The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1559: Jun Changxiao vs Liu Sinan

Liu Sinan wanted to fight with Jun Chang with a smile. For nothing else, he also controlled the power of space for the other party. After all, it is hard to find the same attributes.

The attributes of the five elements in the upper bound are completely comparable to bad streets, such as space, which is very rare and can be classified as a rare species.


Jun Chang laughed and refused.

Using the fourth form of the uncomfortable knife, he has a strong sense of war.

"But ..." Jun Chang laughed and added: "It's not interesting just to learn, it's better to add some color."

Here comes the routine.

The system was not surprised at all.

From this guy to invite Liu Sinan to dinner, weasel gave the chicken a New Year's greeting.

"What Caitou?"

"Whoever loses must promise the winner unconditionally one thing."


Liu Sinan fell into silence.

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed: "If Brother Liu loses, naturally I won't let you do anything harmful."

"it is good."

Liu Sinan agreed.

He already had an idea. After winning Jun Changxiao, let him follow him to Jingmo Mountain to eliminate the demon in his heart and be a person of integrity and kindness.

This is a bit difficult, because the dog has not been enchanted in the first place.

As for being an honest and kind person, hahaha.


Demon domain.

The demon ancestor is still working on his injuries, and his face has gradually turned from pale to ruddy.

Judging from the current situation, if you want to restore the state when you came in, it will take some time to re-drive the matrix method to return to Lingyin Island.

Although the state is slowly recovering, the anger in his heart is even better.

The soldiers and various resources in the ancestral land were taken away, and the murderer must be found and frustrated!


I found a lonely person in Moduyu. I wanted to go out and see that the men on the island and the monsters had been slaughtered again. I really do n’t know if I could take it.

The big villain has no one to be distressed.

There is no room for two tigers.

Who makes the upper world come up with a junior laughter who doesn't play cards according to common sense, and likes to hang?

Uncle Devil, do it and cherish it.


"call out!"

"call out!"

Two streams of light flew up from Lingyin Island and were suspended in mid-air at a certain distance. The emerging breath disturbed the space for hundreds of miles and gradually became distorted. The birds and seagulls did not dare to approach, and could only choose to stay away from the place of right and wrong.

Jun Chang laughed with a serious expression.

Although a lot of warrior-level warriors have been killed just now, the breath emerging from the exterminator is obviously different and should be very tricky.

Systemically said: "If the host does not have a hard-to-receive knife, there will be only abused copies in front of him."


Jun Chang laughed: "I have."

This product is now open and upright, and it's heartbroken.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Liu Sinan said seriously: "Come on."

He is also very cautious, after all, the killing of so many members of the Yuege Pavilion and the monsters is enough to show that the other party is very strong.

"call out!"

With a single-handed wave, Jun Chang laughed, the sickle of death cut through the void, and cut off a cold and incomparable knife air, while containing a strong force of space restraint!

It is this overbearing power that makes it difficult for members of the Burial Moon Pavilion and the monsters to move, and in the end they can only die with their eyes open.

"call out!"

Liu Sinan's figure flickered, bypassing space to cut his sword.

"Sure enough to escape."

Knowing that the other party has the spirit of space, it is no surprise that Jun Chang laughs.

"Zhenkong Palm!"

At this moment, Liu Sinan passed through the restraint of layers of space and appeared above Jun Changxiao. The energy gathered between the ten fingers instantaneously materialized, frequently bombarding the void, forming layers of energy ripples visible to the naked eye!

He who possesses the spirit of space often uses space manipulation as the main means of combat, such as the members of the funeral pavilion who flee in the demon city.


Jun Chang laughed and held up the sickle of death, chopped it towards the rippling energy ripples, and several streams of light directly tore the space.


"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Pieces of space were ruthlessly cut and suddenly became scarred.

This level of combat has a very visual experience, and at the same time it will bring large-scale destruction.

Fortunately, even if the space collapses in the West Sea, there is no danger.


Lingyin Island is out of luck!

A mountain wall collapsed in the southwest corner of the island because of the instability caused by the torn space.

Jun Changxiao and Liu Sinan have just started fighting, and each other is still in the tentative stage. This will really let go of your hands and fight. Uncle Mo's home ...



Just then, the sound of fierce fighting sounded in midair.

After a brief fight, Liu Sinan took his time seriously, various space martial arts were frequently performed, and the island's sky was crooked and distorted, and there was nothing incomplete!

Jun Chang laughed unwillingly, and waved the hard-to-reach knife to frantically chop.

A fierce battle against the spatial attributes of the ecological environment has officially begun. Who can win the competition and who can win the game? Let us wait and see!



Near Lingyin Island, the space lost its original balance because the space was frantically stirred, and the sea water began to boil violently, sometimes forming a rough sea and ruthlessly attacking the beach.



Rocks and trees on the island were also hit and began to crack in large numbers.

Space is the foundation of world stability. If there is change or destruction, the disaster will be unimaginable.



As the battle between Jun Changxiao and Liu Sinan became fierce, the formation system on the island began to loosen, and the entire Lingyin Island looked more erratic.

"Boom boom!"

The mountain collapsed and the waves swallowed.

The 100,000-year-old island is undergoing a huge disaster.

If it is conscious and can speak, it will cry and shout, "Don't fight again!"

Jun Changxiao and Liu Sinan are still fighting at high altitudes, because they are in control of the power of space. The shot is to destroy the world, the scene is gradually huge, and the funds continue to burn!



The two fought more than ten moves and entered a state of temporary rest. They were separated by dozens of feet from each other. The space around them was dozens of miles of potholes and voids everywhere.

"It's fun!"

Jun often laughed excitedly.

This is the first time he has used an unreliable knife to play against an opponent for so long. From the current situation ~ ~ it seems difficult to separate the winner and the loser!

Liu Sinan was equally excited.

Playing against a warrior with the same attributes will benefit him a lot!



The two spoke in unison, and started the second round of fighting.

Boom boom!

The power of space is more powerful!

The more they fought, the more the Lingyin Island fought more and more. Until they fought dozens more moves, the earth finally couldn't hold the space imbalance and began to crack, and spread to the Lingyin City. The surrounding walls collapsed wildly, and the scene was like the end of the world!

The city's streets quickly cracked, rows of buildings collapsed, and grand palaces were inevitable.

In a short time.

An ancient city that has existed for 100,000 years has been turned into ruins under the imbalance of space, and a sad song of plum blossoms can be heard vaguely.

Just the coldest.

Branches bloom.

Seeing spring coming to you and me ...



Within the magic region, the ancestor exhaled a stale air.

After recuperation, his condition has returned to before entering.

"It's time to go back."

The demon ancestor got up and walked into the teleportation formation. He skillfully made the seal and yelled, "We will do nothing but the sky!


Suddenly, the formation method flashed a hot light. After reaching the eye-catching level, he only heard ‘Boom’, but it exploded in place! Fried! It's up!

"嘭 ——————"

The demon ancestor was blown up, spit out blood on the ground, and fainted with rolled eyes.

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