The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 223: Each other remembers each other

the next day.

Xi Jun often laughed to arrange things properly and took Li Qingyang and others to set off.

Until they rushed for three days and entered the boundary of Huaying County, they ordered them to put on black clothes collectively.

To deal with decent factions such as Hao Qimen, you can come face to face and challenge them. To deal with evil factions such as Heiyingtang, you must use another method.

What means?

That is to play sneak attacks, secretly calculate those sets of 呗.

If the amulet is not too precious, it can only be used in times of crisis.

Otherwise, Jun ’s head will not be so troublesome, and he will drag a forty meter knife into the Black Eagle Hall.


After changing into black, Ye Xingchen said lightly: "Destroy a Qiliu martial art, why bring so many people, I can solve it alone."

Emperor Ye Ye is still so strong.

Don't say that during this time, the physical strength was significantly improved in the training tower.

The muscles on the chest, abdomen, and arms are protruding, but not that explosive level, but very uniform and very perfect.

Ascension is not just physical.

The practice of Xingye Xingchen was not deserted. After returning for more than half a month, the realm also stepped from the Jiupin Warrior to the peak Warrior.

When Li Xinyang was reborn, Li Qingyang participated in the martial arts contest and had been trained by a martial artist.

Now Ye Xingchen is catching up all the way, and he is about to break through to the peak warrior. What does this mean?

Is it true that Wu Emperor was born again?

Wrong, because the Supreme Master Sutra is too mysterious, it really is very mysterious!

One of the two mindsets left by the old man Taixuan.

Night Ye Xingchen has been enlightening since rebirth. Although she only realized the second layer for the time being, she also benefited a lot, otherwise she would not break through so fast.

Look now.

嗝 It's worth it to fart for this stuff.

What's more worthwhile is that being forced to join the Ironbone faction, there are various resources available.

Follow the normal plot.

After Emperor Wu Wu was reborn, he either visited the school or joined the school.

Play all kinds of fighting games, and you have to fight the younger ones. Every day, you are either stepping on the villain or on the road to step on the villain.

呢 What about our night emperor?

Join the Ironbone faction, and show resources at will.

I do not need to go to various competitions, various face-villains, beauty training, and nourish more in a small life.

The same is true of Xiao Xiao's sin.

I joined the Ironbone faction and had the resources provided by the head, so I didn't have to take the bumpy protagonist road at all.

It is enough to practice with one mind and to become stronger.

This is bitter Jun often laughs.

As the master of one faction, he wanted to make the martial arts stronger and the disciples stronger, and he could only make money to support his family.


It's hard to be the protagonist, it's harder to be the head.

Yan Ye Xingchen will not satisfy the status quo. He still has revenge and must obtain more resources to improve.

Therefore, this time to destroy the Black Eagle Hall, please take the initiative.


Even if Lord Ye Yedi really has the power to destroy the Qiliu martial arts, Jun often laughs and won't let him go alone, after all, other disciples have to experience it.

Uh ...

There is a mountain in Yinghuaying County, which is called Black Eagle Mountain because there are eagles and beasts all year round.

Hundreds of years ago, a man of evil spirits passed by here accidentally, and seeing that he was full of spiritual power, he set up a school here and established the Black Eagle Hall.

Because he walked a crooked path, Heiyingtang has entered the seventh-rate of today in a short time.

It is commendable to do this for hundreds of years.

Twenty years ago, the first disciple left the martial arts in pursuit of a higher realm, and the great disciple Liehesha succeeded the second disciple.

He Lie Heisha is cruel and cruel, and often robs other forces and casual repairs, so the development of martial arts is faster.

Heiyingshan, connected by mountains, is rolling.

The gorge under the hillside of Laoshan seemed to be split by a giant axe, and the river was coming raging.

On the top of the mountain, there are large and small buildings arranged, which is the headquarters of the Black Eagle Hall.

At this moment.

Sting in the Great Hall of the Black Eagle Hall.

