The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1721: Jun Chang smiled

Starting from the astral realm, after a lot of hard work, it took more than a year. The white-haired man finally found Jun Changxiao with a large army, and then sang a cool song in front of him.

I am very pleasant.

It's no wonder that there was so much talk just now. It turned out that I didn't have a chance.

The strength of the white-haired man is stronger than that of the First Fleet General who entered the Astral Realm, and the men and fleet brought by him are also good. There is no doubt about this.


No matter how strong you are, you still can't escape.

Some people will ask, he is so strong with a dog left. One sword will kill 100,000 people, and one sword will destroy dozens of warships. I am afraid that Gu Tianxing cannot do it?

Is simple.

Cleared three values.

In recent years, Jun Changxiao has rarely purchased goods in the mall, and the amount of stored three values ​​can be described as quite large, and the contribution value alone ...


I have already used it, and it doesn't make any more sense.

Emptying the three values ​​is a protection mechanism provided by the system to the host. The strength of the system naturally depends on the quantity.

Regarding Tianxing, one axe, the destroyer is like chopping vegetables and melons.

After all, Jun often laughed with only one sword after clearing the three values, destroying more powerful warriors and more warships. Who would dare to say that there is no card?

of course.

I also originated from the destruction of the starry continent, so he would not hesitate to release the big move. Otherwise, if he changed to the past, he wouldn't be able to run, and he would go up with him again.

Xun Jun often laughs without being serious, and he is often sloppy, but when it comes to things, the seriousness is definitely like being taken away.

Uh ...

"Father King ..."

Yanhua Rose said, "Are you all right?"

The star-studded continent turned into ashes in the fire, and Jun Changxiao also returned to the Vanguard. The serious look has not recovered, making people extremely uncomfortable.

of course.

Is not caused by excessive force.

I was so angry that it was not dissipated by the funeral of the white-haired man and his 100,000 men.

"Unbreakable Astral Realm!"

Xi Jun often smiled and gritted his teeth and said, "I often laugh and swear not to be a man!"

The murderous anger and anger gathered in the cockpit, so that Rose's heart rose up.

Uh ...

Eternal World.

In the city built by Li Qingyang, Xie Chengzhu and Ai Jiazhu walked on the street, and the shock in his eyes still remained.

They have been sent for two days and have become accustomed to the new plane. However, every time I feel the majestic nature of the world, there is still a feeling like a dream.


Jin Yunhe stood on the tower, shaking with his hands.

"Heaven and earth are stronger here, and I will live here permanently forever." Jun Chang smiled, without any expression on his face, still looking serious.

This energy.

It takes at least some time to fade away.

In fact, this is very good, at least like a suzerain.

To be honest, although the souls of the starfall continent have lost their homeland, they have also gained great opportunities, because they have lived in the Xuanyuan Realm for a long time, let alone break through the Emperor Wu, even if they break through to find the real world.

This is not.

I just came here for two days.

There are three of the nine Emperor Wudi who broke through the upper level!

This is high-level, there are more low-level, and people are improving almost every moment.

Even if you do n’t practice martial arts, you can break from ordinary people to martial arts level by relying only on breathing.

"I broke!"

"Hahaha, I broke through!"

Exclamation shouted frequently, letting them forget sadness, immersed in the joy of breakthrough.

In fact, the attributes of heaven and earth taken by the stars and continents were deliberately suppressed by Jun Changxiao, because it was necessary for them to ingest the full version to explode immediately.

There are rules for each of the upper and lower circles.

What level of intake and what attributes are sophisticated.

I am better than how invincible.

He came from the higher plane and was forced to shuffle to the lower bound.

Although martial arts can still be cultivated, 99% of martial arts have no effect because of asymmetric attributes.

As for the martial arts of the Nether World came to the higher world, only the martial arts practiced itself, which can accommodate a certain degree of heaven and earth properties. Suddenly the intake was tens of thousands of times higher than that, and the body was naturally difficult to load and died when it burst into the body.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen, because Jun Changxiao had adjusted the settings before sending them in. Based on his personal strength, he decided to understand the degree of heaven and earth attributes. The default value was a hundred times the previous intake.

