains are endless, and sometimes the grasslands are endless, bringing together different landforms.

Ten days later.

Jun Chang came here with a smile.

It usually takes at least several years to get on the road normally, even if it takes several months to fly to the treasure, so the speed is almost fast.

of course.

The consequence of pursuing fast is the crazy burning of black stones.

The warship stopped on the endless grassland and felt the fragrance brought by the grass and mud. Jun Chang smiled and covered his chest with blood dripping from his heart, because ... the cost was too great to be clear.


Gu Zhaoxi said helplessly: "It's a pity."

He didn't know how much basalt was spent, but it was estimated to be at least tens of millions, and it would have to be broken into hundreds of millions, so I really can't understand the intention of my brother. Is it true that there is more money to use?

Give me!

I do n’t think too much, I just think too little!

Flower Rose took out the map and judged based on the environment: "Hundreds of miles away from the destination."

Jun Chang laughed and pressed the pain caused by the crazy consumption of Xuanshi, and said, "Can still bear it!"

So far the road has rushed over, the dog left must not care a few hundred miles, so adjust the mentality, control the warship to fly to the direction of the Yuding Mountains.

On the way, he always released spiritual thoughts and found that although there were warriors nearby, but scattered, this means that no one knew that the veins were born, otherwise the major forces would have gathered together.

Jun Chang smiled gradually with a smile on his face.

As long as you find the true stone veins, you can not only get a lot of resources for Zongmen, but also complete epic quests. It is two birds with one stone and two birds with one stone!


Yuding Mountains.

A place so ordinary that it can't be so ordinary.

Although the scenery here is picturesque, due to the thin nature of the heavens and the earth, there is no treasure of heaven and earth, even ordinary monsters are too lazy to come over.

Jun Chang laughed and drove the Tonggu warship over, hovering in the periphery, and looking around, he couldn't help wondering: "Is there a vein here?"

Rose said: "What veins?"

"True stone veins."

Since the vulture came out accidentally, Jun Chang laughed and had to confess, after all, he was not an outsider.

"Do not misunderstand."

The system explained: "This is not an outsider, it refers to the same sect."

Hua Rose realized: "No wonder the husband brought so many people, it turned out to be looking for real stone veins."




High-level officials and disciples jumped out of the boat one after another, and then stood in the mountains.


Gu Zhaoxi collapsed and said, "There aren't even monsters like this, so how do you go through it?"

He never wanted to understand why the Yuding Mountains were needed.

Now that he had reached the task location, Jun Changxiao naturally didn't need to hide it, so he took the initiative to explain the reason.


Gu Zhaoxi first widened her eyes, then looked around with an unbelievable expression, and said, "Are there really stone veins where this bird doesn't shit?"

The birth of mineral veins is not uncommon.

However, most of them are on the day when the attributes of the heavens and the earth are exuberant. Here, the attributes are thin. How can there be a large vein.


Gu Zhaoxi asked: "Is the news you learned from the place a rumor?"


Jun Chang laughed very firmly.

There are a lot of spoilers in the system task, and they are very accurate, so he believes that there must be true stone veins here.

If not?

You don't need to ask, just walk your neck.

This time I came all the way to the Yuding Mountains, and the cost of the mysterious stones is countless. If the epic mission is wrong, I will give a fake spoiler and use the dog left to force the character.

"Where?" Gu Zhaoxi said.


Jun Chang laughed: "Carpet search."

The mission is just a spoiler location, but the Yuding Mountains are too large, so it must be searched one by one to determine exactly where to hide.

Does the treasure hunter work?


Because things such as spirit stone and black stone are not classified as heaven and earth treasures and are not in the category of weapons and equipment, they cannot be detected.


Jun Chang laughed and said in a deep voice: "It's time to use your talents."

Many readers may have forgotten this character.

It ’s normal. After all, there are 100,000 disciples. If the name is two words, Guangluo would have 100 chapters.

However, Gou Yu remembered it clearly, because in the Nether Realm, Ren Shan discovered the veins more than once, which is actually Zongmen Koi.

This time when looking for mineral veins, Jun Changxiao first thought of him.


Ren Shan said that he had a heavy responsibility and was a little bit frustrated.

"Tell me aloud, are you confident in finding the veins!"

"Have confidence!"



The disciples were ordered to search.

Although the Yuding Mountains are not dangerous, it is really difficult to find them because of the complicated environment.

Moreover, there is no clue, you can only search for it, and the difficulty factor is undoubtedly greater.

"All remember!"

Jun Chang shouted with a smile: "As long as the kung fu is deep, the iron rod is ground into a needle, and the moon can only be seen to see Yueming!"

Inspirational words are very beautiful, but in fact, all the search work is given to senior officials and disciples, sitting on a boulder and drinking tea, and from time to time bring headphones to listen to popular songs.


"How can I find this!"

"The nature of the surrounding heaven and earth is thin and completely clueless!"

"Can't dig three feet?"

The disciples searched for hundreds of miles in a row for hundreds of days without any gain. They even felt like a mentally handicapped looking for a needle in the sea.

Even more crashing is.

It's raining!

Although I couldn't reach myself, the ground became muddy and it must be more difficult to find it.


Li Qingyang, who was at the forefront, asked, "Haven't found it yet?"


Page shook his head.

As a well-known tool man of the Wanzong ancestor, and a beast of the earth system, after searching for a long time in the Yuding Mountains, he never noticed that there were mineral veins in the formation.

"Oh no!"

At this moment, someone shouted: "Sister Ren is sliding down!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Li Qingyang and others rushed back and found obvious scratches on a **** ~ ~, which meant that Ren Shan accidentally fell down after passing here.


Suddenly, a sharp shout came from below: "There was found!"


Jun Changxiao disappeared instantly on the boulder, and the earphones were placed next to it. Because of the rain, it first slammed a little, and then a flame of light and a plume of white smoke rose, indicating that it was not waterproof.


The position where Ren Shan fell was a long **** with a meandering river below, but there was an open space in the middle, which could just fit two or three people.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "What did you find?"

Ren Shan pointed at the traces of slipping down, and saw the stones on the soil surface, with complicated lines on it.


Jun Chang smiled and narrowed his eyes, and said, "Matrix?"



After carefully studying the pattern outlined by the stones, Zhen Dejun said, "It is indeed an array."

Gu Zhaoxi dragged his chin and said, "Why is there a formation where this bird doesn't shit? And why is it not noticed at all?"

"There is a mystery!"

Black and white Rakshasa.

"I said ..." Jun Chang laughed and interrupted their thinking, and said silently, "It's such a small place that can only accommodate two or three. Do you all stand here and feel crowded?"

"Not crowded!"

"Nonsense, you are almost riding your neck!"

Tucao returned to Tucao. Jun Chang smiled and stuck his hand on the stone pattern, and said, "Try it."


Your finger touches it and the streamer blinks.


Suddenly, a hole suddenly appeared in front of the crowded area, and the extremely pure nature of the earth and the earth appeared in an instant!

"Mine veins!"

Gu Zhaoxi rode around Jun Changxiao's neck and said excitedly, "There must be veins in it!"

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