The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1558: A bit cruel

"call out------"

On the West Sea, Liu Si flew over to the South Pole.

As he gets closer to space, the more he feels the fluctuations become more apparent.


Liu Sinan secretly said: "Absolutely a master!"

As the spirit who controls space, the first time he encountered the same attributes, someone could reach such a degree, the Yuwei caused by it alone spread to the coast thousands of miles away!

too strong!

You must see with your own eyes, where is it sacred!

To this end, Liu Sinan speeded up, and the idea of ​​worshiping the strong also became stronger.

After flying for a while, his face suddenly became dignified, because after the space vibration became more and more obvious, a special breath gradually began to emerge.

"what is this?"

Liu Sinan couldn't figure it out, and could only continue to hurry.

After flying another hundred miles, the special atmosphere was more intense, and it was not until the fear of integration into the body that I realized: "The breath of death!"

"It is definitely not orthodox martial arts!"

After a short time of thinking, Liu Sinan secretly said, "Is it magic?"

The scent that floats alone makes people feel terrified. The releaser is by no means an ordinary magic repair, it is likely that ...

"Devil Ancestral!"

Liu Sinan's expression became more serious.

If you change to someone else, guess that it might be the demon ancestor, and definitely turn around and return immediately, after all, this level of strong can't afford to mess with it.

Liu Si South Africa did not retreat, but remained extremely fast.

He smiled at Jun Chang and said that he had come to the West China Sea because he was lost.

"call out!"

Keep moving forward.

The frequency of space vibrations increases, and the gas of death is thicker.

Gradually, another breath came, Liu Sinan frowned suddenly: "Blood!"

He couldn't determine if the person shaking the space was the demon ancestor, but he could also judge from the strong **** smell that the other party was by no means a good person, and I am afraid that he was massacred at this moment!

Hurry up and stop!

Anyone who is wrongful and unrequited can be classified as a demon, so as a demon exterminator, Liu Sinan's duty is to remove the demon guardian.

However, when he finally rushed to the area with the most frequent space vibrations, saw Lingyin Island stopped due to the manipulation of the matrix method, and saw the space image split into squares, his expression gradually stiffened.

On a beach lined with corpses, his head was scattered all over the ground, and blood penetrated the sand and stained it with bright red.


Liu Sinan frowned.

As an exterminator who has been fighting with evil demons for many years, I have never seen anything, but now I am deeply shocked by the picture of a slaughterhouse, because there are as many as two or three thousand dead bodies alone!

The most shocking thing is that the beach as a whole does not look too messy and there are no obvious signs of fighting. Could the deceased have no resistance during the killing?

Or, is it thrown away?

"call out!"

Liu Sinan flew along the edge of the space crack, landed on a corpse, determined that Yu Wen was still there, and judged in his heart: "This should be the scene of the crime."

Standing up and sweeping the surrounding corpses, the problem was immediately discovered. The victim was wearing a uniform of black uniform and had a strange crescent pattern printed on his chest.

"Funeral Pavilion!"

"Is this island their headquarters?"



Just then, the tragic monster roar came from the forest in the distance.

There is some kind of power in the cage of the space. Liu Sinan cannot use the spiritual capture, but can only walk quickly towards the sound source area.

On the way, many monster corpses were successively seen in the mountains and forests, and the crystal nuclei were all taken through the chest.


"Ironscale bird?"

Liu Sinan identified the category from the monster's body, and his heart became more shocked.

These are all species that have been extinct for tens of thousands of years in the upper world. Why do they exist on a small island?


There was a movement in the distance, as if a boulder had fallen to the ground.

Liu Sinan immediately walked until he walked a hundred feet away, and then saw a big guy with a body like an ore gathering fell to the ground, blood splattering wildly on the broken chest.


Although the monsters encountered in the past have been extinct, according to Liu Sinan's understanding, the peak period is just a transition to the level of the Dan Realm. The peak period of the monster that is like a collection of various ore is enough to find the real world!


Suddenly, a surprised voice came over.

Liu Sinan hurriedly looked up, and saw a black robe of Jun Changxiao standing on the body of the Jinlingshiren, his expression suddenly sluggish.

Is it possible that he was the murderer who killed the members of the Yuege Pavilion and the monsters?

Jun Chang laughed and threw the crystal nucleus just taken into the space ring, and said, "Brother Liu, we have met again."

Liu Sinan's face was dull and replaced with dignity, because she saw the huge sickle lying on the body, and the breath of death was freely released from it!

Nothing wrong!

This guy is a murderer!


Jun Chang laughed and jumped from the monster's body, and said, "Brother Liu is one step late, and all the members of the funeral pavilion here have been dealt with by me."

Liu Sinan moved back subconsciously, keeping a sufficient distance from him.

Although the dog has no cold blood at the moment of the slaughter, but because of the hard-to-reach sword, the whole body still gathers a horror atmosphere like hell. Normal people must not be too close.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan said, "You killed these people and monsters?"

"Good." Jun Chang laughed.

Liu Sinan said: "A bit cruel."

Jun Chang smiled indifferently and said, "They are going to kill me. I killed them. Is this cruel?"

Gou remaining convinced that if he did not use the hard-to-receive knife and did not have the ability to escape, he would have been killed by the funeral of Yueyue Pavilion ~ ~ not to mention, he was controlled from Yao Mengying and acted as the entrance to the magic domain From the tools, Jun Changxiao has already classified the Burial Moon Pavilion as the enemy, and if you encounter it, it will be either you or me.


Liu Sinan sighed.

Do not misunderstand, he does not have the heart of the Virgin, and he will not feel sad for the killed members of the funeral moon.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan's eyes were dignified: "You are too aggressive, if you don't check in time, you will inevitably disturb your mind, and you will embark on the path of no return."

That's why he said cruel.

To be precise, Jun Changxiao looks sober at present, but is always shrouded in death. He is afraid that over time, he will fall into the magic path, thus becoming the big devil who only knows to kill.


Jun Chang smiled disdainfully and said, "If I become a demon, what is Funai?"


Liu Sinan's brow tightened.

This is no longer a monarch who sits in a restaurant and talks with himself, drinking and drinking!

"Oh, I forgot."

"You are an exterminator."

Jun Chang laughed and put his sickle on his shoulder, and calmly said, "Are you worried that I will become the evil demon in the future and intend to destroy me on behalf of justice?"


Liu Sinan put down the sarcophagus, shook his arm, and strands of space attributes lingered between the ten fingers, and said, "From the fluctuations just now, the monarch seems to have the power of space, and Liu wants to be taught today"


Junqi D. Dogfly VS Jietang Exterminator!

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