The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1754: What about my knife?

Only the disciples enter Tianwei's secret realm, and it is supposed that the equipment obtained should only be used by the disciples. As a result, the dog left easily pulled out the too knife.


Xun Jun often smiled and said, "Isn't it bound?"

He said, taking another Taidao from Xiao Sinji, it was just as easy to pull out, without any hindrance.

"Elder Liu."

Xun Jun often laughs and closes the knife and throws it away. "You try."

Tamarix Sinan took the Taidao, yanked out his sheath, looked at the sharp blade, and praised: "Good knife."


The system is speechless.

It can be used by both the Suzerain and the elders, which shows that although the Tianwei secret realm has restrictions, the equipment can be shared.

"Let me see!"

At this time, Fan Yezi came over and took the Taidao from Liu Sinan. After studying it carefully, he was shocked: "At least it must be a fairy character!"

Xun Jun often laughed without accident, even a little bit lost.

According to the introduction, as long as you get the equipment in the secret realm, the starting point is the fairy character level, but unfortunately it is not the ultimate level.

He can remain calm, Liu Sinan and others are stunned.

The Wuxian word class belongs to the magic weapon in the upper world, and the holders are also big men with heads and faces. Now the two disciples enter the secret realm and bring out two handles, which is a bit exaggerated!

"It's a pity."

Xiao Xiao sinned and said, "The challenge failed."


Xun Jun often smiled and said, "How can I give back the weapon?"

Xiao Xiao's crimes should be said one by one about the night stars and Liu Sheng ten soldiers.

"No wonder it's the East Sword." After understanding the reason, Jun Chang smiled and realized: "It turned out that the user was an East Sword person."

and many more.

How can there be people in Dongtianwei secret realm?

You know, this is not the Milky Way, let alone the earth.

"What are you doing?"

System said: "Since sending fairy-class equipment, let the disciples challenge it."

"So too."

Xun Jun often laughed and withdrew his thoughts and thought, "Maybe to defeat that guy, in a specified time, although the star finally defeated, but it was deemed a failure because of timeout."


Ye Yexing sighed coldly and said, "The next time you go in, you must wipe out cleanly, and you must not delay time."

He doesn't think that there is only one Liu Sheng ten soldiers in the secret territory, and there should be other strong men. It doesn't matter if the equipment is provided, at least it is a good training place.


Xi Jun often laughed: "You go in and out."


He He Wudi came over and said in his heart, "It's because I was so high-profile last time that I was so valued by the suzerain!"

"咻 ——————"

Melt into the whirlpool and be in a secret place.


Suddenly, a noise came.

He He invincible turned and looked around, and saw a strange warrior walking around.


Yuyanagi Ten Guards!

既然 Since this guy has appeared again, it means that he was not erased just now, but disappeared after failure, waiting for another challenger to come.

So, it should be an automatically generated phantom of the mystery.


Yanliu Sheng's ten soldiers sat on the ground, and flicked the scabbard with his thumb. As a result, he played a lonely shot.


He lowered his head, and found that his waist was empty, and said blankly, "What about my sword?"


He invincible twitched.

Although I saw this guy for the first time, I guessed it from the explanation of Xiao Xieji just now. This should be the warrior defeated by Brother Ye. As for the sword, naturally it was Brother Brother Xiao who took out.

"No more, no more."

Tamayanagi Ten soldiers stood up and said, "Without a knife, I can still fight!"


"Please enlighten me."

"Boom ————————"

As soon as the cricket's voice fell, He Wudi rushed in a stride, his right fist banged on his stomach, a powerful force broke out, and a ripple of energy visible to the naked eye was raised directly behind him.


A spit of blood from Yuliu Tenth Guards, his eyes bulging, his mouth opened, his feet off the ground under slow motion, his bow and waist burst out, and then turned into green smoke.

K, o!

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to the challenger for defeating Yagyu Ten Guards at the required time."

"Ding! Because the challenger spiked the hero and got a perfect evaluation, the next round will directly challenge an s-class hero."

"咻 ————"

The squinting eye looks like a sudden change, and He Wudi is in a place like a hall.

In front of Zheng Zheng, there is a wall with lifelike human figures on the wall. The number can be described as dense, especially the s symbol is engraved on the back of the hand.

"What do you mean?"

He He invincible did not understand.

If you change to Jun Chang laugh, combining this s and a on the back of Liu Sheng's ten soldiers, you will certainly immediately understand that this should be a common number of strength division in games.

The most powerful sect of all ages, the most powerful sect of all ages.

It only takes 998 for the first draw of ten consecutive years, and the core disciples at s level will take them home and log in for 7 consecutive days. There will also be sss + masters receiving it for free. Do n’t hurry to pick up the phone to download!



At this time, the wall seemed to be excited by some kind of energy, and the portrait drawn by the lines flickered brightly, as if becoming flesh and blood.

请 "Please challenger choose your opponent." A thick voice sounded in my ear.

He He invincible understood.

This is to make yourself pick an opponent on the wall portrait.

Who should choose?

He He Wudi Zai watched carefully.

As a Gou Sheng, if fighting is inevitable, you must choose the weakest, at least you can save strength.

"It's him!"

Any invincible chose a goal.


The words fell off, and the selected portrait flew into a streamer.

At the same time, the sight in front of me changed from the dark hall to the forest garden of floating peach blossoms.

He Wudi was vigilant, because under the thickest peach tree in front, a burly man looking at bamboo slips sat on his back, with a prairie hat on his head, and a long and wide wooden box next to it. What weapons should be stored.

"Who is coming?"

"Report your name."

The voice is strong and majestic, and the aura is very powerful.

"The disciples who closed their doors in the ancient times, He Wudi." He Wudi arched, "Who is your Excellency?"


The burly man put the bamboo slip lightly beside him, then slowly turned around, with a voice like Hong Zhong said: "Han Shou Pavilion, Guan Yunchang."

Luo Danfengyan ~ ~ lying silkworm eyebrows.

The noodles are like heavy dates, and the lips are greased.

I'm right.

I'm Guan Erye!

He He invincible eyes widened.

This magnificent, burly guy and the elder with his beard selected on the portrait, it seems that the gap between drunk old men is too big!

"I knew that I would choose the little old man with the bow next to me!"


As soon as Tong Guanyun raised his hand, the wooden box on the ground flew up, and he strode over and said, "You and I will fight."

Although He Wudi was very depressed and chose a guy who was a little fierce, but now that he has broken through the barriers, he can only fight.


Tong Guan Yun long single palm on the wooden box.

The covered wooden board suddenly flew out and flew away from He Wudi. The rolled up energy blew his hair.


How invincible frowned.

"It's been a long time since I started."

Tong Guan Yunchang poked his hand into the open wooden box, and said, "I hope not to disappoint Guan."


I grabbed and caught a lonely.


Twenty two caught, and another lonely.

Erguan Tongguan turned his head and found that the wooden box was empty, and said, "My sword!"

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