The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1564: Brand new tools are online!

Jun Chang smiles very confidently, but the immediate priority is to get through the weak period quickly, so he obediently enters the space and time secret.

Liu Sinan began a happy life. Every day, he tasted the food cooked by Liu Wanshi, and seemed to forget that he was an exterminator and had the responsibility to remove the demon guardian.

of course.

It's not just the meal that shocked him.

Next, I came into contact with various practice settings of Wanzong, as if discovering a new continent, and as if opening a door to a higher level!


"It's incredible!"

Coming out of the mystery of life and death, Liu Sinan recalled the scene of being killed by the powerful monster just now, and immediately gave a professional evaluation: "The **** mode is absolutely comparable to the first-class forbidden area!"

"I go!"

Su Xiaomo passing by was widening his eyes.

The new mystery of life and death has been around for some time. Everyone is challenging the simple and normal modes. This new elder has even challenged the **** mode!


Failure in the Rift Challenge is punished by weakness.

Liu Sinan lay in the room for a whole day, until the state recovered and challenged the difficult mode. Success is success, but it paid a small price.


Because the improvement in all aspects is significant!

"With such a secret realm suitable for experience, why not worry about being promoted?"



Liu Sinan stood and laughed outside the secret area, attracting the attention of a disciple who happened to pass by Mao Xiaodao, secretly: "Sure enough, this new elder has also seen the world."

He is a disciple outside, and usually cleans up with Du Nan, so there is no sense of existence.


For several years, I have been familiar with all kinds of sectarian facilities and even become a habit. I wo n’t be surprised if the lords come up with anything new.

Liu Sinan is different.

Although he was in a high state, when he first contacted the Zongmen facilities, he realized that he was extremely helpful to the martial arts and naturally couldn't control his emotions.

I can't control my emotions yet, because I have successively taken various elixir and practiced various martial arts skills, especially Daqianying Jue, it is an all-powerful magic skill adapted to all aspects!

"Brother Liu."

After returning from the mysterious state, Jun Changxiao recovered and asked, "How do you feel after joining the Zongmen?"

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

No word can describe the shock in Liu Sinan's heart.

Without Gu Zhaoxi's righteousness and Liu Wanshi's meals, give him another chance to choose, and he will definitely become the elder of eternal age!

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang laughed: "Although you entered the ancestral gate, you have absolute freedom, and you can go out and cut off demons at any time."


After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Sinan said, "Live a few more days."

Various facilities, all kinds of elixir, all kinds of food, although he lingered on, but as a devil, his duties will not be forgotten.

Jun always smiled and respected him, and allowed him to leave Zongmen to do his own thing.

But ... there are premises.

"Brother Liu."

Jun Chang threw a bunch of information and said, "I plan to let my disciples participate in the competitions held in various cities. You have to travel the world anyway, so it is better to lead them to participate."

As an identified Demonstrator and strong, it is safe and safe for him to take his disciples to participate in various competitions.


Liu Sinan agreed.

The demon guardian would have to walk around the world, and it wouldn't bother him to take them.


Systematic Road: "Brand new tools come online!"


after a few days.

Liu Sinan was familiar with everything about the Zongmen, and he left Wanguzong with his disciples such as Landing Badger, Xiao Guiji, and Su Xiaomo. Before he left, he installed a lot of fried rice. He would sit down and eat a meal every few hundred miles. Said, hungry.

Li Qingyang didn't go because he wanted to build a big hall.

Ye Xingchen didn't go because he wanted to cultivate madly.

"Zongmen's level has been recognized systematically and by the upper forces, should he give a generous reward?" Jun Changxiao sat in the study room and said to himself.

Next, he had nothing to do, so he often appeared in the medicine hall, foundry hall, refining hall, and kept abreast of the progress of the instant Dan, armor, and unmanned control technology.

Three years.

The Astral Realm will kill.

There must be enough strength to protect the gates from invasion.

This is Jun Chang laughs, a real man who will immediately go to work as soon as the period of weakness has passed!


Ice Mountain City.

You can tell by name alone, this is a city covered by snow.

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of warriors gathered in the city's central martial arts spectator seat, staring intently at the graceful figure on the performance martial arts field.

"This eternal disciple is so beautiful!"

"It seems to be fused with ice and snow!"

"How can such a beautiful woman be willing to send it out to fight and kill!"

Everyone's discussion Lu Yan heard, but the cold face and clear eyes never floated in any mood, like a flawless ice sculpture pavilion.

Women's beauty sometimes needs the environment to set off.

At this moment, Lu Yan, who is in the city of ice and snow, has reached the extreme high-cold temperament, and may not lose to a flower rose in a dress.


Liu Sinan commented in his heart: "This big disciple's understanding of the ice system seems to be extremely accomplished."


The doormen sitting next to each other jerked.

They always wondered, when did this Jietang exorcist become the elder of eternal religion? Did you also bring your disciples to participate in the Bingmanghui?

"The first round of matches started!" The referee announced.


The contestant who just stepped onto the stage scratched his head and laughed, "Although you are a woman ~ ~, but since you are here to join the martial arts, don't blame me ..."


Before he finished speaking, he was flown out by a cold shock.

"Practitioners of Wanzong, Lu Yan wins!"

Next, the sound of the referee's announcement will continue, because in the second and third rounds ... as long as Lu Yan plays, regardless of the strength of the opponent, all will be instantaneous.

"This is too strong!"

"No one can carry her!"

"Transfer to Danjing?"

The crowd was shocked.

Liu Sinan shook his head and secretly said: "The suzerain sent a disciple of this strength to participate in the Ice Mang Wushu, which is a bit overkill."

In the final round, Lu Yan still won the championship in an instant, which made the warriors who had worked hard to watch the game collapse. After all, the whole game was not exciting at all, even extremely boring!


I want to refund!


"Ding! Disciple Lu Yan won the Bingmang Wushu championship and awarded 100 reputation points."

"Ding! Zongmen Reputation: 2100."


Sitting in the study, Jun Chang laughed off the novel written by Jiang Hu Goodbye, and collapsed, "Give only 100 points?"

"It's good to have it."

System said: "Don't be content."


Jun Changxiao picked up the novel again and wiped his tears as he watched: "This author has written too tragic, I have seen and cried several times."


"Ding! Disciple Su Xiaomo won the XX Olympiad and awarded 100 reputation points."

"Ding! Disciple He Wudi won the XX Championship and awarded 100 reputation points."

Over the next period of time, Jun Chang laughed and often heard prompts. The original complaining mentality gradually faded. After all, it was less, but it couldn't stand the accumulation!


"How wonderful the world is!"

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