The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1739: He Wudi confessed

Zhe He Wudi still gave the two martial arts to Jun Changxiao.

Of course, he can take it out, not because the other side is dead-faced, but because he has a sense of identification with Zongmen.

In the world of the past, the invincible way of living is to keep going, it is often impossible to **** opportunities with others, so it is a professional emperor.

The level is cleared to zero.

He joined Wan Gu Zong, he still pursues Gou, in fact?

The practice resources are provided by Zong Men, and he is responsible for closing and opening the door on weekdays, and occasionally doing the task of Zong Men. It is more comfortable to spend a little life.

Now that I have gained so many benefits, why not contribute my martial arts?

What a pity.

I must know how to be grateful.


This martial art is completely out of the eyes of Tai Xuan's predecessors. It is also a glory to give Zong Men to practice with the same door!

He Wutian thought and figured it out, and his pride gradually rose in his eyes, saying: "Everyone is me, I am everyone!"

Uh ...


Xi Jun often laughs and puts two cheats on the table, one is Jiulong Zhangzhang, and the other is Heaven and Earth.

"Very historical." Systemically.


Xi Jun often laughed: "I feel it too."

I talked, and opened the home page of Jiulong Split Palm, and read it carefully.

According to the settings in this book, unless special ethnic groups, most of the Chinese characters are used uniformly, so the content recorded above can be seen clearly.


Xun Jun often frowned with a smile.

There is a huge gap between the practice route described above and even the operation of the meridians and martial arts that I have been in contact with.

In fact, each plane has its own martial arts system, but the changes are inseparable from its ancestors, and this Kowloon division has become too many, even ... some places are completely unreasonable.

So far, Jun Changxiao's practice of non-martial arts martial arts mostly relies on insight, but because of the strength of Nabaijia, he also has a very good understanding.

成长 No one has grown up to be a master of martial arts by cheating.

"It's really strange."

System Road: "It is completely different from the martial arts system that the host has cultivated in the past."

Xun Jun often laughs and opens the world, and after careful reading, he concludes that it is very similar to Jiulong Zhangzhang, and it also does not belong to the upper world martial arts.


"Go ask invincible."

"Where did these cheats come from."

Uh ...


He He invincible lying on the bed.

The cheats were naturally brought back from the world, but to say it, isn't it to expose it?

The former Emperor Ye tried to conceal the rebirth of the house.


I will not talk about being known to cause trouble, but I was killed by my fiancée alone.

The same is true of He He Wudi. After all, being chased into a desperate way can only be forced to clear the level down.


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "How good is this seat to you these years? These years ..."


He He Wudi ‘嗖’ got up and said, “I said!”


Xun Jun often laughed and wondered: "Can you move?"

He Hevin went to the table and placed two tea cups of different sizes on it, saying, "Sect, this small is the lower universe, this large is the upper universe."

"What then?" Jun Chang laughed.

He Wutian placed the teapot next to the two teacups and said, "If there is a larger universe, would the Sovereign believe?"


Xun Jun often laughs without thinking about it.

He is invincible.

The suzerainian believer is too decisive, I knew it without metaphors.

Xun Jun often walked with a smile, pointing at the teapot and saying, "Your two cheats were obtained from here?"


He He invincible said seriously.

To this day, he intends to confess.

In fact, think about it carefully, the reason for coming down is to be hunted down by a group of strong men who are not weaker than yourself, and compare the night stars, at least we don't shame!


Ye Ye, who is practicing, sneezed and said coldly, "Who is talking bad about me?"

Xi Jun often looked at him with a smile and said, "You also come from here?"


He Wuzhe, who had been enrolled for years, finally confessed.

"Sure enough."

Xun Jun often laughed without showing much surprise, as if everything was as expected.

In fact, realizing that the two martial arts and the upper universe system are different, he has doubts whether he will obtain it from a higher plane. After all, the other party has been practicing in the Zongmen, and it is impossible to go outside to find opportunities.

At the beginning, He Wudi once confessed that he was chased and killed because of Qi Xuanxia's breaking, but he had no choice but to escape into the Nether.


One very important thing to conceal during my encounter is from a higher level.

From the beginning to the end, Jun Chang laughed why invincible came from the upper world. Until he saw the clue from the two martial arts, he began to speculate whether he still concealed it?

"This universe is strong?"

"how to say."

He Wudi considered for a moment and said, "It can't be considered the universe, but an independent world beyond the universe. It is called the land of eternal life."

"A land of eternal life?"

Xun Jun often laughed at the communication he heard through the illusion when he inherited Xuanyuan Realm, and asked, "What is the relationship with the road to eternal life?"

"Only through the path of eternal life, you can enter the land of eternal life." He Wudi explained.

"Where is the road to eternal life?"

He He invincible said: "Only when you enter the realm of knowledge can you realize the higher life path to the eternal life."


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "Why did you come to the lower universe?"

He He invincible said: "Because Qi Xuanxia is broken."

He mentioned this before, and Jun Changxiao also knew that he was the victim of the systematic stealing of Volume One, and now listening to him, he realized that when he was stolen, people were still living forever.

There is another new problem here.

The broken scroll of Qi Xuanxia Guang exists even on a higher plane, does it mean that Qi Xuan is more powerful than he thought?

"What strength did you ever have?"

"Shengjun ~ ~ Is it strong?"

呃 "Uh ... somewhat sober."

Xi Jun often laughed in his heart and muttered, "It depends on the situation, it should not be very high."

"Are there any other realms?"

"There is a saint below, and a saint above."

The deity of the Seven Sacred Gods originally represented a realm. Jun Changxiao thought it was a name or a Taoist name.

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "You have been concealing and not saying, is there an enemy in the land of eternal life?"

"Not before."

Zhe He Wudi clenched his fists and said, "But because Qi Xuanxia Guang was suddenly stolen through the broken scroll, I have countless enemies, and I can only be forced to come to the Nether."


Xun Jun often laughs silently.

家伙 If this guy knew that the remnants were stolen by the system, would he run away on the spot?

I can't.

This matter cannot be told to him.


He He's invincible anger weakened a bit, and said, "I'm very fortunate to be able to worship the Vanguard Sect, and I'm fortunate to be a disciple of the ancestral gate built by the seniors of Qixuan."

Xun Jun often laughed: "It's a blessing because of misfortune. You don't have to worry about being stolen with a remnant."

"People want to look forward, not backward, let the past let him pass, we have to look at the future!"

Things were stolen systematically. He didn't know at the time, and the unawares were not guilty. What he can do at this moment is to try to comfort him, don't always think about who the stealer is, and don't always hold resentment, because ... it's boring.

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