The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1731: Amazing crowd?



The burst of energy is dazzling.

Outside the city pool, Jun Chang smiled and fought with his sword and the Eight-door Supreme Master, without falling into the wind.

"too strong!"

Song Dechen, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes slightly and saw the fighting scene through a limited field of vision. The inner shock was even stronger.

Pretend to be dead.

It's just too wise!


在 At this moment, Song Dechen found that the old man lying in the pit was missing, so he quickly released the spiritual thoughts, and saw the guy slowly crawling towards a safer area. He might be afraid of being found and crawled for a while.

"Suggest goods."

Song Dechen despised the road.


Suddenly, an energy ball banged under his feet, shocked him to stand up directly, quickly jumped from the old man until he ran to a safe area, picked up the brick and smashed it again.

"Give way."

At this time, the old man came over and whispered.

Song Dechen moved his body, so they lay neatly on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Because the hiding place is relatively safe, the shocking outside will not be affected.



After a long absence, Bamen Supreme hurriedly gave orders to the people in the distance.

All of a sudden, nearly a hundred soldiers rushed up.

"So many people?"

Jun Chang laughed away from all kinds of martial arts, put the Zhenxian sword in front of him, put his **** on the sword body, and said, "Take the sky to the ground, drive thunder and clouds, open the flag and call, don't stop, hurry Like the law! "

"came back!"

System rejoiced: "That unscrupulous host!"



电 Lightning and thundering in the sky, clouds lingering, accompanied by super-burning BGM.

Upstairs in the city hall, A Zi turned his back to the camera, tore off his school uniform, revealing his sturdy body and bright red underwear, and proudly turned over half his face.

大 Typing a few big characters on the screen.

The owner of the Elder Spirit Beast Hall of the Eternal Ancient Sect——The Purple Demon King.


The corner of the mouth of the strong soul in the realm of the soul twitched.

突然 This guy who appears suddenly should be a rescuer invited by human beings, but ... why undress?


Suddenly, a lazy yawn came.

All the people hurriedly looked up and saw a middle-aged man sitting on the top of the tower. He put his hands together and placed a sarcophagus behind him, his eyes were dull and dull.

Bang bang bang!

Special effects subtitles appear again.

Elder Wanzong-Liu Sinan.

Of course, Gongsun Hou is indispensable.

As long as the lens is given, special subtitles representing the identity appear, shaking the reader's mobile phone and shaking the reader's blood.

In short, when Jun Chang laughed and shouted hurriedly, the top powers of Wan Guzong all appeared. In that scene, the battle, it was no wonder that Zhou Dong wrote lyrics and composed a theme song tailored for Wan Gu's strongest clan.

Someone asked.

They have n’t done it in half a day, and they have been able to fight the Eight Doors?

I must not fight.

However, Jun Chang laughed and shouted them, not to fight against the top powerhouses, but against the Bamen tribe. The strength of these warriors is at the level of seeking truth, which is enough to deal with easily.

After the high-level appearance of Wan Guzong, Bamen Supreme looked ugly.

these people.

When did you come in!


Xun Jun often laughs at swordsman of the soul of the Imperial Soul, and calmly said, "Those who are close to the city, kill them!"

He was serious, and the majesty and demeanor that a suzerain had had erupted all over him, which made people revered.


The Purple Demon King took a step forward. The pink love gloves had been brought up and said: "Whoever comes and who dies!"

Since Yuan Gongzi promulgated new rules one after another, he has recently suffered a lot of fire and urgently needs to find a target to vent.

Tamarix Sinan and Gongsun Hou and others are more calm.

They stood on the tower, holding their chests with their hands, facing the strong souls of the Royal Soul tribe with pride.

Who dares to rush.

Who died properly.

"What are you doing!"

The first door shouted, "Chong!"

He and seven other people have been entangled with Jun Chang and laughed. When do you want to stay in the city now?


The eight strongmen broke out and repaired, and flew towards the city pond.

I do n’t say whether Jun Changxiao is entangled, but now I call the high-level executives, even if he has the ability to stop, he wo n’t bother because he believes ...


At this moment, a purple fist king standing on the city tower punched in the void, only to see that the space was quickly distorted, forming a wide range of AOE fluctuations, and directly rushing more than ten imperial spirit warriors. Zhenfei went out.

Song De marks startled: "So strong?"


On the tower, Liu Sinan stood up, spread his hands, and repeatedly jumped in the air until he fell dozens of feet outside the city. Then he saw that the space quickly contracted, restraining all the powerful imperial spirits who came afterwards, and squeezed together.

"Control the space!"

"Oh my god, this one is even better!"

Because there was no audience, Song Dejin, who pretended to be dead, turned into a live commentary, and was very competent and surprised.


When Wan Guzong pretends to be forced, someone must watch it, or else it means anything!


At this time, the Gongsun Hou, who possesses the spirit of sand and gravel, also acted, and the properties of the heavens and earth released into the dust of the sky, gathered outside the city, and gradually gathered a sand man with a huge physique.

Support soldiers for thousands of days, used at a time.

Just at the beginning of the opening, the senior officials of Wanzongzong showed their magical power and mighty power, forcing the Soul Warriors who wanted to rush into the city to stop.

"Come on!"

Roar of the first door.


Although their princes were jealous of the elders of eternal ancestors, the Supreme Order had no choice but to bite the bullet.


At this moment, the Purple King Demon King jumped out of the city tower and clasped his right hand directly on the neck of a warrior, but when he heard the sound of 'Boom' on the ground, he raised his fist and launched a heavy rain pear bombardment, while beating and cursing: " Yuan Feng, you bastard! "

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

Because she has great resentment against Fu Zongzhu ~ ~, Azi vents all her anger on the enemy, making the other side into a pig in a short time.

of course.

Wu Yu soul clan warriors will not watch.

They successively performed martial arts and bombed them with various weapons.



Qian Baili Qianwu walked on the mysterious steps until he stopped near Azi, with an extra fruit knife in his hand, covered with blood.



More than a dozen of the powerful soul spirits fell to the ground together, all with small scars on their necks. It can be seen that they were hit in the very short time.

As one of the three major exterminators.

The cruelty of a hundred miles of sadness can be seen in the pursuit of the rebels and the destruction of a city.



The death of his companion angered the powerful souls in the Imperial Soul Realm.

They rushed over like crazy dogs, and their target changed from Chongcheng Pond to revenge!



The black and white Rakshasa revolved alternately, flew out of the city, and soon began to fight with the enemy.

The fighting is fierce and must be omitted.

So when dusk came, Liu Sinan and Gongsun Hou and others stood proudly on the tower, and there were countless dead bodies in the battlefield outside, and blood gathered into the river.


Purple Demon King folded his hips and said, "What a **** fun!"

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