有人 If someone has poor physical fitness and can't carry it a hundred times, the attribute will be automatically reduced frequency, thereby ensuring that the other party can adapt to the new environment.

in contrast.

Those with strong physical fitness will automatically overclock.

The system said with emotion: "That's why the host has such a brain hole. I will not be surprised if I create a system in the future."

"Monarch Sovereign."

Jin Yunhe held his fist and said earnestly: "This is great grace!"

Lost the astral continent and got a stronger plane, which is blessed by misfortune.

"Everything in the ancient world is a waste."

Xi Jun often laughed and said, "We have to ask everyone to come and build together."

"no problem!"

Uh ...


Wangu cut through the void and flew towards the endless universe.

Xun Jun often laughed and didn't return to the upper world immediately, because he also had to pick up the soul clan and pick up the friends he had met on the battlefield.

"See my queen!"

"See National Teacher!"

On the continent of the Haunting Soul tribe, when the king often laughed and the flower rose flew from the battleship and hung in the sky, countless people shouted on the ground, as if they were worshipping gods.


Huh! call out!

Xun Jun often smiled and waved his hand. In the harsh environment of the world, all creatures disappeared out of thin air and sent into the elder world.

Flower Rose said: "Thank you."

Xun Jun often smiled, turned and flew to Wangu, saying: "You and I are husband and wife, and of course, no need to say thank you."

Lily flower rose stood still.

For a long time, she smiled sweetly and said, "The husband has changed."

目前 For the time being, Jun Chang's smile has indeed changed. He has become stubborn and unscrupulous. Even when he talked with his disciples, he began to have a suzerain.

"Second Brother."

Wu Su Xiaomo also noticed that he came with a bowl of fried rice, squatted at will, and said, "The suzerain has been very serious recently, and he's a bit uncomfortable."

青 Li Qingyang put down the design sketch and said: "The destruction of the star continent is not a small blow to the suzerain."

I also said that the second disciple is the intimate little cotton-padded jacket that Jun Chang laughs at.


Wu Su Xiaomo said: "The suzerain is also a man of great affection."

"and so."

青 Li Qingyang seriously said: "All we disciples can do is to keep growing stronger, to use our lives to defend our homeland, and no longer let the suzerain be heartbroken."


Su Su Xiaomo looked at the sky while holding fried rice, her eyes flashing firm.

Uh ...

"Where is this sacred in order to cut through the universe with one sword!"

Outside of Ling Lingyuan, the local powerhouses gathered together to look at the huge but clearly visible sword marks far away, and the shock in the heart deepened.

They cannot determine the distance.

However, at least they are far away!

A strong man frowned: "It seems like ... the starfall continent position!"


Everyone agrees ~ ~ Since the starry continent replaced the starry fortress and became a new trading platform, the Lingyuan continent naturally sent people to the past, so they know the location very well.

"Is it the power of the star-studded continent?"


"Well, it is indeed the plane where the monarchy lived, really crouching tigers and hiding dragons!"

The former starburst continent was not ordinary in the lower universe. Even if the high-level plane knew that it existed, it would not be considered, but now it is regarded as the supreme holy place, because there is a gate named Wanguzong , There is a lord named Jun Changxiao!


Just as everyone was talking, the starburst suddenly broke out.

The Linglingyuan mainland powerhouse has not returned to God, a huge battleship shrouded in the light of the sun is suspended above the sky, occupying all sight.

Powerful and shocking.


中 A middle-of-the-environment stare widened.

As one of the few top powerhouses in the Lingyuan continent, barely reluctant in this giant, like a child who has not yet been weaned!

"Ke Cheng Lord."

At this moment, a thick and serious voice came from the battleship: "I haven't seen you for many years, don't come without a problem?"


PS, I went to the hospital again today, a total of 6 times a year ago. I am too difficult for the old irons. Recently I have been under a lot of pressure.

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