The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1540: Gu Family

The newly born Gu Gouwa will not forget the picture of his father holding a firewood axe and chopping several huge warships in an instant!

Next, what he couldn't forget was that the mother flew up holding her, kicked the father with one kick, and rebuked, "Can't you take it lightly? Look, your son has been woken up by you!"


My mother is not an ordinary person!

"daughter in law."

Gu Father landed on the ground and said nervously: "Don't use force when confinement is born, if the root cause falls, you will be in trouble!"

"I'm sick, you come to cure."

Gu mother rolled her eyes, and then she drifted down, patted her son gently, and a kind smile appeared on her face.

"This kind of confinement disease is the most difficult. Although I have the skill to rejuvenate my hand, I may not be able to cure it." Gu Father frowned.


My dad knows medicine?

In later days, Gu Zhaoxi learned from the conversation between the couple that his father's name was Gu Tianxing, martial arts and art were unpredictable, and the nickname Gu Erju was sent.

The mother is even more powerful, and the nickname Fei Ling Fairy is sent.

As for how strong she is, Gu Chaoxi doesn't know. She only knows that her father is obedient by her service.

Two couples of good strength, because they were tired of things on the rivers and lakes, lived in this remote small village, and devoted themselves to inheritance.

Ordinary people have no problem with fertility, but the warriors with higher realms and older ages are extremely difficult, because they can live for thousands of years at a time, and a child develops in two or three years, with unpredictable consequences.

and so.

The law of heaven has been shot.

If you want to pursue extreme martial arts, it is not impossible, but you must lose a part, this part is the succession.

all in all.

The higher the level, the greater the risk of breaking off the grandchildren.

Why are they always alone with Taixuan and Tonggu? Because it is in love to marry a daughter-in-law, if it is not for the succession, is there any other meaning?

Fortunately, Gu's doctor was so good. After unremitting efforts, he finally grew up to have a child, and continued to add incense to the old Gu's family.

The couple hoped that the stars and the moon would bring their son, and they must be afraid to get rid of them in their palms, so the pets could hardly be added.

"My son."

One day, Gu's father held a bowl of hot milk and said, "This is the milk of Jiulongyu. Dad found it for a long time, and you have to drink it cleanly."

"Coo, coo!"

Don't care about Gouwa just born a few days ago, but she is very sensible and sips cleanly. Because she is limited by her inability to speak, I'm afraid she won't be able to say: "Add another bowl!"

That night.

He had a high fever and his temperature reached over forty degrees.

Gu's mother was in a hurry immediately, picking up the stick directly and hitting Gu's father fiercely, growling, "Did you drink poison to your son during the day!"

"My wife is in a hurry!"

Gu Father knelt down on the ground, earnestly and truly said: "The milk of Jiulongyu has the effect of washing bone marrow and cutting bones, and at this moment is improving the physique of the baby boy!"


Just then, Gu Zhaoxi laughed.

Indeed, the young meridians and flesh in the body gradually sublimed under the high fever, which felt like a reborn, making him uncontrollably happy.

"My son laughed!"

Gu father and mother came together with happiness on their faces.

In the following days, Gu Gouwa's father was often violently abused by his mother for reasons ... amusing his son.

A few more days passed.

Gu Fu brought back many herbs from the mountain.

"Baby, what are you going to do with so many herbs?"

"Get a medicated bath for your son and start boiled from the infancy."

As a result, Gu Chaoxi, who was born six or seven days ago, began to boil his body after washing the bones and cutting bones. His martial arts started at the fastest rate in his reproductive life, and even happy sleepers would flow out every time he fell asleep.

With such a dad, why worry about it in the future!

However, in subsequent contacts, he realized a problem. It seemed that his rebirth was not in the upper world, but he had come to another world.

Not right

Every rebirth will be accurate to the upper bound. Why did you change locations this time?

Gu Zhaoxi didn't think much about it. Anyway, he cast a good baby, and his parents loved him very much. The future is bound to be bright.

But, always thinking about who the dog is left in the middle of the night? Why do you think of this name somehow?



On the seventh day after Gu Zhaoxi left, a grand funeral was held.

The strong men represented by the Ten Great Emperors, all bowed their heads and stood in front of the mausoleum, with the tomb carved by the elder Gu Zhaoxi, a picture taken by Li Shangtian.

The invasion was peaceful, and many warriors were condolence, which brought tens of millions of basalt income to Wanzong.

After the funeral, the forces left.

Jun Chang laughed sitting in front of the tombstone, put a bowl full of wine, and said to himself: "Brother, this time you died for the sake of the world, it is also countless merit, you must be born to a good person in your next life."

Why do you say that?

Because when drinking with Gu Zhaoxi, he talked about his reincarnation, and he never encountered a good family every time he was born again.

As a life and death brother, Jun Changxiao naturally hopes that his brother will meet good parents this time.



The next day, Jun Chang opened the door with a smile, walked out, and took a deep breath of fresh air.

Gu Zhaoxi's death made him guilty for a long time.

But since people are alive, they cannot always be immersed in sorrow, but must look to the future.

On the martial arts floor ~ ~ The dynamic rhythm sounded.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head while holding the microphone, leaned to the camera, crouched down with both hands, and came up with an impromptu rap.

The disciples, under his leadership, spit in foam and did morning exercises, and their faces were completely sad.

The system uttered: "No one has passed the first seven and has passed the first seven, they are two different painting styles!"



At the end of the morning exercise, there was a loud, unscrupulous laughter in the hall.

Coming out of his sorrow, he looked inside his energy and felt the change from the peak to the state of Dan, and finally couldn't control his emotions.

The improvement in the realm is only second, and the coolest thing is that because the completion of the epic task five is 600%, it even directly rewards 10 million contributions!


So cool!

Mission rewards are also rich.

All in all, the benefit of this 600% completion is definitely the most epic task.

"and many more?"

"Why does reputation have 2000?"

Jun Chang laughed and opened the system panel, and found that the reputation value that should have been zero had 2000 points.

The system said: "The warship that Gu Chaoxi blew up was remembered by the world, so Wanzong gained the corresponding reputation value!"

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled with a serious expression on his face, and secretly said, "Brother, you are so honorable to die, you have died well!"

How to spend 10 million contribution value of the task reward?

It's simple.

Upgrade the disciple mall.

This idea has always been laughed for a long time. However, the three values ​​have been emptied, and then used successively, it is always difficult to make up enough contribution value.


Pull open the panel, is preparing to upgrade the disciple mall.


Outside, Xiao Xieji shouted, "Some brother and sister found an intact fighter in the mountain!"

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