The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1563: Dog's Leftover Confidence

Liu Sinan compromised.

That's right, being in the courtyard where Gu Zhaoxi once lived made him feel a sense of righteousness, so although the person is deceased, this spirit needs to be inherited!

It is ridiculous to talk about chivalry in a world of weak meat and strong food, but some people will always believe it.

Liu Sinan is such a person.

He never cared about others' eyes and never laughed at them.

So after feeling Gu Zhaoxi's righteousness in the illusion created by the meal, he decided to carry his banner, to truly defend, and to truly inherit it!

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "I won't make it difficult for a strong man."

Liu Sinan said: "Liu is willing, only to continue the spirit of Gu Zhuangshi!"

"it is good!"

Jun Chang laughed and swept out all the food on the table, took out an entry table, and said with great pride: "From today onwards, the position and spirit of Elder Gu will be inherited by Brother Liu. If he has spirit in heaven, I'm sure I will be very happy! "

Poor Gu Zhaoxi, before the death, brought the realm of the dog to the realm of the dog. After his death, he had to help him pull people out, squeezing out the only trace of value.

This is probably the true meaning of "life and death" in the brothers.

Looking at the soup scattered on the ground, Liu Sinan's distressed expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Although the dishes in the plate are finished, the soup is also delicious on the earth. It is such a waste, it is a bit violent!

and many more!

Is he because of chivalry or good food?

Hmm ... both should be.


The main hall on the main peak is still under construction, so Jun Chang laughed and gathered all the disciples on Long Shoufeng. He announced loudly: "From today on, Liu Sinan will take over the post of Gu Zhaoxi and become my new elder of the ancient religion. Welcome applause! "


The disciples applauded.

Liu Sinan stepped on the stage, moistened his throat, and expressed his tenure: "Elder Gu took the lead in the righteousness of his life, and now Liu inherits his position, and will continue this spiritual inheritance!"


The applause sounded again.

After the inauguration ceremony, Liu Sinan first went to the cafeteria. As an elder, he naturally needed to pay attention to the food.

"Liu Tang, what a coincidence, my surname is Liu."


"If the meal is too simple and easy to eat, will Liu Tangzhu have any other dishes? How many dishes can I try?"


Before entering the sect, Liu Sinan expression (-_-!)

After entering the sect, Liu Sinan expression (ˉ﹃ˉ)

You can probably guess here, and choose not to inherit the righteousness of Gu Zhaoxi, but to inherit the appetite.


The joining of Liu Sinan brought Wan Guzong's high-level strength to another level.

At present, including Yao Mengying and Ghost Eight Generals, Zongmen already has ten truth-seeking realms, and they have reached the middle position and possess the spirit of space!

Does Xuanzi Zongmen have such a lineup?


Even if there is truth-seeking in the real word level, there will never be so many!

Therefore, in the past three years since the ascension of the Upper Boundary, the strength of Wan Guzong has been greatly improved. The only thing missing is recognition!

"The top power and backbone strength of the host Zongmen have risen, and you can spend the achievement value to increase the Zongmen level," said the system.


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile and said: "It's really **** expensive to upgrade!"

I have enough strength in the lower world, and the certification hall sends someone to authenticate myself. It is more comfortable than the uncle. The upper world has no such institution. Although it can also be upgraded, it needs achievement value, which is quite ‘not recharge? What do you mean by playing XX ’.

Upgrade is not a big problem.

Because with the new version of the disciple mall coming out, the enthusiasm of the disciples is even higher. When Jun Chang laughs and goes to the West Sea, the contribution value and achievement value will always increase, just need to wait for some time.


What can I do if the main line task is not completed without the system's approval?

At that time, when the master had a mission, Jun Chang laughed and gathered all the powers and forces of the starfall continent, and finished it with my words. Who agrees with and opposes the attitude to reach the completion standard?


Sitting in the study, rubbing his temples: "You need to brush your sense of presence."

The best way to make the world agree is to let them know that I have the strength to not fear any Xuanzi Sects!

"Is there any event such as a martial arts convention that will allow the disciples to go to war and promote the name of the ancient emperor?" Jun Chang laughed.

The continuous bullying of Yu Jian Xuan Zong and Ling Dao Xuan Zong has not exploded enough influence. If there is a similar dragon and tiger competition, let the disciples participate in winning one two three four five ... the name is perfect.

Throughout the lower world, the rise of Wanguzong began with the Liyang City Zongmen big challenge, successively challenged the Holy Spring Sect, Lily Shengzong, until the Dragon and Tiger hegemony achieved the record of no one before and no one came and reached its peak.

On the other hand, these three years since I came to the Upper World, I have never participated in a decent contest.

Such a good water word opportunity is not that Jun Chang laughs and does not want to grasp it, but that there are really no major events. The previous conference held in the Sacred City had high specifications, but it was nothing more than a big party.

"Li Tangzhu."

Came to Xiyutang, and said, "Investigate if there is a competition in the upper circle that is mainly disciples. It is best to have a large scale."


Li Luoqiu immediately acted.

The next day, holding a stack of information and putting it on the table, he said: "Sovereign, according to the investigation, there are 136 competitions recently held in the Upper World ~ ~ so many?

Jun Chang smiled suddenly and widened his eyes.

Li Luoqiu said: "It's still the largest screened, at least thousands of small events."


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile.

The system said: "What are you waiting for, let the disciples participate in all, one person and one chapter to the final result!"


Li Luoqiu said: "In ten years, there will be a battle named Tian Zhijiao, which will be very large in scale, and the warrior who won the final victory will be named Tian Tianjiao."


Jun Chang laughed.

If it is a recent event, he may be very excited, but only ten years later, Zongmen is invincible and he sends his disciples to fight.

Ten years later, invincible?

The system said silently: "This is really confident."


Li Luoqiu added: "The conditions for participating in the Battle of Heavenly Pride are that they must be no more than 500 years old and have the ability to seek truth."

"So high?" Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

Except for some of the disciples in Zongmen, they are all of the same age, but they must have a real world to participate. For the time being, I am afraid that only Yao Mengying can reach the standard.

Li Luoqiu also said: "As long as the conditions are met, anyone can participate in the battle of heavenly pride."

"Can I also participate?"


Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "Somewhat interesting."

So far, Gouyu has not participated in the competition, because in any world, only the Zongmen disciple war is held, and the suzerainty war is not held. At most, they have studied at some big brother meetings, but the nature is completely different.

"If I take part in the battle of heavenly pride, others can only fight for second place." The plain words were uttered from Jun Chang's smile, with a very strong pretense.

The system crashed: "Who gave him the confidence!"

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