Gu Zhaoxi died again.

Unlike in the past, this death was not only for the eternal ancestors, but also fulfilled Jun Chang's laugh, allowing him to reach the peak from the seventh turn.

That's right!

Three consecutive upgrades.

Although Yao Mengying's breakthrough was fierce, at least it was due to the combination of physical fitness. At least there was a loss of scientific evidence. In contrast, this guy is completely frustrated.


Don't say anymore.

After all, Gu Zhaoxi's death didn't make him feel good.

Li Qingyang and others began to take action, first considering where to set up a spiritual hall.


Liu Wanshi choked and said, "Just choose the Spirit Beast Hall."

"I see."

"No comment!"

As a result, the Purple King Demon King was sitting in Shiting in the distance, watching with his own eyes the button of the ‘beast’ in the Spirit Beast Hall.

Because Gu Zhaoxi died so badly that no corpse was left, the disciples could only put the clothing that the former passed through in the coffin.



The real people from Tonggu and the real people from Qiye fell, arching to Lingtang with a heavy expression: "Gu Xiaoyou, go all the way!"

Sanshou and martial arts soldiers from all walks of life also flew over, silently condolences in their hearts with admiration.

The Ten Great Emperors of the Sect were also here.

At this moment, their contradiction with Wan Guzong was put on hold as Gu Zhaoxi fell.

I do n’t know if the physique heirs will become a scourge in the future. Now the fact is that all the people of the ancient ancestors destroyed the invaders and made great contributions to the upper world.


It's time to respect it, it's time to worship!

"You all."

Outside the hall, the desperate Jun Chang smiled and looked up, and said, "Aren't you going to get some gold?"


The corners of their mouths were slightly drawn.


The Lingtian Xianzong strong said: "Must be put on gold!"

After speaking, in order to show respect for Gu Zhaoxi, he directly took out 10,000 real stones!

The ancestors of Xianzong have all given gifts, and other Zongmen martial arts can only do so, so after calculating them, they will get five million yuan of black stones and 200,000 yuan of real stones.

"You all."

Jun Chang laughed: "My elder ancestors have died in the world, and a big funeral will be held shortly. I hope more people will come by then."

The system said silently: "This is to squeeze out the last bit of value after Gu Zhaoxi's death!"

"You can rest assured."

Ling Tianxian Zongqiang said: "The old man has been conveyed to Jietang. When the earth is settled in, it will make all the gates worship."

Jun Chang smiled and looked up at the sky, and secretly said, "Brother, brother will host a grand funeral for you, so that everyone will remember it, you will be reincarnated and reincarnated."



In a remote small village, the cry of a baby cut through the peace.

"gave birth!"

"I'm a dad! I'm a dad!"

A middle-aged man with a patch on his body excitedly walked up and down the door of the temple house, feeling out of control, tripping himself with his left foot and his right foot.

At this time, the midwife came out of the room, holding the baby in her arms, smiling, "It's a son."


The middle-aged man stood up and laughed on his hips: "My old Gu's family is behind, my old Gu's family is behind!"



The baby in the cries cried aloud, roaring in her heart: "The rebirth is not in the right posture, and she was born into a poor man's house!"

The babies who have just come to the world have an extremely sober independent thinking. This is really ...

That's right.

He is Gu Zhaoxi, who has just fallen.

The power of the soul bomb does not need to be described too much. Even if it has the spirit of reincarnation, it will die extremely robust and there will be no chance of survival by chance, so ... reincarnation is reborn again.

Different from Ye Xingchen's soul hunting, Gu Zhaoxi has to undergo a rebirth every time he dies. If he is lucky, he will be thrown into a big family. If he is bad, he will be thrown into an ordinary family.


The abortion was a bit lame and went to the poor.

"No more, no more."

Gu Zhaoxi secretly said: "It doesn't matter if the environment is good or bad, it will be a good guy more than ten years later."

and many more.

How did you die in your last life? Why can't I remember?

