
Hit the final note.

Ai's owner said loudly: "Ting Yuge took the fifth healing salamander for 500,000, and paid 1 million as required."


Wu Shaoge was trembling with anger.

Although the effect of healing dandan is strong, it is limited to Kaimai and martial arts. Buying 3 tablets by yourself is really superfluous.

What's more, because that guy messed up and even spent 4 million!

Xun Jun often laughs and laughs: "Children of rich people and guys, spending money is generous."

Lu Lu: "..."

This head of mine is really terrible.

Next, the owner of Ai continued to auction the healing Dan, and Jun Chang laughed and shouted 400,000 as always.

I ate the young man who lost three times and was afraid to follow.

He doesn't play, and others dare not play, for fear of being inadvertently pitted by this guy.


Ai's homeowner slammed his hammer and announced that Jun Chang laughed to buy Healing Dan for 400,000.

The money will definitely not be paid, and the Ai family will keep it for sale at the next auction, so there is no loss on both sides.

The seventh cure Dan was auctioned, Jun Changxiao stopped auctioning it, Liuqi Liuliists began to fight, and the final transaction price was fixed at 800,000.

Is a normal price.

The next 13 were bought by the major forces, and they were sold for more than 10 million two. On average, the price was around 800,000, setting a new auction high.

This is just an appetizer.

Because of the next 5 plastic body auctions, it is the top priority.

It was for this elixir that two five-class ancestral gates were knocked down, and they hurried over thousands of miles.

"You all."

After a short break, the owner of Ai took out the elixir and said: "This is the plastic body that can strengthen the body. The first starting price is 2 million two!"

The corners of many warriors in the bronze area twitched.

Sure enough.

The price is higher than the last auction!

"2.1 million!"

Elder Yun Hongzong started the price step by step.

"2.2 million." Listening to Yuge Shaoge's follower.

Healing Dan's two ancestors reached a tacit understanding and did not go to the auction.

"2.3 million!"

"2.4 million!"


I watched them kill, Jun Chang laughed.

In the end, after some competition you won, the first model Dan was won by the owner of Tingyuge for 5 million yuan.

Twenty-seven Liuliu martial arts also participated in the auction, but withdrew after reaching 4 million.

The big gate is rich, can't afford it, can't afford it.

The next plastic body Dan was still struck by two top five schools, and was finally won by Hongyun Zong for 5.5 million.

He thought that the two sects would stop there. Whoever wanted the next elixir would continue to participate in the war.

Seeing the price increase, the Liuliuqi Martial School can only look forward with sigh.

Finally, the five plastic pill were divided by Hongyunzong and Tingyuge. The former bought two for 11 million, and the latter bought three for 16 million.


Xun Jun often laughed: "Zongmen from outside the county really has money."

Aishang can't help it.

At this auction, he expected the total price to be around 30 million, and sold nearly 40 million.

"You all."

Ai family archer said: "This auction is over, please patronize next time."

I'm gone, gone.

武 The warriors in the Bronze District began to leave in an orderly manner, all the way to discuss the auction just now.

"It's worthy of being a top class student, and it doesn't take money into account at all."

"Unfortunately, the fourth-class Miaohua Palace did not participate. Otherwise, it would be tragic to kill the three parties!"

"In my opinion, the master of the Palace of Miaohua came here this time, only interested in healing Dan, and I don't know if she can cure her eye disease."

"Ai Jiazhu has repeatedly emphasized that elixir is only effective for open-pulse martial arts, and the minimum training of the emperor's emperor also requires Wu Zong, which should not be effective."

Uh ...

"let's go."

Xun Jun often left the room with a smile, and just happened to have a positive face with the master of the Yuge Shaoge who came behind.

"Jun heads."

Master Shaoge said coldly, "You have the courage."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Since it is an auction, it is naturally interesting to bid together."

I said, take Lu Yan away.

"Hateful guy."

Although the master Shaoge was very angry, he didn't have any ideas, such as finding trouble.

Auction only.

If you don't go to find trouble, you will definitely lose your identity.

Xun Jun often came to the entrance of the ladder with a smile. As soon as he was about to go down, he saw the end of the corridor. Xuan Jingxuan came over with the help of his disciples.

