The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1773: I ’m not as good as you!

The spirit of the five thunders was quite witty, and saw a boat come and ran away.

However, Jun Chang laughed so that he could let the spirit species in his hand slip away and immediately order his disciples to speed up, and he must catch the humanoid person.

He has the power of the fire soul and the evil spirit. During the period of tempering, he entered the juvenile period. The spirit of the five thunders that slipped away is obviously larger, and may enter adulthood. If it is merged, the strength will definitely increase!

"call out!"

Vancouver's tail jets energy and turns into a streamer.

In order to get this spirit body, Jun Changxiao directly started the highest level of flying speed, and the first-class flint in the energy tank was blasting, which was distressing.



Thunder and lightning within the barriers of the universe are even louder.

It is said that the probability of being thundered by people in this life is extremely low, but why did the Wangu shuttle so brightly and swiftly within Wan Leiqi's environment that he did not win? Because they all rushed towards the spirit of the five thunder, like a lightning rod.

"You have been surrounded, quickly give up resistance!"

Sound came from the loudspeaker, echoing inside the barriers of the universe, not only made people question, can sound waves spread in the universe?

"call out!"

The Spirit of the Five Thunders runs faster.

The situation now is that it ran in front, Wan Lei chased in the bottom, and Wan Gu in the end, which looked a little funny.


Gu Zhaoxi said: "My dad said that this spiritual body is the wisdom born of the universe, and it is difficult to merge with it unless it is inherited."

He was persuading Jun to laugh and give up, after all, the twisted melon is not sweet.


From a dog's perspective, at least it can quench thirst.

The spirit thing was born without a thing.

Since Jun Changxiao encountered him, no matter how he chased it, it wasn't considered stealing. Please don't rise to the level of three views.

The question now is whether it can catch up and merge.

For now, it's difficult.

Because it contains extremely strong lightning properties, which provides BUFF enhancement to the spirit of the five thunder, it runs faster and faster, and even the thunder and lightning behind the bottom can't catch up.


"Don't let it run!"

Jun Chang laughed hard and wanted to win the spirit of the Five Thunders. Even if he didn't have a fate, at least he could give it to Li Qingyang. After all, there is a thunder and punishment body.


A month later.

The cosmic barrier of the Cangyun system, the spirit of the five thunder came out from the inside.

Although it is difficult to see its appearance, it must be sticking out its tongue at this moment. After all, it ran for dozens of days without any rest.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Wan Lei chased out.

Dissipation quickly weakened by leaving the barrier area.

"call out------"

At this time, Wangu also flew out of the twisted space.

Jun Chang, who was sitting in the cockpit, laughed with bloodshot eyes and said hoarsely, "Catch up with it, you must catch up with it!"


The disciples were speechless.

This month, Vango chased and chased within the barriers, and was always flying at a high speed. The first class of firestones consumed countlessly, and the suzerain gradually couldn't bear the blow, and now it was almost crazy.

"Stop it!"

Gu Zhaoxi was surprised: "That guy stopped!"

Outside, the spirit body, which turned into the light of thunder and lightning, finally slowed down, then put his hands on his knees, and stooped and gasped in the cosmic starry sky.


Jun Chang laughed and shouted the word broke!

Vango continued to burn the flint and rushed forward, and soon stopped near the spirit of the five thunder.


The bilge is open.

The blood-stained Jun often flew out with a smile, and the majestic true spirit power turned into a big hand and snarled, "In order to catch you, do you know how much energy this seat consumes!"


Suddenly stiff body.

A warship of extraordinary quality emerged out of thin air, quickly surrounding itself with the Vanguard, the number of which was at least 50, and the super-large warship headed by it floated with a banner engraved with 'Skull'.



The main battleship came with a grim smile: "How long have you waited for Lao Tzu to wait for your fish to be hooked?"



Jun Chang seemed to have a clear understanding, and secretly said, "Did you deliberately use the spirit of Wulei as a bait?"


The murmur sounded: "It's a bait!"

Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

This guy ... can even hear his own voice!


The base of the main battleship opened, and slowly descended from the lifting platform. A guy in a mink suit fought in it with his back to the camera, and raised his hand and hit his finger.


The lights on the edge of the table suddenly lighted up, dazzling him.


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

Shouldn't such a showy appearance be exclusive to you!


The man shook off the mink clothes, slowly turned his head, and half of his handsome face appeared, proudly saying: "The head of the strongest pirate regiment in Cangyun, Duanmuhai!"

"Woo ———————"

A horn-like voice came from the main battleship, and shouted with numerous voices: "Captain Duanmu, the universe is the strongest!"

"Head Duanmu, the universe is the strongest!"


Duanmuhai clapped her hands, which turned her whole body, but Jun Chang smiled and couldn't help laughing because the guy was half masculine and half feminine.

"You laughing at me?"

"No, no, I didn't laugh at you."

"You're laughing at me!"

Duanmuhai shouted, because one face is different from the other, so it needs to be described as "tiger round" and "liumei picking up".

Jun Chang laughed hard to make his expression serious, saying: "Gender and appearance are given by parents, we can't change, so ... understand you."


Cover your mouth with both hands and laugh again.


Duanmuhai clenched his fist, gritted his teeth and said, "Your behavior offends me, so you must use your life to make up for your mistakes!"

It is not difficult to find that this guy's left hand is very rough and his right hand is very delicate. It can be seen that the body is divided into male and female. This is really not male or female in a real sense. The kind in a country is not deliberately different from this kind.

Then again.

What kind of smile does Jun Chang laugh at?

After the fusion with the flower rose, the tone of the voice is mixed with the male and female voices, and there is nothing in the heart?

"of course."

Duanmuhai said coldly: "I will let you die slowly, so that every drop of blood in your body will be drained and dry, so ..." The expression Tao Ran said: "Only to relieve the hatred in my heart."

"You change your character!" Jun Chang laughed.

"Guess right."

Duanmuhai suddenly leaned her face to the camera, stared at her big eyes, and said, "I'm a metamorphosis!"


The strange breath whistled out ~ ~ It was extremely scary to set him up.

"call out----"

At the same time, the spirit of the five thunder, who was breathing, flew behind Duanmuhai, and stood with his head down, making people feel like an obedient servant.


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "This spirit species should not be fused with him."


Duanmu Haiguai laughed: "You guessed it again, the garbage spirits of the sea system are not qualified to be wise and wise!"


Jun Chang smiled with a thumbs up and said, "On the pretense, I'm not as good as you!"

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