Gu Zhaoxi remembers his name and many things, but he forgot the key memories.

It's normal.

This is the sequelae of resurrection.

For treatment, you just need to meet Jun Chang again and be beaten by the second girl in the prison tower of Tianyuan Town. You will definitely restore your memory immediately.

"Gu Lang."

In the bedroom, the weak woman said, "Do you want a name?"

"Think well."

The middle-aged man with the last name Gu laughed, "Just a dog named Gu Gou!"


Gu Zhaoxi cried.

Although it is an instinctual reaction caused by hunger, the name "Dog Boy" sounds like a match with "Dog Leftover".

and many more!

Who is the dog left?


Gu Zhaoxi couldn't remember, and could only cry more hard.



The hall is brightly lit.


Jun Chang laughed and sat down holding the two altar wines, patted the mud seal gently, and looked at the coffin placed in front of him, saying, "Brother, if you haven't been to the Nai He Bridge yet, you haven't drank Meng Po Tang, my brother will accompany you. Have a drink. "

"Coo, coo!"

The dream of drunk life was very delicious, but the belly from his mouth was extremely spicy and extremely bitter.

Drink to see the mood.

In a good mood, there are a few thousand cups of wine.

I was in a bad mood and felt like a horse's urine in one breath.

Because of his own influence, Gu Zhaoxi fell, and Jun Chang laughed in a imagined mood, so just taking a sip, he felt drunk, and the feeling of distress was even stronger.


"Brother is too selfish."

Jun Chang laughed and continued drinking.

The wine flowed along the cheeks, and I wonder if there were any tears.

"Stop drinking."

The flower rose came from the outside, suppressing the wine jar that was about to be raised, and said, "You will get drunk again."

"I want to be drunk."

Jun Chang laughed and pulled her hand away, and said, "I hope to wake up, nothing happened."

Rose said: "You are running away."

"My brother died twice because of me ..." Jun Chang smiled at his chest and said, "Do you know how painful my heart is?"

The flower rose took the altar and said, "Gu Zhaoxi has the spirit of reincarnation, and every time he dies, he will become stronger. Why do you embarrass yourself?"

"Give me the wine!"



Jun Chang stood up with a smile, his eyes flashing with anger.

Alcohol rose over the next second, suddenly paralyzed in the arms of flowers and roses like mud.

This angle is very tricky ~ ~ If you don't understand the dog's leftover character, you have a little doubt that it is intentional!

Hua Rose helped him wipe away the wine stains on his cheeks, and whispered, "What should happen will eventually happen. Even if you let your brother do it again, he will choose to sacrifice himself to fulfill you."


Small village.

Gu Zhaoxi was born on the third day and was held in his arms by his mother.

"daughter in law."

My father picked up a slightly rusty axe and laughed, "I'll go to the hills and give you some prey to supplement my body."


Gu Zhaoxi secretly said, "My dad won't die in the hands of the beast?"

He lost his father at an early age, lost his mother at an early age, and even his parents died. He has been reborn more than N times.



Suddenly, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, and a battleship emerged.


Because he just looked at the sky, Gu Zhaoxi immediately saw it, and said to himself, "Why are these strange warships so familiar?"

"All the creatures in this world have listened to me."

There was a loud voice from the main battleship: "Limit your resources for three days, ..."

"call out!"

"call out!"

Suddenly, several streams of light suddenly flickered from the sky, and when everything calmed down, several warships standing proudly like a mountain suddenly appeared cracks, and then cut directly across the waist.

Gu Zhaoxi's eyes widened.

Because the field of vision was within reach, the father stood with a firewood axe in the air, and said coldly, "Don't wake my son."


Hello everyone.

My name is Gu Zhaoxi.

Although reborn many times, this time alone is the most panicky.

Because, the father who looks very doting on himself, but is also honest and poor, is actually a ... strong man who has reached the sky!

Borrowing is the door technology, this time I got it right!

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