The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1502: Iron Beast

Although Zongmen has various martial arts facilities and real stones, Ye Xingchen still chooses to go through the training. After all, the road of the strong must go through life and death.

Strange to say.

When he left Zongmen and stepped into a mountain forest, he felt the fragrance of grass, but he was quite calm inside.

Obviously, this is because of bloodline.

At this time, if Ye Xingchen suddenly squatted down to eat the grass, everyone should not be surprised. After all, the body is a big green cow. Is it normal to eat some grass to supplement the nutrition?

"Where to go?"

Take out the map and think about it.

Ordinary mountain wild experience can't satisfy Ye Xingchen, he needs to pursue extreme stimulation, such as ... forbidden land.


"Niu Yaoshan?"

Ye Xingchen saw a forbidden area on the map, so he had a choice: "Go here."

From the name alone, it can be heard that this should be related to the cattle and beasts, just in line with the blood of the blue cow he just awakened.


The colorful glare wings opened and flew away as streamers.

A few days later.

Night stars appeared on the outskirts of Niu Yao Mountain.

At this moment, a large number of casual repairs have been gathered at the entrance, and some of the team members are flexing their muscles, and some are still recruiting teammates.


A cowardly warrior with a sharp-billed monkey cheek leaned over and laughed, "Are you interested in teaming?"


Simple and sharp.

It is worthy of my society.


The weak martial artist touched a gray nose and could only sting away, but said uneasily in his heart, "What is it?"

The arrival of Ye Xingchen made the atmosphere at the entrance of the forbidden area a little bit cold, because he himself did not release any martial arts breath, but it would emit a special momentum.


Everyone gave an evaluation in their hearts.

"Little brother."

At this moment, a beautiful-looking woman came over and blinked, "Can you bring a little girl in?"

"You talking to me?" Ye Xingchen said.



Suddenly caught off guard, the frigid fist banged directly on the woman's abdomen, the whole person burst out, and then the head was shed on the wall in the distance.


Ye Xingchen retracted his fist and said, "Don't bother me."

The behaviors that Jun Chang laughed at before are called straight steel men, and the behavior of Aniu now can be called steel beasts.

"Too hard!"

The martial artists all whispered in disbelief, and their eyes became frightened.

In the world of Gao Wu, women also belong to the disadvantaged group. They are so fierce that they must treat men more cruelly. They must not be provoked!


The woman covered her stomach and said in pain: "For ... wait for the old woman!"



At this moment, roars came from the mountains, sounding like a bull cry.

"You can go in!"


The martial arts invaded in groups.

As a third-class forbidden place, Niu Yaoshan is different from other places. Only the presence of the cow and monster beasts in it will arouse everyone's interest.


Because there are no treasures in the mountains, the biggest wealth is the cow demon. The skin and flesh can be sold for a good price, especially the crystal nuclei can be used for armor casting.

In the past, everyone went to the forbidden area to describe it as 'exploration', because the resources inside need to be carefully searched.

The warrior who went to Niu Yao Shan was described as “hunting and killing” because the more he killed here, the more resources he obtained.


Ye Xingchen went in.

The other martial arts are in groups, at least five, and he is alone.

"Abominable guy ..." The pretty woman who was punched punched her teeth and said, "This revenge, my mother will report sooner or later!"

Say nothing, turn around and leave.


At this moment, a group of warriors came in the distance, headed by a bald middle-aged man, and grinned, "Isn't this Wei Sanniang, why were you hurt?"


Pretty woman eyes lit up.

I was worried about finding revenge on that guy, and immediately met an old acquaintance!


Cow demon mountain.

A reasonably sized mountain forest, with sunken footprints everywhere, is clearly a hoof from a morphological point of view.



Yaks-like monsters collided in groups, rough trees were knocked down, and boulders broke into pieces.


"Don't let them run away!"

"Hurry up!"

The martial artists who have come in one after another have begun to get busy.

Some of them are driving the herds, others are setting traps, and soon they see a cow or a monster that either orders or is netted and becomes a prey to be slaughtered.

The night stars passing by nearby turned a blind eye.

These bull monsters are not strong, most of them are at the level of breaking through the air. Since he needs training, he must go deeper to challenge higher levels.

of course.

Although possessing the blood of the green cow, it does not mean that he is really a cow. In fact, he has a non-scientific inheritance of a certain blood. He is also classified as a human being, and will not be sad or angry because of the death of the cow monster.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Just before leaving this area and stepping into a deeper area, dozens of warriors wearing uniforms suddenly rushed to the rear.

Aniu, besieged!


The scavengers who were hunting all looked back, and from the moment the group was wearing clothes, it was affirmed immediately. This was mixed with the nearby wolf mercenary regiment. The leader was named Zhang Debiao, and the people in the rivers and lakes called Biao.


"And Wei Sanniang!"

"I heard that this woman had a close relationship with Zhang Debiao. I am afraid this time to report the revenge that was just beaten."

Everyone looked at Ye Xingchen with sympathy.

It has provoked a poisonous woman, and it is difficult to walk out of Niu Yaoshan.

Who doesn't know the scattered repairs in this area, Wei Sanniang is good at using her beauty to get the resources and connections that she wants, and provoking her is equal to provoking a king.

"Abominable guy!"

Wei Sanniang frowned and said, "Dare to hit my mother, you must die here today!"

Zhang Debiao stopped in front of Ye Xingchen, tilted his head to look at him, and then spit out the weeds biting in his mouth, and said, "Boy, what a skill to hit a woman."

"Come on."

Putting his face together, he said, "I can fight Lao Tzu."


The night star waved.

In slow motion, Zhang Debiao's face crooked, teeth and blood flew out, slowly flying out slowly.

Raising his face to make people beat, such a strange request, Jun Chang has never seen a smile.


Zhang Debiao slid out more than ten feet, his head hit the stone directly, and five-finger fingerprints were clearly visible on his face.

Dozens of subordinates first stunned for a few seconds, and after realizing that the boss was really beaten, they poured power into the weapons and chopped them off.

"A group of garbage."

Ye Xingchen emerged from both hands with the power of the true spirit, directly transformed into a large net visible to the naked eye, covering all the soldiers of the mercenary regiment, coldly saying: "Death!"

"Four turns!"

"This guy is four turns!"

In the distance martial arts exclaimed.

During the talk, the power of the overbearing true spirit has completely controlled the members of the Wolf Wolf Mercenary Corps, forcing them to stand still, and can only greet death with fear.

"Do not!"



The power of the true spirit turns into a sharp sword, and the head is ruthlessly harvested.

Wei Sanniang was so frightened that she sat down on the ground in fright, and this sitting was destined to never stand up again, because Ye Xingchen turned around, and the eyes of the eagle-eyed wolf appeared in a side-faced appearance.

Killing intent ~ ~ Relentless!

"Don't ... don't kill me ..."


The power of the true spirit turned into a spear, piercing her chest directly.

The system said: "It is indeed a cold and ruthless night emperor. It still does not show mercy and softness towards women, I am convinced!"

Rivers and lakes roared goodbye: "Don't discourage you, don't jump out and vomit!"


Zhang Debiao could not care about his men and escaped as fast as possible.


However, not long after I ran, a colorful streamer burst from behind and passed directly through the back of my head. The body stopped slowly, thinking before interrupting my thoughts. How many lines did I say from appearance to receiving the box lunch?

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