The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1740: The mall is stealing everything

常 From He Wudi's mouth, Jun Changxiao learned of the land of eternal life, but there was no wave in his heart, because he had not reached a higher level, why bother to understand it in depth.

in short.

Kushiro must go step by step, and step by step.

When you reach the top in the upper universe, you should understand what you should know.

I still have to succeed in two martial arts practices.

After returning to his residence, Jun Chang smiled and took out Jiulong's split palm, and then took out a note of insight from the space ring, and said seriously: "Cultivation!"


Skilled in crushing.

However, when Jun often laughed to gain insight, he began to read the cheats, and found that it was still unpredictable. It was completely different from the previous feeling of seeing the formula and immediately realizing it.

"Although I don't want to hit the host, there is one thing that must be said." The system said: "How long haven't you upgraded the insight token?"


Xun Jun often laughed and remained silent.

符 The amulet of insight is still in the upper bound version.

Now, he has left the upper world and started the era of big aerospace. Naturally, he has fallen behind.

not to mention.

Two martial arts come from the land of eternal life.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire upper universe knows that there are not many strong men in the land of eternal life, and Jun Changxiao already has martial arts cheats there, which is ahead of his time.


"Can only rely on the mall."

Xun Jun often laughs very skillfully to open the system mall.

I asked him to learn about Jiulong ’s split palm. In fact, there was nothing wrong with it. After all, he cheated up and had a high understanding of martial arts. However, as the master of a case, he still had to be busy with development.

System said: "I like the host I am open, I have a right mind."

It's very happy.

Because Jun Changxiao has n’t opened the system mall for a long time, and recently won the Xuanyuan Realm, there is no shortage of martial art resources.

I will continue to strengthen myself like this, and there will be a crisis of unemployment in the future.

In fact, it doesn't mean that Jun Changxiao doesn't want to use the mall, but after upgrading to the upper bound, even if he becomes a VIP user, there is a limit on the number of refreshes, which makes him feel too restrictive.

I'm right.

Shop has anti-sky props to strengthen the gate.

But as the master of a case, how can you squat at home every day and wait for the CD to refresh?

If you have time, go out to fight ... to resell and earn more resources. Can you develop a sectarian door if it is different? Is it different?

Uh ...

Wan Guzong was settled in the ancient world. The disciples are doing their missions as before, so the contribution value is increasing every day, and it is gradually being enriched.

Xun Jun often laughed without hesitation to start the annual contract business again, after all, it has given a lot of refreshes.

"Ding! Ding!"

Frequent refreshing sounds rang in my ears.

From this we can see that there is nothing good, because there is something good that will definitely crouch on the chair and cover his face with a funny smile.

Hard to say.

Now the Lord is taking serious wind.

Even if the word 'dog left' doesn't appear.


After brushing more than ten times, Jun Chang laughed and stopped, his eyes locked on a grid, and said, "Tianwei secret?"

Click Details.

Item: Tianwei secret realm.

Introduction: The transcendental mystery that exists in the upper universe system.

Role: Tianwei's secret realm is the Tianwei battlefield. During the 100,000 years of fierce battles, countless strong men fell here and turned into ghosts. If they were defeated, various martial art resources could be obtained.

Advantages: Built-in treasure, equipment, martial arts, Danfang.

Disadvantages: Only disciples can enter.

Price: 10,000 reputation.

Grade: Super.


Xun Jun often smiled, holding her chin, and said, "Higher than the mystery of life and death."

Systems said: "Experience is not mentioned in the introduction, it should be a place to focus on equipment."

"Not so much prestige, or you buy it."

During this period of time, the disciples accumulated a lot of contributions for Jun Changxiao, but the system collapsed early. Except for the annual card and the number of refreshes, it was almost equal to the number.

I'm a pity.

After accumulating this time, the reputation value is only 5000.


System said: "If you buy it again."

"Isn't it stuck?"

Xun Jun often laughs and still wants to refresh the amulet of insight.

The system said: "The chance of refreshing the mysterious realm is not high, let alone being superb. It is recommended that the host save it to avoid leaving regret."


Xi Jun often laughs back to the mall page and continues to see the follow-up props.


At this time, he found another product named-Independent Station.

Click on Introduction.


Is the former Xuanyuan Realm.

"Good guy." Jun Chang laughed, "The mall is really stealing everything."

I glanced at it and said, "One hundred thousand reputation?"

When I came to the upper world, Jun Changxiao also bought prestige type props, most of which were around a few thousand. The Tianwei secret realm that just appeared was the most expensive. I did not expect that the price of Xuanyuan Real Estate was ten times higher.

代表 What does this mean?


继承 Inherited a penny without spending money, earning blood!


Xi Jun often laughed: "You can save a lot of money for this seat."

Only when the independent battlefield appears in the mall can we truly reflect the importance of Koi Renshan.

The props below are nothing good, so Jun Chang smiled and withdrew the mall and took the Jiulong Divided Palm to the secret space of time and space.

Since I can no longer refresh, I can only rely on myself.


After entering the secret space of time and space, Jun Chang smiled back to the camera, and said, "Don't understand this martial art, don't take a half step back!"

System said: "It's time to finish flowering in advance!"

Uh ...

Time flies, time flies.


Wu Su Xiaomo asked, "Have you not yet come out?"


Li Qingyang shook his head.

"It's been back and forth for two months now, what is the master understanding?" Su Xiaomo wondered.

Li Qingyang said: "It should be a profound martial art."


Xi Xiao came out of Houshan, holding a bunch of hair in his hand, and said, "The lord is bald again."

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo were not surprised.

他们 In their opinion, as long as the suzerain is absolutely devoted to doing something ~ ~, it is like the wildfire is endless, and the hair that is blown by the spring wind is guaranteed to fall off.

He Wudi, who stood in the distance and listened to a few people talking, secretly said: "Although these two types of martial arts are not the best, but they want to succeed in the initial cultivation, at least for hundreds of years, the lord ...



Suddenly, a laugh came from Houshan.


青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others hurried over.

As soon as He entered Houshan, he saw the suzerain standing outside the secret space of time and space with his hands on his hips and a long smile on the sky. Because of the sunlight, his head was extremely bright.

"Must ..."

He Wudi, who heard the news, exclaimed: "Is it understood?"


在 At this moment, Jun Chang laughed with his legs spread apart, put his hands in front of his chest, and began to print quickly. The surrounding properties of the world were instantly mobilized to form an extremely spectacular picture.

"this is……"

青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others were blown away by the wind blowing their hair, their eyes flickered and shocked, and said, "Master He's martial arts!"

"Lushan Shenglongba!"



Along with Jun Changxiao, he shouted the name of the move, converging the surrounding attributes of heaven and earth into a nine-headed dragon beast, and rushed towards the nine peaks in the distance.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Laoshan stone cracked, the world was eclipsed!

He He invincible growled, "What kind of ghost is Lushan Shenglongba!"

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