The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1498: Genetic modification fluid

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Refresh again and again and again.

It is undeniable that after becoming an annual VIP user, there are a lot of good things, but either it is expensive or it is not suitable for rapid upgrade, so it can only be replaced forcibly.

"Why not add a shopping cart function, let me add what I want in advance and buy it later when I have money." Jun Chang smiled silently.

"Think beautiful," said the system.

Jun Chang smiled and ignored him, and continued to renew his pain. After brushing it more than ten times, after seeing a product called ore ore incubator, he covered his face and said, "Finally, I found a useful one!"

The ore incubator is not expensive, it is only one million, and the introduction said that it can incubate special ore to achieve double growth.


Jun Chang smiled with hot eyes.

Doesn't the mother of real stone belong to a special ore? If you put it in to speed it up, how can you lay more eggs?


For a moment, Jun Changxiao spent 1 million contributions to buy the ore incubator.

In fact, he could win a lot of equipment of two or three million before, but the reason why he never started was because he could only benefit himself.

If this kind of facility can speed up the real stone, it will definitely benefit the entire family.

Jun Chang laughed and came to the underground palace to take out the ore incubator.

The shape of this thing is similar to the previous incubator. It has a transparent enchantment. Below it are various buttons and LED screens.


Jun Chang laughed silently: "Does this thing need external energy supply?"


The system said: "To accelerate, you must invest."


Jun Chang smiled and took out the manual. After careful reading, it was determined that the ore incubator really needs to invest energy to provide more acceleration.

Fortunately, crystal nuclei can be selected for materials.

"Try it."

Jun Changxiao placed the mother of real stone inside the ore incubator, and then began to take out the crystal nuclei to charge, until it took thousands of pieces to press the start button.

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

Numbers appear on the LED screen.

Item: Mother of Reality.

Conditions: Yes.

Energy: 1%.

Acceleration: 100%.

Jun Chang smiled and shouted, "Thousands of higher crystal nuclei are put in, only 1% of energy, only 100% acceleration?"

Most of the crystal nuclei that Gou left just now are obtained from the forbidden areas, and the quality is good. When they are sold on the market, they can definitely be exchanged for expensive black stones.


At this moment, the real mother inside the device permeates the strong heaven and earth attributes, and then merges into the surrounding soil along the exhaust holes around it.

Accelerating 100% is equivalent to doubling the effect of entrainment.

This should be replaced by ordinary medicinal materials and the like, and the effect should be good, but it seems a bit inadequate to cultivate the mother of true stone and let it produce true stone faster.

"Drip, drip!"

An alarm sounded, and numbers appeared on the screen—

1% energy is only maintained for one year, please replenish in time.


Jun often laughs silently.

With so many higher crystal nuclei put in, it will accelerate me for a year?


Systemically said: "At least you can speed up the breeding of Mother of True Stone, it is better to converge slowly than the original speed."

"So too."

Jun Chang laughed and took out more crystal nuclei to recharge.

Although the acceleration of 100% is not great, the true mother decides the future development of Zongmen, so it can still be accelerated.



Jun Changxiao put all the crystal nuclei in the space ring into it. As a result, the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the energy increase was only 5%.

"Oh shit!"

"It's too expensive, too!"

Ok? !!

Just then, the dog's eyes widened.

The acceleration listed in the LED screen changed from 100% at the beginning to 500%.


Systemically said: "Every little increase in energy, acceleration will increase!"

"Increase by 1% and 100%? If you increase to 100%, you can increase 10,000%?"

"should be."

"That's good!"

Jun Chang laughed and immediately became excited.

If it reaches the full value, an acceleration of 10000% is not equivalent to a full increase of 100 times?

The time when the true mother has bred real stones is thousands of years. This must always be accelerated, and it can be done in advance in decades!


Jun Chang laughed and said excitedly, "The premises must have crystal nuclei!"

So polycrystalline nucleus can only increase energy by 5%. It really needs to reach 100% and get 10000% acceleration. Is this ... an upper world monster enough?


The ore incubator is similar to the incubator. To get more acceleration, you must invest madly.

Jun Changxiao is quite satisfied, at least in terms of crystal nucleus. If more real stones can be bred, it may be an alternative exchange method.


Open the mall again.


Jun Changxiao found another product at the end of the product, called genetic modification fluid, so he was curious about the introduction.

Item: Genetically modified fluid.

Introduction: Epoch-making products from highly advanced martial arts and technology.

Role: After taking it, it is possible to forcibly change the user's gene, thereby gaining the special ability of non-human ethnic groups.

Cons: Random selection.

Price: 2000 reputation.

Note: Purchase is limited to once a year.

"I go!"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "This is a bit strong!"

Systemically said: "In terms of Gao Wu world, it should be similar to blood lineage, and it is recommended that the host buy ten stars."


Jun Chang laughed into a brief silence.

This thing is really good, but currently he only has 2000 reputation.

The system said: "It can be used for the night star, allowing him to acquire the ability of a certain group, and may increase the realm greatly."

"That makes sense!"

Jun Chang laughed and his eyes lit up.

The chance is once, you have to refresh it if you don't buy it.


The system also said: "This gadget can be bought once a year, and after it has a contribution value, it can also be taken by senior officials or disciples, so that everyone has a special bloodline!"

The true master of sales is to accurately grasp the user's psychology in the simplest words, and make them feel excited.

Jun Chang smiled and moved.

To be honest, this thing may not be effective for him, because it has the blood of a family of stone statues, and whether it is compatible with the two bloods is unknown, but many people in Zongmen do n’t have it. If you can benefit them by this, 2000 reputation will not be lost.

"Ding! The host consumes 2,000 reputation points and obtains a third-class genetic modification solution × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen Reputation: 0."

Jun Chang smiled and bought it, and immediately notified Ye Xingchen.


Aniu walked in from the outside and muttered secretly in his heart. Could the sovereign have something good for himself?


Jun Chang laughed and put the genetic modification solution on the table, and said, "Serve it."

Ye Xingchen was overjoyed.

From the perspective of form, this seems to be a qualification reforming solution. He has reached the spiritual root of God. Will there be a higher breakthrough after taking it?


Ye Xingchen hurriedly opened the cork and drank it without thinking.

The taste of the genetically modified liquid is similar to that of the qualified modified liquid, but the mellow malt taste also contains a slight aroma, which makes people unsatisfied after drinking it.


Qualification did not improve!


Just as Aniu was thinking about it ~ ~ A majestic breath appeared in the body, which instantly filled the whole body and even penetrated the blood, as if it was burning directly.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh byh

The pain of heartbreaking was instantly spread, and the heat gathered in every inch of skin, making his face scream like a pig.

"what happened?"

"This voice ... is the night master!"


"Brush! Brush!"

Everyone flew towards Long Shoufeng, and just after they fell outside the courtyard where the lord lived, they stared at each other and said, "My God!"

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