The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1486: Crazy for love

Unexpected landslide, find the formation law organs.

The Koi Renshan once again played its role, and told the world what the deliberate arrangement from 'Heaven' is.



At the entrance of the cave, not only the strong attributes of the heavens and the earth are blown, but also the atmosphere of array formations.

"I understand!"

Zhen Dejun realized: "The pattern just started the formation method organization, so I did not feel the formation method atmosphere at the beginning!"


Jun Chang laughed: "The important thing is, we sent it!"

He judged from the emergence of heaven and earth attributes that there are definitely higher-level resources than Xuanshi!

The epic mission didn't lie to me!

The Yuding Mountains really have real stone veins, and no one knows yet!

"Let's go!"

Jun Chang laughed when Gu Zhaoxi was about to fall off, and then walked one step towards the dark winter tunnel.

Senior officials and disciples followed.

Slightly, the big guy came to the end and entered a relatively spacious natural cave, with stone beds and stone platforms inside, representing that someone had lived here.

Jun Chang laughed and stopped at the stone table. He touched the dust on the area with his fingers, and said, "It should be deserted for a long time."


Zhen Dejun said: "The formation is stronger."

Jun Chang nodded with a smile and said, "If it wasn't for the accidental discovery of an institution, who would have thought that there was another cavernous place below."

It was a loss to Ren Shan to come here, because the formations around it were extremely advanced, and the atmosphere of formations could not be felt at all outside, and if they kept running, they would never be discovered by others.

"Is it a cave house that can live in seclusion?" Bai Luocha said.

Gu Zhaoxi said silently: "Building Dongfu in a mine vein, I don't have any idea yet."

Jun Chang laughed and came to the stone platform like a bookshelf, waved his hands to remove the dust, and found an ancient book on it, so he rejoiced: "Gongfa martial art?"

Let him down.

Not a martial art, but a diary.

Jun Chang laughed and read it, knowing that the owner of Dongfu was a master of array training, and accidentally discovered this large true stone vein, so he lived there until he died at the end of his life.


How did you find it?

According to the records in the diary, when he was young, he entered a mine with his beloved woman, but an accident occurred, not only losing his legs, but the latter also fell, and he suffered a heavy blow.

Whose fault?

The fault of the person who found the veins.

Because there is no other party, he will not come.

"It's a bit extreme." Jun Chang smiled and shook his head.

Of course, the cause of the tragedy lies in the veins, but in the final analysis, they are dominated by greed.

Jun Changxiao continued to look at it, and was even more certain that this casual practice was extreme, because the contents of the diary were full of hatred, and even in the end it developed into hatred for the entire world.

"I want revenge!"

"I'm planning a big plan!"

These two sentences frequently appear in each page of the diary. Judging from the handwriting, you must grit your teeth when writing.

I lost my love because of the veins, so use the veins to avenge!

Later, casual repair worked hard to overcome the incompleteness of the legs, and transformed from a fan of array formations to a fan of mineral exploration, and found a large-scale true stone vein in the Yuding Mountains.

"The veins are large."

"At least billions of real stones are stored."

When Jun often saw this paragraph, he put the diary on the stone platform first, then covered his chest with one hand, and breathed quickly: "No ... a little hypoxia ..."

Billions, real stone.

What a huge astronomical figure!

Not to mention the dog leftovers, it cannot be carried by any warrior.

"calm down!"

Jun Chang smiled and adjusted his mindset. He continued to read the diary, and his expression gradually solidified, because it was very clear that the Sanxiu blocked the veins of the mine with a matrix method, preventing the birth time.

Create all kinds of traps in it, and turn chance into **** on earth!


"This guy is crazy."

He can understand the pain of the Sanshou losing his beloved one, but he can't destroy the whole world because of it?

"The host doesn't understand."

Systemically said: "This is the magic of love. When a person is too deep, he will really do very irrational and even crazy things, such as one day you love ..."


For his solitary constitution, for example, he couldn't establish it at all.


Jun Chang laughed and rolled his eyes, and said, "It seems like you understand."

"Although I am a bunch of data, if there is a body and a human mind, it must be better than you in terms of feelings." The system corrected: "Oh no, it is a strong personal host!"


Jun Chang cursed with a smile, and continued to read the diary until he saw on the last page that the matrix method that existed for four weeks could only be suppressed to a certain month, a certain day, and it would stop operating at that time, so that the true stone veins were born.

This corresponds exactly to the epic mission time.

Systematic Road: "Mineral veins should have come out a hundred years ago, but there is always a backlog of human intervention, and the day of release will inevitably cause a stronger vision of heaven and earth."

"in this way."

Jun Chang laughed: "It will attract more soldiers to bury him."


The system said, "Why is it?"


The camera flashed, Jun Chang smiled, put on a white coat, combed his big back, and put on sunglasses, saying, "As a righteous person, can tragedies happen, so ..." He paused and said, "I have all the true stones here. Take it and kill the disaster in the cradle! "



Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji applauded, although they did not know why.


It can be determined from the diary that Dongfu is a sanctuary that has gradually filled with hatred for the world because of its fall in love. His purpose is simple. He uses the mastery of the game to change the veins to hell.

Although the idea seems a little crazy, but successfully grasped the weakness of human greed, implemented half a year later, and raised a strong vision of the heavens and the earth, it will inevitably attract a swarm of moths.

Want a vein?

Definitely play first.

Then, come in and be entertained by the remaining formations.

Unfortunately, it was not counted, the epic quest spoiler gave Jun Changxiao the Yuding Mountains a mine vein was born ~ ~ and entered Dongfu in advance with the help of Koi Renshan.

If the dead San Xiu could still survive, he must have crawled out of the coffin and growled, "I report, this person is hanging!"

"Zhen Lao."

Jun Chang laughed: "Dongfu should be the center of the entire formation. Can it be broken and controlled?"

Zhen Dejun shook his head and said, "It's a bit difficult."

The casual repair took hundreds of years and laid out countless arrays, and he waited for half a year to show it to the world. With his strength, he wanted to crack it. The time was too late.


"The elders should be able to do it."

Jun Chang smiled: "I knew I had brought Master."

There was no way but to summon a Tonggu warship and burn the calories all the way back to the ancestor Tai Xuan, the old man, to the Yuding Mountains, spending a lot of black and white stones back and forth, and his tears shed.


The old man Taixuan walked into the cave, observed it carefully, and exclaimed: "The man in the battlefield is a master!"

"Master, can you crack it?"

"It takes time."

"how long?"

"A day or so."


Jun Changxiao and Zhen Dejun and others fell straight.

The complex formation system created in the past century, you can break it in a day. Can that guy afford the evaluation of "master"?


Because, as a technical otaku, the elderly Taixuan is very high in formation skills, it takes a day to break, which is very difficult to explain. Under normal circumstances, they are broken in seconds, broken in time, and broken in time.

"Master, hurry up!"

"Moji Moji."

The elderly Taixuan closed his eyes and started cracking.

After researching for a while, he frowned, "There is a self-explosion procedure in the formation method system. If someone touches the ore, it will explode directly, and the heart is very poisonous!"

:. :

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