The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1501: Among Zongmen's disciples, I am the strongest!

The ontological Azi didn't lose to the awakening Aniu. The end result was fainting together. It was considered to take care of the two fans. It was not because of who was strong and who was weak.

In fact.

There is no fan at all.


In the medical hall, after careful inspection, Sun Buqian took off his mask and said, "No problem, just rest for a while."


Jun Chang laughed and asked people to carry Ye Xingchen and Zitang Lord back to their respective residences, and then think with their chins.

If Pei Niu's soul exists, wouldn't the two share the same body?

"Hard to say."

Systemically said: "Maybe Pei Niu's soul can gain a part of the dominant power only when he uses the blood ontology."


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, "Poor Huier."

This girl has long been a disciple of Zongmen. Although the appearance rate is not high, she is always diligent in practice and occasionally goes to the cafeteria to help. She is very hardworking and virtuous.

At first, Dog Left thought that Ye Xingchen might have amnesia and forgot his fiancée, so he tried to match the two until later he realized that he was taken away from his body.


Ye Xingchen killed Aniu and made Huier lose her fiance.


Jun Chang laughed: "Can you make up?"

The disciple's rebirth killed a couple of lives and destroyed a couple. Although this might not be a big deal in the brutal world of martial arts, he now knows that the soul is still there and he wants to do something.

Systemically: "In theory, human death cannot be resurrected, but if the soul still exists, there may be a chance."

"such as?"

"The resurrection plan of the demon ancestors."

Jun often laughed and his eyes lit up.


This is an example, so that as long as the soul is present, there is still the possibility of resurrection.

Jun Changxiao wants to make up for the mistakes made by Ye Xingchen, and wants to do something, that is, to revive Pei Niu, who may exist in the soul, so that the lover will eventually become a dependent.


Systemically: "It's hard."

In this regard, Jun Chang laughed undeniably.

If resurrection is a very easy thing, the ancestral ancestors that have fallen for 100,000 years will not leave the land of magical destiny, and will not rely on a large amount of blood and soul of magical cultivation.

"Nothing is unachievable."

Jun Chang laughed and encouraged himself: "Even if there is only a 0.01 chance, there is still hope!"


A few days later.

Ye Xingchen woke up from her coma and kept herself in the room without going out.

He remembered clearly what happened after the blood awakened, especially the words that came close to Huier without control.

"not me!"

"It's not me at all!"

Ye Xingchen clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with complex emotions.

In his last life, the Emperor Lingyao calculated that his heart was completely closed, no emotions were allowed to appear, and no utterance was made.

In fact, the system can guess that Pei Aniu's soul has not disappeared, and Ye Xingchen can naturally think of it, but knows what? There is no way to erase it, but to let the other party hide in the soul.


"You have to find a way to kill the remaining souls!"

Ye Xingchen can feel that his state of mind has changed after the awakening blood, and even occasionally think of Huier, it is likely that the soul of the original owner is at work!

I want revenge, and I have to fight against the enemy!

How can one be thought by a remnant soul, and how can one be obsessed with men and women!

Ye Xingchen's eyes and heart gradually became cold and firm, a faint impact of the soul was unsuccessful, and he could only curl up in the corner.


"Sister Huier, are you okay?"

Liu Wanshi walked into the room with the food, worried.

"Aniu brother is still alive ... he is not dead yet ..." Huier muttered to himself.

"and so."

Liu Wanshi passed over the hot fried rice and laughed: "It is even more important to fill your belly and not to starve your body."


Huier wiped away the tears on her cheeks and took the fried rice with a big mouthful.

I was hungry for a few days and it was delicious.

Liu Wanshi sat next to her and watched her eat. Then she left the room and frowned, "Master, sister Huier is so pitiful."

Jun Chang laughed: "At least I'm thinking about it now."

Although I really want to quickly revive Pei Aniu, but this kind of thing definitely needs great opportunities, so I can only let two souls squeeze into one body temporarily.


The system said with emotion: "For the disciples, the host broke his heart."

The things of Ye Xingchen and Pei Aniu are not within the scope of Zongmen's strengthening. However, Jun Chang laughs as a mind. It can be seen that some people ca n’t be arrogant in their suzerain. They must quickly apologize and see what they say!




In the mysterious area of ​​life and death, Ye Xingchen bombarded the monster wildly, and the whole person seemed to turn into a crazy cow.

Li Qingyang, who came along with them, looked dumbfounded.

"Second Brother."

Su Xiaomo said, "Brother Ye is so angry, is it because of the awakening of the blood of the green cow?"

What blood veins Ye Xingchen awakened to is still a mystery for the time being, so we can only combine it with the previous form and define him as a green cow blood vein.

Li Qingyang shook his head and said, "It's more like venting."



Ye Xingchen attacked frantically for a while, until he wiped out all the monsters, and then he was breathlessly standing in place.

The experience this time is relatively difficult.

Li Qingyang and others were all dealt with by him before he shot. It can be seen that after awakening the unknown blood, the combat effectiveness did indeed increase significantly.


After taking the genetically modified fluid, even if the proprioception is not stimulated, there is a rather primitive power in this guy's blood, meridians and muscles. With the Dantian energy nucleus, an explosive effect can be obtained.


Ye Xingchen turned his head and proudly said, "Let's fight!"


Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo had wonderful expressions.

After half an hour.

Everyone came out of the mystery of life and death. Except for the night stars, all of them had crooked noses and dazzling faces.



On the martial arts ground, the sound of fists slammed, and the air was rolling.


He Wudi shivered back more than ten steps, and then it was difficult to stabilize his body, and his hands felt numb.


Directly opposite, Ye Xingchen stood proudly on his side, converging the surrounding energy to gradually outline a giant cow and beast form, saying lightly: "Trash."


He Wudi was shocked, "This guy is progressing too fast!"

A few months ago, Ye Xingchen was inferior to him. Today, a few months later, he can be absolutely suppressed. This fully proves the importance of opening and hanging out. At the same time, he can rightly and loudly shout. Among the disciples, I am the strongest!

"Not enough ~ ~ Jun Chang, standing in the distance watching the battle, shook his head with a smile and said," It's still far behind. "

Although the realm has been upgraded by two levels, despite having the blood of Qingniu, the Emperor Lingyao has reached the realm of nine turns, and even has the possibility of entering the real world, so she must work harder.


Ye Xingchen said: "The disciples want to go out and practice."


Jun Chang laughed and agreed.

In Zongmen, you can't practice greenhouse flowers and plants, and you can only experience strong winds and waves if you go out.

The day.

Ye Xingchen left Wanzong.

Next, the camera will go all around him ... No wonder.

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