The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1497: Annual VIP users, arrogant Jungou left

Ye Xingchen is now particularly excited.

Because, suddenly, from three turns to four turns, the attributes in the energy core are transformed into a more pure power of the true spirit!

Xiao Sin was right!

Can you become stronger, you must believe in the lord!

Ye Xingchen was excited, but Jun Chang, who was sitting on a chair, was heartbroken.

Doesn't it mean to promote a big realm? How can the upper world version of the epic quest give out what is necessary and only let the disciples rise from three turns to four turns?

"It's simple."

The system said: "Either a turn is a great realm, or the transmigration period is a big realm. In view of the previous breakthrough situation of the host, the latter is more likely."


Jun Chang smiled and covered his chest, and said, "I think too much."

"Although the props in the system are magical, they will not appear too bad. After all, we must also pay attention to ecological balance." If it is not already used, the system will never say so straightforward.


Jun Chang smiled and calmed down and said, "Go harder and practice, don't let down your expectations."


Ye Xingchen said weakly, "Don't you say you can find the truth?"


Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the door and said, "Ma Liuer!"

Ye Xingchen retreated, but after leaving the hall, his eyes shone.

I have been struggling before, breaking through the four revolutions indefinitely, but now that I have reached it, I have full hope for the future.

As long as sufficient martial arts resources are available at this stage of the transmigration period, a rapid breakthrough is not a problem. As for the six revolutions, whether you can enter the transmigration period, then ... it depends on the suzerain!


The breakthrough night star has more motivation, so once again formulate a new cultivation plan.

Although Jun Changxiao was so depressed that he would not do what he expected, he thought that it would be worthwhile for the disciples to easily cross a hurdle, at least the time saved was inestimable.


Take a deep breath and say: "Brush the mall!"

If the millions of contribution values ​​saved in the past half year are not used up quickly, the dog's leftover is really a little worried, and it may be cleared someday.

Besides, Ye Xingchen only upgrades one level, and there is still a gap with Ling Yao Yao, if it can help to improve the realm, it is even better.

Bathe and burn incense.

After everything was ready, Jun Chang laughed and opened the mall.

"Ding! Ding!"

After five times, there was nothing.

Jun often laughs, and his mood doesn't fluctuate.

"Ding! The host has reached the upper limit of 5 free refreshes per month. Is the monthly or annual VIP open to unlock more refreshes?"

The sound came to an end, two options appeared in front of me, one was the monthly VIP, and the other was the annual VIP.

Jun Changxiao didn't think about it at all, and directly focused on the second one.

"Ding! The recharge is successful. Congratulations to the host to become a VIP annual user. The monthly refresh rate has been increased from 5 to 30 times, and extra bonuses have been received from the local goldsmith interface and the sweet reminder of the young lady.

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 2940000."

"call out!"

In an instant, the mall turned into a golden and brilliant form, it was almost inhumane!

After coming to the upper world, the system interface has been improved once, and now it has become a local tyrant. This is the successful person, and this is the noble symbol!

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I feel!"

The big change in the system interface brought him a visual feast, and finally realized that the rich man's life could have been so simple and boring.

"Ding! Distinguished Baonian VIP host, do you turn on the sweet reminder of Miss Sister?"


Jun Chang laughed: "I have endured that madness for a long time!"


"Ding! Miss sweet reminder starts."

When the voice is speaking, it has changed from male to female, and it is very pleasant, making people feel comfortable.

Changes in vision and hearing fully prove what is a noble VIP customer!


Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "Is this the only change?"

"Otherwise?" The system said.

Hearing it as usual, Jun Chang laughed and finally understood that the so-called young lady's reminder sound replaced the previous reminder sound and did not change the system assistance!

As we all know, the system prompt sound and system assistance are absolutely independent. One is mechanized and the other is humane. It changes the feelinglessness and leaves the vomiting. This function is useful!

"Come back, come back!" Jun Chang smiled irritably.

"Ding! Little brother's magnetic cue started."


The special brother of Shente is magnetic!

Jun Changxiao doesn't care about the local gold medal interface and sweet reminder, because he cares more about 25 more free refreshes!

Come! Come!

Brush up!


Jun Chang smiled and raised his leg, proudly laying on the table.

As a genuine annual VIP user, you should be very arrogant, otherwise the money will not be spent?


Refresh, product replacement.


Jun Chang almost jumped out of his seat.

Free 5 times a month, he will get used to refreshing, although there are occasionally good products, but it is not very useful in detail.

This time is different, the inventory is golden, purple, and blinking eyes can't open, just like entering the redemption code. Good-bye, the most handsome, all kinds of divine mounts feel like casual collars!

Extreme Mana Battlegear.

Dragon Slaying God Set.

Tier Nine Poisonous Stinger.

Just looking at these names, I feel like Li Shangtian!

The thing that makes Chang Chang laugh most is that he has a lot of prestige products. From a percentage point of view, at least one of the ten items is refreshed.

"Cool!" Said the system.


Jun Changxiao really realized what it was called-the power of learning!

However, when he clicked on the "Supreme Magic Warframe" and saw that the price was a contribution value of 5 million, he growled in his heart: "So expensive!"

"Did you not see the quality, it has reached the word level!"

The corresponding power of the Zongmen in the equipment category of the upper realm is Xuan, Zhen, Tao, and Xian.

The Xuanzi level is applicable to breaking through the realm and the first level to Dan, the true character level is suitable for intermediate to higher levels, and the Dao level is suitable for seeking truth.

Jun Chang laughed silently: "Can't afford it, can't afford it."

Next, he continued to look at other gold glittering equipment. As a result, anyone with a high-profile name and high-efficiency, even at the real level, had to start at 2 million.

The dog was crying.

After all, so many things were brushed out, and the price was more expensive than one, and the shy person in the bag could only look at it and couldn't buy it!

"There are also prestige goods!"

"I should be able to buy one!"

Jun Chang laughed and opened the nearby prestigious product with hope. ~ found that the price listed above was 2000 points, and he suddenly collapsed on the chair.

If it is expensive, the problem is not big. After all, you can slowly accumulate and buy it later, but the problem is that he urgently needs props to improve his disciples' strength, and he must not keep it.

"Brush it."

Systemically said: "There are still 24 opportunities. Maybe it can be useful."

This is where Jun Chang laughs the most tangled. If brushed, good things must be covered.

"You can't afford it now, and you still want to help the disciples' props, don't you brush off and plan to keep the New Year?" The system encouraged.

"it is good!"

Jun Chang grinned and said, "Brush!"

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