The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1491: Difficulties from the Avenue Sects

The powerful men from the south and the north squatting on the Qingqing Prairie for a few days, it was difficult to wait until the vision was lifted up, and the true veins were born. As a result, there was nothing in them, and who could bear it.

Was dug!

Was first boarded by Jiefu!

Strong men from all walks of life leaned against the wall, their faces were painful.

They have roughly estimated from the residual conditions of the pit, and there must have been a large number of true stone groups here.


Someone couldn't control his emotions and growled, "Who the **** is it!"

The birth of the veins was extremely dynamic.

Many forces and powerful men hurried up and spent a lot of money. As a result, they entered such a large vein and did not even see a real stone, which was undoubtedly a heavy blow.

Be content.

If it wasn't for Jun Changxiao to close the formation system in advance, let alone the real real stone, I am afraid that he has already been bombed.

"Can anyone else!"

A strong man whispered: "It must be Ling Yao Yao Emperor!"

Mine Vein was born right in front of her house. She got the moon near the water tower and knew it with a little thought.

of course.

It is believed that the strong woman embroiled by the Emperor Lingyao actually had a mentality of relying on people. After all, such a large vein was first ascended by the sturdy foot, and it must be clear to one person, even if it is possible to carry the pot.

"It's no wonder that the woman hasn't seen the woman. The mine veins have been dug out long ago. I'm afraid I'm looking at my joke at this moment!"

If the veins are still in the Yuding Mountains, warriors may not be jealous of the Emperor Ling Yao, but now it is near the junction of the situation, which is too easy to associate.

Even, there is a feeling of being played!


"Find her!"

Tiancaidibao is not deserved, but the excavation of a large real stone vein will definitely make it difficult for all major forces to accept, so everyone plans to ask the Emperor Lingyao for some travel expenses, otherwise this trip will definitely be in vain.



Streams of light flew from the veins, and then hung in the vortex connecting the Ling Yao Yao Empress.

"what's the situation?"

"Aren't they fighting for the veins?"

The passers-by were a little dazed.

The real stone veins were born, and the major gates must fight to obtain mining rights. How can people fly out in harmony just after entering?

"Wait? Why is there no real stone in the vein?"

"Digged earlier?"

The powerful men from all major forces flew out, and many people dared to release their spiritual thoughts and merged into the pit. When they saw the space inside empty, the expression on their faces suddenly sluggish.

Could it be ...

Emperor Ling Yao dug it away!

Why do passers-by think so? Because the strong men gathered in front of each other's house.


At this moment, the streamers flickered in the vortex, and the Lingyao Emperor emerged out of thin air, with a rather dissatisfied tone: "If you don't rob the veins, what is the purpose of standing outside this emperor?"

The strong men were even more angry.

They felt that the woman was humiliating herself on purpose!


A strong man was a bit irritable and said coldly, "You have all the real stones of the veins dug up. Are we still fighting?"

"Dug me?"

Because the clouds and fog cover the face, I can't see the appearance of the Emperor Ling Yao, but I can guess from the tone, I'm afraid it's a bit dazed now.

In fact, before the birth of the mine veins, she thought carefully and finally decided to give up to compete because there were too many Taoist-level ancestral gates, which might offend them.

Good now.

People really do n’t have any involvement, but they say they are dug out by themselves?

Framed? frame?


A Taoist-level Zongmen senior said rudely, "Don't you dare to admit it, if you dare to do it?"


Emperor Ling Yao said: "The emperor didn't dig the vein, why do you admit it?" He paused and said, "Even if it is dug, why are you waiting for me?"

In this tone, the thief is strong!

In fact, what she meant was that the veins of mines are things that have no owner. Even if I get them, do you intend to rob them?

However, the major players have agreed that this woman admitted!


A senior executive said coldly, "Although you serve in the Jietang, don't take yourself too seriously."

"A person from the lower world who has soared for thousands of years can mix in the hall in a short time. Who knows what unsightly means are used." A person next to him disdain.

Jietang is very deterrent in the upper world, but it is only limited to the lower sects and scattered repairs. Daozi level sects are not at all in view, unless the top ten immortals come forward to bow their heads.


"Isn't that the only way to be superior?"

Someone sneered.

Ling Yao's empress said coldly, "You're a bit too much."

A strong man said angrily: "Dig out the veins of real stones, deliberately release the vision of the heavens and the earth to attract me, you can't do too much?"

In fact, they are not unreasonable. If the veins are really found by others, they will be recognized, but you have obviously obtained them, and you have also released the movement to let everyone come over. Do n’t you deliberately play monkeys?

"Without further ado!"

The acute child said, "Hurry up and part of the real stone!"

The meaning of each major door is very simple. Since we have been tricked by you all the way, we will never return empty-handed, at least we must give three or five ... millions of real stones!

They still underestimated this large-scale vein. If they knew that Jun Chang laughed to dig 10 billion yuan, it would definitely cost hundreds of millions of dollars. If they knew that there was a real stone mother, now the firepower is already full.

"The Emperor didn't get real stones. How can I share them with you?"

The Emperor Ling Yao is really depressed. If you get the veins, it ’s okay to give them points to avoid trouble. The key is nothing, you do n’t know anything, how do you divide it?



The strong men of all majors released Qiuwei together, apparently using action to tell this woman, regardless of the true stone, things are not over!


In Wan Guzong, an intelligence officer said: "The strongmen of the word-level ancestors on the roads are fully opened, and they will always collide with the Emperor Ling Yao."

Jun Chang smiled, held up the goblet next to his right hand, shook the tea inside, and smiled, "Comfortable."

Although the routine is a bit low-level, at present, the effect achieved has far exceeded expectations ~ ~ This woman will eventually represent the world hall. If there is a conflict with the main gates, I am afraid that it will be reprimanded by the boss in charge and it may be lost what about work. "Jun often laughs and feels more comfortable.


At this moment, Jing, who temporarily acted as an intelligence officer, said: "The front line sent news, and a white-haired old woman suddenly appeared at the entrance to the state!"


"Qing Wei is real!"

"Have you come to grab the veins?"

To be able to match the real person is bound to be the pinnacle of seeking truth, and it seems that things are getting bigger and bigger.

and many more!

If one day I also reach the peak of seeking truth, what title should I name? Super handsome real person? Jun Shuai real person?

"The dog is real." The system uttered.



Jing knew: "It has been confirmed that Qing Wei is the master of Ling Yao Yao Emperor!"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and said: "I didn't expect this woman to have a master seeking truth from the top, and she couldn't belittle her."


Jing knows and returns: "After the appearance of Qing Wei's real person, the situation changed, and the strong men in the main roads successively left the Qingqing Prairie."

"They didn't fight?"


"Did the woman give money?"



With a smile on his seat, Jun Chang collapsed with a look on his face: "This carefully arranged round was easily broken because of the appearance of Qing Wei's real person?"


The dog left a tight grip on the goblet.

However, the face mapped on it gradually changed, changed its appearance, and a gloomy smile appeared: "Ling Yao Yao, this is only the first round, and there will be more routines waiting for you in the future."


The system said helplessly: "It's completely impossible to distinguish who is the protagonist and who is the villain." Magic Moon Academy

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