The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 222: Destroy Black Eagle Hall, action!

The pile of gold and jade describes the possession of enough wealth.

Divided into and nucleus, Jun Changxiao's wealth accumulation reached 50 million, so consistent with the system constant value, completed the hidden task.


It seems that I have time to think about idioms.

Because you are uncertain, you can complete hidden tasks related to certain idioms.

Jun Chang smiled into the space ring and found that the storage space inside had improved a lot.

The ring was sent by the activation system, and the storage space was not small. Now it has increased five times, which is already a large size.

"Expand so much and it will be more comfortable to load things in the future."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Master Ai, do you sell spirit stones?"

"This one……"

Ai Shangyin shook his head and said, "My Ai family does not operate a spiritual stone industry."

It's not business, it's not business.

Because this kind of industry is monopolized by the super-large commercial empire.

More importantly, the spiritual master who refines the spiritual stone is too rare. Even if his Ai family wants to open a spiritual stone shop, he can't hire anyone.


Jun Chang stood up with a smile and arched his hand and said, "Ai, Lord, Jun has something to do, so he leaves first."

After being sent by the Prime Minister of the Ai family, he took Lu Yan away from the auction house, instead of returning directly to the martial arts, he went to the market.


The most prosperous area of ​​the Huyang City Bazaar has a luxuriously decorated facade with the words 'Tang Ji Ling Stone Shop' written on it.

Tang Ji refers to the Tang family.

Starfall continent is one of the top two families, and it is also a big business family in rich and powerful countries.

Lingshi shop in eight castles in Cheongyang-gun. It was all run by his family.

Commercial families like the Ai Family are really worth mentioning in front of the Tang Family.

Fortunately, the Tang family's main business is Lingshi, and the investment in the market for medicinal herbs is small, so that the Ai family can occupy nearly 60% of the market in Qingyang County.

Huyang City has only Tangji's Lingshi shop. Jun Chang laughs and can only come here to buy Lingshi.

After taking Lu Yan in, he spent 10 million yuan and exchanged 1,000 crystal nuclei.

More money, high-quality crystal nuclei are not lacking, the most wise to buy spirit stone.


After watching him leave, Tang Ji's shopkeeper was surprised: "This iron-bone pie is really rich."

A warrior who exchanged for spirits quipped: "Just at the auction house, the head of the king dared to show off his wealth in front of the facades of the two Liuliu schools."

"Hongyun Zong and Tingyu Pavilion are big schools, and they will not compare with lower schools, and they will definitely be unlucky when they change to other schools."

"Don't worry, don't worry, it will be bad luck when he goes to Shengquan Zong."

These ridiculous warriors come from the Baizong Alliance, and if there is a chance, they will definitely die out.


After leaving the Lingshi shop, Jun Chang laughed around the market and spent a million dollars to buy a lot of ore of different quality.

Materials can wait for refining, refining cannot wait for materials, so plan ahead to prepare.

"I have to buy some food for Dudu."

Jun Changxiao went to the grocery store again and bought a lot of condiments, rice, rapeseed and the like.

After everything was done, he took Lu Yan to fight back home.

The auction party made him make a lot of money, and he really saw that Damon Gate's financial resources were very strong, and the auction of millions of dollars did not blink.

Money can really do whatever you want.


On the way, Lu Yan said, "When will the Black Eagle Hall be destroyed?"

Jun Chang laughs and may forget this, but she always remembers it.

"Return to the martial arts."

"Doesn't the head of the family want to take their master to destroy Black Eagle Hall?"


"That's evil, cruel means, let's just be two of us."


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

Although he didn't take Heiyingtang as his eye, anyway, he was a seventh-class sect, and two people went to extinction. This is too disrespectful.

Lu Yan said: "The boss is afraid?"

"Not afraid."

Jun Chang laughed: "I feel this is a rare experience. Taking the disciples can help them adapt to the cruel world."


Lu Yan no longer spoke.

She only gave opinions at the corresponding time. The head of the office had her own ideas and would definitely not object.

This is Lu Yan.

Although it was cold all day, as a member of the Ironbone faction, he definitely obeyed the order of the head.


In the evening, Jun Chang smiled back to the martial arts, and his disciples were still practicing as usual.

He first handed the ingredients to Liu Wanshi, then summoned Li Qingyang to explain the plan to destroy Heiyingtang.


Li Qingyang solemnly said, "The idea of ​​destroying the Black Eagle Hall is a bit bold!"


He paused and said, "This evil faction is indeed very dangerous. Since there are grudges against me, I will find him sooner or later."


"What does the head say and what the disciples do."

Like Qing Lu, Li Qingyang has become a disciple of the Iron Bone School, and he has taken the lead of the horse. There will never be any rebellion.

Jun Chang laughed: "Go and inform the disciples who have died in the Valley of Death, and let them gather in the martial arts court in the early morning tomorrow."


Li Qingyang retreated.

Jun Changxiao called Li Luoqiu over again, informed the idea of ​​destroying the Black Eagle Hall, and ordered her to gather the members of Xiyu Hall together.

It is not a child's play to destroy a Liuliu martial art.

With the members of Xiyutang, there will undoubtedly be more protection.

Li Luoqiu, who was born as a killer, is definitely interested in killings, so he said, "I'll take them one step now."


Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

That night.

Li Luoqiu left with snakes and lynx and fifty members.

Don't look at them as investigating intelligence during this time. Cultivation is not a waste. Under the shape of Dan and the shape of the house, the improvement of strength is very significant.

The venomous snake and the lynx went smoothly from peak warrior to first-class martial artist.

If this is to be a killer, it is definitely difficult to improve.


On the way, the viper said, "Brothers are almost bored to death this time, and finally I can move my muscles this time."

Li Luoqiu said solemnly, "Hei Ying Tang is a cult, and he is serious, so he takes it seriously."

"Well," the snake said, nodding.

"and also."

Li Luoqiu added: "We are now hard-bone people, and we are doing things for martial arts. When in action, don't mess around, everything is subject to orders."


The members of Xiyutang unify.

"Brush! Brush!"

In the dark, more than fifty ghost-like members of the Yuyu Hall shuttled through the mountains and forests, and proceeded to Huaying County next door at full speed.

"It's finally possible!"

Li Shangtian followed.

Although he only has a second-class martial artist, he has mastered many killer skills under the training of Li Tangzhu for dozens of days.

In particular, after adapting to cruel special training, in order to become stronger, I often practice in the body training room most of the night.

Jun Changxiao provided a lot of resources for his disciples. Even if they were almost rooted, as long as they were willing to compete and work hard, they would be stronger.


Li Shangtian cast a ghost walk, followed closely the army, and secretly said in his heart: "You gave me a pair of wings, and I will prove to you that I will definitely go to heaven!"

"Oh My God."

The serpent wrapped his ears and said, "What is the little bunny thinking? Keep up, don't fall behind."

"Brother Snake ~ ~ Li Shangtian grinned his teeth and said," Can you tap it? "

The serpent released his hand and reprimanded: "As a killer, you must not be distracted when you act."

"I see, I know." Li Shangtian said.

Except for the first day, Li Tangzhu personally trained, and later he was responsible for the snake. Although he didn't scold him in his heart, he was very grateful.

Because there is no such strict instructor, I will not have the current achievement.

"Brother Snake."

Li Shangtian grinned, "At the Black Eagle Hall, I will show you."

"Come on."

The viper shook his mouth and quipped, "Don't bother me by then."

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