The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1730: Jun Changxiao VS8 Door Extreme

I must be a green soul.

说 These words are extremely loud.

Xun Jun often smiled and realized that the so-called Supreme Thousand Spirits should exist in the city, waiting for the fate to inherit, so he looked at the flower rose and said, "Your chance has come."


Flower rose does not care about the golden soul, but more importantly understands why the soul race is in the lower world.

According to the information I have received so far, I can basically use a stone hammer, and my ancestors spent thousands of rows. I chose to settle in a barren land to hone the resilience of the people.


Suddenly, the illusion collapsed.

Xun Jun often laughs and flowers and roses are still in the hall.

In the empty space in front of me, an extra piece of crystal surrounded by green was born out of thin air, showing a vibrant atmosphere.

"Extreme Thousands of Souls?"

Just when Jun Chang laughed and guessed, the flower rose seemed to be summoned by some force, unconsciously stepped forward, reached out through the layers of streamer, and stuck on the crystal.



Heart beating quickly, and the streamers lingering around her gradually covered her like a rattan, resonating with each other.


The majestic green energy poured out frantically, permeating the desolate city along the gate.


Song Dechen is endless.

The breath that suddenly appeared clearly belonged to the lower green soul level, why did it reveal a force to surrender itself!


The old man knelt down, tears streaming down his face: "Old master, your great research is finally inherited by future generations!"

The crystal in the Great Hall was researched by Hua Qianxing after countless years. At that time, many tests were done, and no one can inherit it.

"What research?" Song De marks.

The old man arrogantly said, "Research above the golden soul!"

Yan Songde's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Is the record in Yeshi true?"



At this moment, another powerful breath emerged from the hall.

The green that originally appeared was replaced by blue, purple, red, black and other colors. When mixed together, they are colorful.


Bian Song Dehen bent down on his knees and knelt down on the ground, and lowered his head as a Gold Soul aristocrat. His eyes were frightened and incredible.

Xu emerged with a mix of colorful lights, forcing him to bow down and worship.



The colorful light filled the city with dissatisfaction, and then poured out of the valley. For almost a short time, the entire Imperial Soul Realm was enveloped.

No matter the lowly green soul or the noble golden soul, after feeling that breath, they all bowed to the ninth door, as if they were devout believers.



At the same time, the strong men from the other eight gates flew out of their respective cities and headed to the valley at a rapid speed.

Because of their strength, they can ignore the disturbance, but their faces are abnormally solemn.

In particular, the masters of the Eight Doors all knew the history of the past, and understood the sentence that Hua Qianxing faced many powerful men in the clan hall at that time: "When the Holy Light descends on the realm of the soul, it will lead our tribe to glory. Will also submit! "

Many people think that this guy is talking crazy, so he didn't take it seriously. Today, the holy light suddenly appears, and the prediction has come true!



For a moment, outside of the Ninth Gate City, Qi Qi, a strong man from eight gates, flew in.

They crossed the sky, looking at the hall where the colorful light gushes, and their eyes looked complex.


The first door is Shen Shen channel.

However, when everyone was preparing for action, Jun Chang laughed and flew out of the main hall, landing on the tower, saying: "No one is allowed to enter the city."


"How come I am in the realm of souls!"

"Hum, don't look at who this is!"

The eight powerful men were furious.

They are afraid that what Hua Qianxing once said will come true, and they will never allow any change or even shake their status, so they must enter the hall to see what happened inside.


Xun Jun often laughed and stood in front of Zhenxian Sword with her hands on it, and said, "The entrant, there is no life."



The eighth door raised his hand, the golden soul power erupted and turned into a huge palm print. No matter the breath or gloss, it was much stronger than Song Dechen.

As the heir to the soul ancestors and the nine sons, he must be the best in the realm of the soul.


Xi Jun often draws a sword with a smile, drawing a sharp sword.


Xuan Jianguang passed, the palm print was torn.

The Eighth Gate Supreme retreated a distance, and the anger on his face was replaced by surprise.

Wu Tianhun Palm was easily broken by this guy, I am afraid that the strength is not under him.



At this time, the colorful lights emerging from the hall became more and more intense, making the strong souls present in the presence even more want to worship.

The first supreme shouted: "Let's go together, be sure to rush in!"

"it is good!"

Several other Supremes responded.

All of a sudden, eight of the most powerful Emperors of the Soul Clan broke out to fix the humans on the tower with a cold look.

碍 This troublesome guy must be resolved.


Xi Jun often laughed and lowered the Zhenxian Sword, put the tip of the sword on the ground, and said to himself: "You can rest assured to inherit the opportunity, I will stop all trouble."


He looked up and said, "Battle!"

At that moment, standing on the tower, facing the Changjun smile of the eight top souls in the Imperial Soul Realm, both the style and atmosphere became super serious.


He is serious.


He is also serious.


The first Supreme Master shouted, and the other seven Supreme Masters exerted their golden martial arts skills, because of the sudden explosion of energy, buildings were unbearable and collapsed.


Xi Jun often waved his hands with a big smile, the substantive enchantment encircled the hall, and then greeted him with a sword.

"Oh my God!"

Wu Songde marks startled: "This guy is too fierce!"

I am alone fighting the Eight Doors. These magnificent scenes are definitely something that I could never dream of before!

"Little friend!"

Wu Acai shouted, "I'll help you!"


The voice of the cricket has not yet faded, and the palm print from the first Supreme Bomber directly banged on him ~ ~ The whole person ‘嘭’ sunk in the ground, and then ... vomited blood and passed out.


Wu Songdehen whispered in his heart: "This old man is definitely pretending to be dead!"

Can't stand it.

What should I do?

"Song Dechen!"

在 At this moment, the third door exclaimed, "Do it!"


Song Dechen stood up and picked up a brick from the side without hesitation. He did not hesitate to smash it into his brain, and then he took a few steps back and shouted, "Ah! I can't do it!"


I fell to the ground and fainted.

The whole process is done in one go!

Xun Jun often laughed at the powerful Song Dechen who taught him that even if he chooses to pretend to die, he will not do it. This is the way to survive!



Above the city outside the pool, all kinds of energy exploded like fireworks, and the Eight Door Supreme was also released.

They do n’t know what ’s going on inside the hall, but if it continues to develop, I ’m afraid that it will be completely surrendered, so we must stop it!


The human in front of me was like a wall, sealing all the roads that could pass.


"咻 ——————"

Yi Jianguang Hanjiuzhouzhou, sword Qi vertical and horizontal 30,000 miles.

In the main hall, the flower roses are inheriting the opportunities left by their ancestors. Outside the city, Jun Chang laughs alone and fights for the supreme supremacy, which can be described as a model couple in the upper universe.

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