The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1755: Power from the east

"Although these two knives are good, from the perspective of materials, they seem to be inferior to Erye's Qinglong Yueyue knife."

Outside the mysterious realm, Jun Changxiao sacrifice the **** to change the blue dragon and the moon knife, and is comparing with Taisheng and Taiyi of Liu Sheng's ten soldiers.


Fan Yezi agreed: "There is a big difference in materials and workmanship."


Xi Jun often laughed: "It was bought too early and the level could not keep up."

Although during this time, he occasionally sacrificed Qinglong Yueyuedao to cut people, but mostly relied on his own strength. As far as weapons were concerned, it was already a knockout.

no way.

The equipment played in the early stage is definitely not better than the equipment in the later stage. This is the law of thunder, unless it can be continuously upgraded like a difficult knife.

"When the host bought it, it was only 157 chapters, and now it is more than 1700 chapters. It can be used well now." System Road.


"How could we defeat Qin Haoran if we did not rely on this **** to change weapons, and now I want to come, full of memories, full of feelings."

神 改 青龙 月 刀 is not able to keep up with the times, but it is undeniable that in the early period, he helped the dogs to resolve a lot of troubles. It can also be considered that he has become stronger all the way, and witnesses along the way.

"If there is a possibility."

Xun Jun often laughed: "I hope to upgrade this knife to make Huaxia's Wusheng soul stand on top of the mountain."

The dog walker is a nostalgic person. He hopes that even the weapons and equipment that have been eliminated will also have the opportunity to rejuvenate the second spring.

"Wash and sleep," the system said.

"Thank you."

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "You're a reverse poisoned milk."

Uh ...

"My sword!"

In the mysterious territory, Guan Erye grabbed the air two times, his silk brows frowned, and his entire face became redder with the anger and blessing.

As Wu Sheng of Megatron Huaxia, the first thing that reminds the world is not the hat, but the blue dragon 偃月刀 that accompanied him to the north and south.

Warm wine cut Huaxiong.

Pass five levels and cut six generals.

This is inseparable from Qinglong Yueyuedao.

PS (PS, the above allusions are taken from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so the party should not be more authentic.)

System growled: "Look at the glyphs of the sand and see the readers here, who is more true to you, don't take yourself too seriously!"


He is invincible and speechless.

What about the strange warrior who asked the sword before?

"No more, no more."

Erguan Tongguan said: "Without the weapon at hand, Guan has no intention of fighting, so go back."

I finished talking and turned away.

He seems to be vicissitudes and desolate because of the loss of Qinglong Yueyuedao.

Ma Yongning can certainly understand the pain of Erye, because the real swordsman is the knife, and the knife is nobody!


Ye He invincible a joy in his heart.

As long as you can avoid fighting as much as possible and avoid consumption as much as possible, it is undoubtedly excellent.


At this moment, He Wudi found that the left empty wooden box suddenly shimmered with gleam, and gradually formed a dazzling crystal, so he hurried forward and said, "Is this a customs clearance reward?"

Never mind.

收入 Let's talk about the ring first.


He Hewu's side just took away the big slap crystal, and a voice came from the secret area: "Because the S-class British soul inadvertently fights, the challenger is determined to fail and will be forced to teleport."


"咻 ——————"

He He Wudi has not returned yet, and people have appeared outside of Tianwei's secret territory.

No! That guy doesn't want to fight and run away, how can I finally count the failure on my head!

"what's the situation?"

Xun Jun often asked with a smile.

"Uh ..." He Wudi explained the situation he encountered, especially focusing on the weird man who had no intention of fighting.

Xi Jun often laughed and fell into thought.

The man wears a steppe hat, lying silkworm eyebrows, danfeng eyes, and red dates on his face. He looks magnificent ... How can I listen to him like that?


Walking the dog left on the special effect button of Qinglong 偃 Yuedao, the spirit of Wu Sheng suddenly appeared behind him and said, "Is it him?"


He He invincible said: "It's him!"

Although Wu Wusheng's soul looks real and false, both in appearance and manner are exactly the same as Guan Erye in Tianwei Mi. As long as his eyes are not blind, he will immediately recognize it.

Xun Jun often laughed off the special effects and said, "What then?"

"He has no sword, so he leaves."

"The knife is gone?"

Xun Jun often smiled and looked at God to change Qinglong and Yueyue Dao, and muttered in his heart: "Is this ... this **** changed Qinglong and Yueyue Dao to Guan Erye?

System said: "Not so coincident?"



He He Wudi took out the brilliant crystal and said, "This is what the disciples obtained, like a special ore."

Xun Jun often laughed at the past, and then appeared ecstatic.

The bright crystal in front of my eyes, from the point of view of form and specifications, is actually very similar to the upgraded soul stone that upgrades the hard-to-reach sword, is it ...


The system poured cold water in time: "There is still a difference."


Strictly speaking, there are great differences in some corners and even colors, especially a small blue dragon pattern is printed on the inside, which is not in the transformation of soul stones.

Wait a minute!

Qinglong pattern?

Xi Jun often smiled and looked at the blue dragon carved on the face of Qinglong Yueyue. After careful and true comparison, it was concluded that the two were exactly the same!

"Don't ..."

He rejoiced: "This thing is used to upgrade Qinglong 偃月刀?"

"It's even more impossible, not so coincident ..."


While the system is working, Jun Chang laughs and picks up the crystal and touches the blade of Qinglong Moon Moon. The former instantly turns into green light and merges into it. The two sides seem to have a strong chemical reaction.

"Sure enough!"

让 "Let me guess!"

"咻 ————————"

At this moment, Qinglong Yueyuedao flew away, hanging over the elder world, surrounded by bright streamers, gradually converging into a giant blue dragon, hovering proudly in the sky.


The sound of howling dragons rang through the world.

"咻咻 咻!"

The city where the Nine Dragons are located, UU reads www. The high-level headed by Long Aotian flew out to look at the roaring blue dragon in the sky, and all eyes appeared wrong.

"What a powerful dragon!"

但是 "But it's different from my dragon family!"

"What power is this?"

The dragons and even the entire elders of the world are confused, except that the junior often smiles and feels the mighty breath, and then gradually raises the corner of his mouth to smile, and then puts his hand against his chest, proudly saying: "This is the power from the East! "



Qinglong growled, magnificent.

Continued for about a moment, the blue dragon 偃月刀 flew from the mysterious power of the east, and in front of Jun Chang laughed, 嘭, the blue dragon pattern engraved on the blade flashed, as if becoming vivid.


He Wudi and Li Qingyang and others were aggressive.


Xun Jun often laughed and held the Qinglong Moon Moon Knife, striding forward, the blade pattern glowed hot, and a seemingly blue dragon wrapped around the body instantly, yelling, "Flying Dragon is in the sky!"


Jian Daoguang and Qinglong soared into the sky, with high special effects and strong auras. He Wuji and others receded one after another, staring blankly at the sky, and looking at the void that was gradually torn in two halves.


Open up ... a big move?

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