The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1722: The prince of laughter

Ling Lingyuan continent.

The huge battleship hangs in the sky, and the thick breath of hair is daunting.

Oh my God!

This warship is too mighty!

Xun Jun often laughs and enters the Wangu with a high-profile smile. He does not come to pretend ×, but to give Ke Jin the male face. After all, the other party is only the master of the city in Lingyuan.


I help you, I help you.

The result is not the same, Lingyuan mainland warriors really admire and worship Ke Jinnan at this moment.

In fact, Jun Chang's reputation in the lower universe is unprecedented. The reason is that with the frequent trade exchanges, the news that he has brought his disciples to the masses has spread to all major planes.


A lot of strong people did it.

Ju Juzong soared.

There is absolutely no one before and no one comes!

So Jun Changxiao is not only regarded as a legend in the starry continent, but also as a legend in the entire lower universe.

I can't get acquainted with the legend, and even come here to visit, that's really awesome!

"Monarch Sovereign."

Inside the hall, Ke Jinnan said, "How come down from the upper world again?"

The word “代表” means that Jun Changxiao had previously saved the savior from the continent, and he got the news. At that time, he was ready to rush over and talk about the old with his old friends. As a result, people had already left.

"There is something." Jun Chang smiled.

Ke Jinnan was shocked.

I have been in contact with Jun Changxiao for a long time on the battlefield of the plane, and the evaluation given is slutty and cynical. Why did you suddenly become more serious today?

It is undeniable that he is very strong and legendary, but he is not used to it.

"Oh, right."

Ke Jin said: "There is a huge sword mark in the direction of the starfall continent. It seems that the universe is divided into two. Did the monarch see it?"

"I cut it."

Xun Jun often laughs and cherishes words like gold, full of vitality.

Ke Kejin was dumbfounded, but soon he came back and realized: "No wonder!"

先前 He was always wondering before, what is the sacred power to chop the universe into that shape. Now that he knows what the monarch is doing, there is no doubt at all, because of course!

I deserve to be a legend, too strong.

My Ke Jinnan was able to get to know such a great power, and it was a blessing for three lives!

"Ke Cheng Lord."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "I have something to tell you here."

"What is it?"

Ke Jinnan raised his ears.

Since I met the monarch, I can get a lot of benefits in everything.

Uh ...

Eternal World.

Ke Kejin stood in front of the iron bone city gate.

When he felt the attributes of heaven and earth hundreds of times stronger than Lingyuan's continent, the expression on his face was completely frozen, and his fingers began to shake violently.


I'm dreaming?


Ke Kejin hit him on his face and felt ecstatic when he felt the pain: "Not a dream, it is true!"

Xun Jun often laughed: "If the owner of Ke Cheng likes this place, he can get permanent residence."


又 He added: "You can bring relatives."

Ke Kejin immediately arched his hand and said, "Thank you, Monarch!"

Such a strong nature of the world, no one will refuse, let alone bring their family into it.

The day.

Ke Jinnan's relatives and subordinates were all sent to the ancient world. The number of people was at least several thousand, and there were three or fifty children alone.

What is called Ding Xingwang and what is called leafy and leafy, this is it.

"Ke Cheng Lord."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Your young son is very talented, if you want, you can join me in eternity."

Ke Kenan was immediately excited.

It is a great honor for the Mongzi to be appraised by the monarch.


Ke Jinnan hurriedly said, "Please don't hurry to see the suzerain!"


The boy who howled at Haoer immediately knelt down, bowed his head and said, "Practitioner Ke Yanhao, see Suzerain!"

Xun Jun often smiled and waved his hand, holding him up, and said, "As a member of Wanzong Zong, I don't kneel down or kneel down, but only kneeling to give birth to my parents, remembering that there is no need to give a gift in the future.


Ke Yanhao said seriously.

Xun Jun often laughed and talked with Ke Jinnan before returning to Lingyuan mainland.

As for Ke Yanhao, he followed Su Xiaomo to Tiegushan.

On the road, he couldn't help but asked weakly, "Brother, is the suzerain always so serious?"


Wu Su Xiaomo said: "Occasionally easy going."


Ke Yanhao walked up the stairs along the stairs, but as soon as he walked in, he was hit by a happy football on his face, and the whole man flew out gorgeously.


飞 Li Fei retracted his feet and said, "Why did anyone come in?"

Sure enough.

的 The eternal law of the new entry disciple who catches the ball with his face 100% still exists.

Uh ...

Ling Lingyuan continent.

Xun Jun often smiled and stood on the top of the mountain, his thoughts permeated the whole plane.

He does not intend to send all the souls from Lingyuan mainland to the elder world, because other than Ke Jinnan, other people are not relatives.

Not to mention.

I am not in charity and have no obligation to help the weak.

So why not leave? Why use thought to permeate the whole plane?

Because Jun often laughs at finding geniuses like Ke Jin's male son, thus giving them an opportunity to achieve a higher level.

Uh ...

"Daddy ..."

In the chaotic grave post, in front of the newly added grave head, the tattered boy knelt on the ground, his **** right hand holding a recommendation letter tightly.

His name is Lin Yi.

He lives in Linjia Village and lives with his father.

Yesterday, my father died and gave him a letter of recommendation before his death.


Proper protagonist!

孩子 "Child ..."

"Taking this letter to Shenghuizong can change your destiny ..."

His father's words before his death rang in Lin Yi's ears, his eyes firmly said: "Dad, I will definitely pass the test of Sheng Yuanzong, and I will definitely stand out!"

"No need to go to assessment."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Qi Linyi turned his head suddenly, and found that a man in black robe appeared in front of him. He had sharp eyes and mighty power, like an indestructible deity.


Xun Jun often laughs.

After searching the whole plane, he finally found a talent suitable for training.

"you are……"

"People who can change your life."


Lin Yi was silent.

"Do you want to become stronger?"

"Want to be respected ~ ~ Want to stand on top of the immortal, proud of the world."

Facing three thoughts, Lin Yi answered without hesitation: "Think!"

"Follow this seat."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Make your dreams come true."

His words seemed to contain magic, which made Lin Yi difficult to question and got up and said, "Senior ... will you accept me as a disciple?"


Xi Jun often laughed and murmured, "It's okay."

"噗通!" Lin Yi knelt down again, and said, "Only Lin Yi sees Master!"


The system said silently: "Is this an apprentice? You are also sloppy!"

"Let's go."

"Return to Zongmen as a teacher."

Speaking of this, Jun Chang smiled and looked at the head of the grave, and said, "Do you have any opinion on the person who holds the dead inside?"


Suddenly, the head of the grave exploded, apparently the late Lin father jumped out.



Lin Yi shivered.

Lin's father, who came alive, hurriedly arched, "It is his fate that the seniors can accept my son as a disciple, and the younger ones naturally have no opinion!"

"That line."

Xi Jun often laughed: "He's gone today."


I said, disappeared with Lin Yi.

Father Lin Lin looked up, watching the two streams of light merge into the sky, his hands shaking, "Where is this sacred!"

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