女人 The woman's eyes were still empty, she shook her head and landed.

"Jun heads."

Ishank stood at the entrance of the first floor and said, "Please follow me to the VIP area."


Xi Jun often laughs and knows that the Ai family wants to share money with themselves.

If you count 40 million, you can get 16 million two.

Sure enough.

After sending away all the gates, Ai Shangyu entered the VIP area and gave twenty million yuan directly.

"Homeowner Ai."

Xun Jun often smiled and wondered: "Aren't you four or six points, you give a little more."

Ai Shang 睨 laughed: "Make it whole, make it whole."

His Ai family just made propaganda and momentum, and made more than 10 million in vain. He certainly won't get greedy for 60%.

"Jun is welcome."

Xi Jun often smiled to collect the money, took out 50 healing dandans and 10 plastic dansines, and said, "Jun is very satisfied with the cooperation with Aijia, so I will trouble you to sell them."

Aishang 睨 rejoicing.

The elixir given by the head of Xun Jun was more than once, indicating that he and his family had become more and more trusted!

"Homeowner Ai."

Xi Jun often laughed and said, "Do you Ai family accept crystal nuclei?"

I went through some experience in Death Valley and got a lot of crystal nuclei. I kept the high ones for myself, and the low ones were going to be sold.

Ai Shang said: "Although my Ai family has also been involved in crystal nuclei, it can't compare to professional crystal nuclei shops."

There is a specialty in Zhishu industry. Aijia specializes in Dan medicine and other businesses are more ordinary.

Xi Jun often laughed: "I have a little crystal nucleus here. If the owner Ai can see it, we can make another transaction."

Ai Shang 睨 laughed: "No problem."

In order to win over this God of Wealth, even if he sold it with soil, he would definitely buy it.


Xun Jun often smiled and waved, and crystal nuclei of different colors were neatly arranged on the table.

"Homeowner Ai."

Hit him and say, "The number is not large, and there are more than 500, you look at the price."

The owner of Ai's eyes narrowed.

叫 More than 500 crystal nuclei are not called much? How much is more!


主 The owner of Ai took up a crimson crystal core and was shocked: "King of the king, this is the crystal core of the Red Flame Wolf!"

"Yes." Jun Chang smiled.

Ai Shangdi solemnly said, "Only in the Valley of Death is the Red Wolves. Could Mo Feijun go in?"


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Not long ago, I brought my disciples into the trial."

Ai Shang 睨 was surprised.

No wonder the last visit was not in the martial arts. It turned out that he took his disciples to Death Valley for training.

and many more!

Ai Shang 睨 was shocked: "King of the king, are all these nuclei you obtained in Death Valley?"

"Yes." Jun Chang laughed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ai Shang was silent and set off a stormy sea in his heart.

Not every fierce beast has a crystal nucleus, Jun's head directly took out five hundred, how much he had to kill in it!

There aren't many tadpoles.

I was almost killed.

Ai Shangyu verified the crystal nucleus level one by one, until the five hundred pieces were fully verified, the shock in my heart became stronger.

The crystal nucleus inside the puppet not only has the level of peak martial arts, but also has many groups of beasts.

This powerful and ferocious beast can't be destroyed without enough people and strength.

Even if Qin Haoran brought the martial arts elite into it, it would not be possible!

The iron-bone faction in charge of Xun Jun is really incredible!

"Jun heads."

After thinking for a while, Aijia said, "I will buy these crystal nuclei for 10 million yuan."

There are many low-level ones, such as Diyan Wolf Crystal Nucleus, which are worth thousands of dollars, but there are also many middle-class ones, and the price directly rises.

If the head of Xunjun took out the high-quality crystal nuclei again, the owner of Ai was afraid to take all the money he had just made and buy it.


The two went through the procedure and signed a charge.

When Jun often laughed, he put 5 million silver tickets into the space ring, and a beautiful system prompt sound was heard in his ears.

叮 "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [Heap of gold and jade] to obtain 200 points of contribution."

"Ding, Martial contribution: 285/1000."

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden task [Heap of gold and jade], triggering hidden rewards, the space ring storage increased by five times."

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