Li Tang Hei Hei Sha is sitting in the first place, and his brows are full of murderousness.

He Qing, deputy head of the church, took more than sixty disciples to death valley for more than half a month and did not return, making him unconscious and sending someone to investigate.

I heard the news this morning.

The deputy chief of He He came to Death Valley, and learned from the mouth of San Xiu that Ironbone faction came out of it, and led his followers.

Then ... I lost my connection.

"Church master."

After reading the letter, another deputy host said: "The deputy host He has not returned yet. I'm afraid that if he encounters an accident, the iron skeleton can't get away."


The cruel and cruel black heroine crushed the tea cup, killing his eyes and saying: "Call your brothers, and go to the Iron Bone Pie with this seat!"

I really think that Jun often laughs.

邪 This evil faction, whoever doubts oneself and tells no evidence at all, will lead someone to kill him.


The deputy chief left in a hurry.


Wu Liheisha's murderous intensified, saying: "Iron skeletons dare to kill the people in this seat, then there is no need to exist."

Obviously, this is going to destroy the door.

"Church master."

Sitting in the first place, a middle-aged goatee wearing a robe, said solemnly: "This iron skeleton is a bit difficult."

His name is Yang Zhi.

Xiu Xiu is not very good, but he is a division of the Black Eagle Hall.

He went out and robbed and everything, he also arranged and planned. He did so many votes and rarely missed it.


Wu Liehesha said, "Why not easy?"

Yang Zhi said: "As far as I know, this iron skeleton faction has challenged Hao Qimen some time ago."

Helie Heisha looked for a moment, surprised, "Is this school also a Liuliu school, dare to challenge it?"

If it is Liuliu, you need to be careful.

I ca n’t kill him so impulsively, I have to play the trick.

Yang Zhi said: "Iron bones are nine ... Oh, no, they are the eighth-class martial arts who have only recently been promoted."


Wu Liehesha opened her eyes wide and said, "A newly promoted eight-liu sect, to challenge a sixth-liu sect like Haoqimen?"

Yang Zhi said: "I went to the city to purchase, and it was a little incredible to hear the news."

Xie Liehesha laughed: "Dare to challenge Qin Haoran, I am sure I can't find the North after being abused."

"Quite the opposite."

Yang Zhidao: "It was Qin Haoran who was abused, as well as some of his personal disciples."

More detailed information is unknown, after all, this happened in Cheongyang-gun, and the only way to get information is to hear the news.


Xie Lie Heisha patted the table and said, "How can a **** bastardist ~ ~ abuse Qin Haoran, Mr. Yang may have heard the rumor."

"Church master."

Yang Zhi said earnestly: "This matter may not be groundless. His subordinates believe that since it is necessary to deal with the iron bones, it is necessary to take a long-term view and never act easily."

Helie Heisha still trusted him very much, because many times, the advice given was very important, and many injuries were avoided during the robbery.

"Mr. Yang."

Saying him: "In your opinion, what should we do?"

Yang Zhizhi said: "At this time, we are not yet sure whether the Ironbone faction is a murderer. You can first send people to recognize the blood to confirm whether they have any deputy or other blood."

"If so?" Liehesha said.

Yang Zhi narrowed his eyes, and Leng Sen said, "It can be blocked out of the Ironbone faction, and the disciples come out to kill one, so that they will not stare."

If Jun Chang laughs and hears this, he will definitely take out the desert eagle and shoot it down, because he hates playing this method the most.

"it is good."

Wu Liehe said: "Let the hunting group go. With their strength, they should be able to make the iron-bone chickens and dogs restless."

The so-called blood-recognition method is a rather evil method. As for the hunting group, it is the elite department of Heiyingtang.

The Lord of the Martyrs sent them there, and once the blood of the Vice-Chairman was determined, it was indeed all cruel means to greet him.


When the two are discussing here.

At the foot of that mountain, Jun Changxiao had already joined Li Luoqiu, who had come one step ahead, and set out to plan the destruction of the Black Eagle Hall.

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