The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1772: 5 Thunder Spirit

The stars are showing off their sins, only Xiao Mo is being beaten.

This sentence fully interpreted Su Xiaomo's living conditions in recent days.

The first two times were misunderstood because of blindness and disagreement. It ’s understandable. This time because I ’m not here from time to time, it ’s really ... beautiful!

Xiao Mo is also aggrieved.

The warship wave affects the elder world, so come out and look at it.

Oh my god!

What did I just see!

Oh my god!

This is absolutely rock-shattering ... No, the big news at the end of the world!

"calm down!"

Su Xiaomo hurriedly pretended to die, and secretly said, "I haven't seen anything, I can't say anything!"

In the cockpit.

Jun Chang laughed with a smile, with the rose in his arms resting on his neck with his hands and his four lips close together. The air was filled with romance and beauty.

that moment.

Time seems to be still.


Slightly, the monarch who had returned to God laughed and pushed the flower roses away, saying with a bowl, "What are you doing!"

Hua Rose leaned in front of the operating table, and froze her hair lightly, saying, "Zong Men still has housework to deal with. I'll go first."

"call out----"

She returned to the ancient world as a victor, sitting in a small pavilion, while looking at the blooming roses in the yard, while thinking about Jun Changxiao's red ears and red ears, she couldn't help but laugh.

I am a husband.

so cute.

Jun Chang smiled in the cockpit of Wangu.

He sat down, hugged his head with both hands, and growled, "My first kiss is gone!"

"Ha ha."

System said: "With the strength of the host, can't you find it?"

"That woman is too sudden!" Jun Chang laughed.


"Just don't find it."

"But why did it take more than ten seconds to push away?"

"Do you know that this extremely rigorous thing is easy to be stabbed by readers? Would you say that you are so weak in a half-step world?"


Jun Chang growled with a smile: "They can only say that the dog is better than the author, but not me!"

"..." The system seemed to be speechless and returned to the subject: "Although you want to avoid it in your heart, you are still honest, so don't make excuses for yourself."

"Get out of here."

Jun often sneered, always sitting in a chair with his head folded.

The first kiss of guarding nearly two thousand chapters suddenly disappeared, and it was difficult for anyone to accept it, let alone him.


Jun Chang sighed and touched his lips with his fingers, as if ... aftertaste.

"Sweet or not?"

"It's not a sweet or sweet question, it's a weird and special feeling, but it's a pity ..." Jun Chang, who was using his hands and feet and making gestures, said suddenly, "Why should I answer your question!"

and many more!

Did someone seem to come in just now?

Jun Changxiao looked along the direction where Su Xiaomo flew out, and saw a dent in the stern cabin wall, and a shoe scattered on the ground, and then there was nothing else.

Suddenly a strong kiss from Hua Rose, caught him by surprise, and the whole person seemed to be electrocuted, so his thoughts were confused and he was completely unaware of the external situation.

"who is it?"

Jun Chang smiled and thought, "Come to the Vanguard?"


Suddenly, the battleship was shaking again.

Jun Chang laughed back from all thoughts and looked out at the dark area like lightning and thunder, saying, "Should it be safe to pass the barriers of the universe?"

Just as he was watching the wonders outside, Su Xiaomo stretched out a hand with a hand, picked up the fallen shoes, and quickly integrated into the eternal world until he sat in the courtyard and raised his cuff to wipe his forehead sweat: " Good danger, good danger! "


Li Fei happened to pass by, inexplicably: "What happened to you?"


Su Xiaomo beckoned quickly and whispered, "Come here, my brother tells you a secret!"


Disciples who are practicing or busy in their respective courtyards, as if they have thousands of ears, suddenly move a small bench and appear in the courtyard, arranging their ears consciously in a row, listening attentively to the secrets of the three brothers.




Within the barriers of the two universes, the lightning flashes and thunders are huge.

Vanguard shuttled through the turbulent environment, looking like a lonely boat drifting in the stormy sea, looking at risk.


Sitting in the cockpit, Shangguan Yanyao said, "The formation system is operating normally and should not be affected."

At this moment, the Vango has entered a manual flight state, and the elderly Tai Xuan and Zhen Dejun are leading the members of the Zhenfatang flight team in operation.

Crossing the two-system cosmic barriers may lead to special situations, so care must be taken.

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "How long can I go out?"

Shangguan Yanyao hurriedly retrieved the starry sky map. After analyzing various data, he said: "The depth of the barriers cannot be observed, and it may take a month."

"so long?"

Jun Chang smiled half-faced with his hands, his eyes quickly fascinated.

Outside, the most twisted and irritable areas are faintly flashing, like a lighthouse guiding ships in the dark sea.

"What is this?"

Elder Tai Xuan and Zhen Dejun also found out that they hurriedly looked at the starry sky map with radar function, but did not mark the existence of light spots.

Meaning, no snooping!



Thunder and lightning are more powerful.

Although the lightning condensed by the heavenly system has a very wide range, it seems to be pulled by a certain force, all blasting towards the flashing area, giving the impression that the thunder pool is condensing.

"Fly over."

Jun Chang smiled and ordered immediately.

Such strong lightning properties should be able to recharge lightning rods.


The original Vango, which flew in a straight line, immediately reversed its direction in the rough environment and slowly headed for the minefield.

"Boom boom!"

Due to space and energy fluctuations, the hull vibration is more intense.

Everyone in the cockpit didn't care, because they locked their eyes on the area where the lightning flashed and the light shone.


The light grew stronger.


Jun Chang smiled and frowned, "It's a man!"

The disciples also saw that in the area of ​​flashing light, a figure slowly appeared, and various thunder and lightning came from all directions, seemingly unharmed.

"The ability to withstand lightning strikes in this extremely harsh environment is bound to be extraordinary," the system speculated.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I need such talents!"


The system said: "Since there is an elder world, the host intends to use it for all talents."


At this time, Jun Chang smiled and said, "Not a man!"

Van Gogh traveled a distance again, and the silhouettes bombarded by various lightnings looked empty and seemingly real.

"Is it ..."

Gu Zhaoxi always stared at special things and was shocked: "The Spirit of Five Thunders!"

After confessing his reincarnation to his parents, he asked Gu Tianxing about spiritual matters, and he learned that thirty-two species have been bred in the Canghai system, and the spirit of Wulei is one of them.

These special spirit species are scattered throughout the sea system, some in the upper universe and some in the lower universe, and it is almost difficult to find them. Therefore, all the heirs have the great fortune.

List all thirty-two species?

Do not.

Take the spirit name water word number ~ ~ I disdain to do so.

"The Spirit of the Five Thunders?"

Jun Chang laughed and his eyes lit up.

At first I thought about charging the lightning rod, then I thought about recruiting a strong one. As a result, I accidentally encountered a special spirit body. I really broke the iron shoes and found nowhere, so it took no effort!



Lightning strikes are more frequent in the area where the spirit body is located, while the former seems to be bathing in spring light. Suddenly, when a warship is approaching, it hurries and slips.

"Catch up!"

Jun Chang laughed: "Don't let him run away!"

While talking, he took out the loudspeaker and shouted, "You have been surrounded. Immediately give up resistance. Surrender is the only way out!"

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