The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1492: bad news

Green grassland.

The strong men from all roads left one after another, and the lively audience also went away, and the original tense atmosphere became indifferent.

All this is due to the woman with white hair and good looks hanging in the air.

She is Qing Wei.

It's hard to imagine that a beautiful woman would be the female demon who washed the whole family due to resentment and blood, and even be labeled as a rebel.

and many more?

Isn't the intelligence saying that the old-fashioned white-haired? How is a white-haired beauty?

The members of Xiyutang, who are mostly in the audience, are too far away to determine their looks accurately. They can only judge from the back and hair color.

"Thank you, Master."

Ling Yao's empress voice was very respectful.

If Qing Wei's real person does not show up, the two sides may not be able to fight, but the compromise must be a large number of real stones must not run.

Really this ending, Jun Changxiao will be very satisfied, at least let the woman lose resources.

Routines have to come step by step, and it is certainly unrealistic to kill them directly.

Qing Wei's real person landed at the mouth of the mine, and spiritual thoughts permeated it, asking: "Did you really dig out the real stone inside?"

Take a look.

Even the Master questioned.

Ling Yao Yao answered truthfully: "No."

"That's weird."

Qingwei's real person was puzzled: "So big a vein, why is it empty just after birth?"

"Will it be digged in advance by others to deliberately plant the victim?" Ling Yao guessed.

She has been thinking about it recently, why are there veins suddenly appearing on the steppe? After all, I often appeared and didn't find any clues, as if out of nowhere.

"Someone dug out the real stone, and then brought the veins here?" Qing Wei said truthfully.

"Hard to say."

The Emperor Ling Yao is not sure. After all, who will be idle and do such boring things? Or is it just for nauseating yourself?

Jun Chang laughs just to be very bored and bored, just to disgusting you.

"We have said for a long time not to join the Jietang, because there are many people who hate this organization." Qing Wei really said: "Now I am being framed by stolen plants, I am also targeting Jietang."


Ling Yao's empress did not speak.

"No more, no more."

Qing Wei really said: "This is the road you choose, for the teacher will not intervene forcibly, I hope you will be cautious in the future."


Ling Yao's empress has a very respectful tone, which shows that Master is still very important in her heart.

Qing Wei really said: "Have you been to Jidao Dongfu not long ago?"


"Meet Tong Guer?"


"I heard that this old guy accepted an apprentice, why did he not cry?"

"Jun often laughs."

"Flying up with a mountain and the entire gate, this junior should be extraordinary if he doesn't laugh."


The Emperor Ling Yao corrected: "Master, he is always smiling."

"Almost." Qing Wei really said.

One does n’t laugh, the other laughs, the meaning is completely opposite, OK?

The Emperor Lingyao knew the personality of the Master and did not entangle her name. She said, "The disciples heard that the real people of Tonggu and the real people of Guhong made a ten-year agreement, and their disciples would fight to determine the victory.


Qingwei is a little surprised.

"The two old guys have been fighting for so long and haven't made a difference. Are they getting tricky again now? No, I have to go and ask if I can participate."

The Emperor Ling Yao said: "Master, the disciples must also use their minds to break through the truth-seeking realm, and have no time to fight with them."

As soon as the words were finished, Qing Wei's real person disappeared.


Ling Yao, the empress, secretly said, "Will you really go to Tonggu?"

Master is very competitive, she knows.

If you forcibly join the game made by the two predecessors, as a disciple yourself, you will definitely have to face the ten-year agreement.


Ling Yao sighed, fell into the empty mine, and said, "Who is counting me?"


Jidao Cave.


A loud noise came, and the entire chessboard burst.

The Tonggu real person and the chess wild person who were playing chess were full of anger, and one secretly looked up at the suddenly appearing Qingwei real person!

"Old woman, I'm almost winning, you ... you ..."

Tonggu's popular words couldn't be said.

"Who do you say is old?"

Qing Wei's real person Liu Mei frowned, and the real spirit gradually gathered in the palm, and the special effects were instantly full.


Tonggu, who had been very irritable, suddenly fell down.

As a contemporary warrior, he knew very well that this woman, once thoroughly enraged, would definitely go into a state of rage.


Tonggu real people waved their sleeves and said coldly: "Why come to my Dongfu?"

"I heard that you and Guhong Laoer have made a ten-year covenant to win or lose with apprentices who teach each other?"


"count me in."

Tonggu real people are shocked.

Qing Wei really said: "I will bring the disciples to fight with your disciples."


Tonggu ’s real man drew a corner of his mouth and said, “Your daughter Ling Yao Yao Emperor, has reached nine turns to Dan, is n’t it a bully?

"Afraid of losing?" Qing Wei said truthfully.

Lying down!

This woman is so arrogant!

The real people in Tonggu couldn't stop the anger and said, "Okay, let your apprentices fight in a ten-year agreement!"


Qi Yezhengren said silently in his heart: "A fear of losing a sentence will excite him. Is this the mentality that the peak should seek for the truth?"

"Ok, deal."

Qing Wei really said: "I'm going to find Guhong Laoer."

"call out!"

After all, people disappeared.

Kisano shook his head and said, "I haven't seen you for years, this woman is still so strong."

"The lonely old man is not a good stubble, she really wants to find the past, and most of them will fight." Tonggu is humane.

"Let's take care of your apprentice."

Kisano said: "There is one more opponent with nine turns to Dan."


Tonggu real man collapsed and said, "How can the gap between the two be so big!"

Although Jun Changxiao who broke through the six turns has absolutely shocked him, he can only be regarded as his younger brother compared with Ling Yao, not to mention that his talent is not weak ~ ~ Can not be done within ten years Will enter the real world!

"You shouldn't promise it."

"You don't know the woman's bad temper, if I refuse, I'm afraid I'll fight her now."

"So too."

"No, no."

Tonggu really said: "I have to go to Wanguzong quickly, tell the disciples the unfortunate news, and prepare him to be beaten in advance."

"Began to admit defeat before you even played, Master has done nothing in yours." Qi Ye Zhenren said silently.



Jun Chang smiled and hugged his head, and collapsed, "Master, can you say hello next time, don't break into it forcibly!"


Tonggu real person seriously said, "I have bad news for you."

"what news?"

Seeing the Master's expression was solemn, Jun Chang smiled and became serious at once, and even the painting style of the whole Wanzong became normal.

"Another opponent for the ten-year contract."


"Prince Yao Ling."


Jun Chang smiled suddenly and widened his eyes.

Tonggu real people informed each one of Qingwei's real people and encouraged: "Although the opponent is a bit strong, I believe that you can overcome everything!"


After Jun Changxiao fell into a brief silence, he bowed his head and said, "Master, the disciples will not fight that woman."


Tonggu was disappointed.

Although he is not optimistic that his apprentice can defeat the Emperor Ling Yao, but as a man, he cannot say no, even if he loses, he must stand still and lose!

"Do not."

Jun Chang smiled and looked up, pointing to the distance: "Ling Yao Yao's opponent is him."

Looking through the real people in Tonggu, he found a calm-looking young man standing in the direction of Houshan. He clasped his hands, his eyes flashed and killed, and said, "I will fight with her for ten years!"

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