The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 224: Put them down and kill them all

Li Luoqiu came to the Black Eagle Mountain the day before and made a mark on the road.

During the tragedy, she surveyed the topography of the Black Eagle Mountain and made a simple topography.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Replaced with our Lord Yedi, I can't do it.

Xun Jun often smiled to observe the black eagle mountain terrain carefully and began to think about how to destroy the black eagle hall.

Bring the disciples to kill?

This is definitely something that is done when the brain is sick.

After a long time.

Xun Jun often smiled, holding his chin, and said, "I don't know if there are any traps on the Black Eagle Mountain. Keep this only intersection and come out one overcast."

家伙 This guy thinks like Yang Zhi, they are squatting at the door of others to play a negative move.

Qi Liluo Qiu said, "It has been more than half a month since the head of the group destroyed the Black Eagle Hall. They should have started investigations."

"If you know the news, you will definitely take action. It is the safest way to hide at the intersection."

She has long been equipped with a 88-type sniper rifle, and naturally hopes to be secretly overcast.

Xun Jun often laughed and thoughtfully before ordering his disciples to guard the only entrance to the Black Eagle Mountain.

的 The members of Xiyutang, headed by Li Luoqiu, lurked on the right and set up the 88-type sniper rifle.

On the left, Jun Changxiao was responsible for it, and ordered Xiao Gui to stand on the tallest tree, and also set up the 88-type sniper rifle.

I'm a pity.

Obliterate the Italian cannon.

Otherwise, standing at the foot of the mountain and directly bombarding the headquarters of the Black Eagle Hall headquarters, it was really crooked.

The viper with more than ten members lurking 200 meters above.

"Brother Snake."

上 Li Shangtian followed, nervously whispering, "Are you going to kill?"

The snake brother, who was hiding in the dark, kicked him in the leg and whispered, "Don't **** doze, give me a tree observation."

Li Shangtian jumped to the tree, his legs were still dozing, so he said bitterly, "I don't want to, but I can't control myself ..."

Although is a native of the starry continent, he has killed chickens and ducks. He has never killed anyone. When he came, he was courageous, and he must be soft on the battlefield.

Zhang Wei and others experienced the death valley experience, killing nothing more than fierce beasts, so they are a little nervous.

Ye Xing is among the disciples in the scene, the most stable state of mind, because too many people have been killed in previous lives.

Xun Jun often brought them with a smile, in order to temper the mind and adapt to the cruelty of this world, not a group of greenhouse flowers and plants that only knew to practice in martial arts.


Xiao Sin on the linden tree leaned his eyes on the eight-fold mirror and whispered, "A man has come down from the mountain."

"How much?" Jun Chang laughed.

Xiao Xiao has always locked the gate of Heiyingtang and said, "About one hundred."

"so much?"

Xun Jun often smiled and touched his chin, and whispered, "Did you find out that my companion has been killed, and you want to engage in the iron skeleton?"


Qi Li Luoqiu also saw through Bejing and whispered: "These people have solid feet and their strength should not be weak."

"Bring the gun."


Xiao Xiao habitually handed the 88-type sniper rifle.

Xun Jun often laughed and brought glare sunglasses, relying on eight times the mirror, one after another to spy on the strength of the group.

The 100 Black Eagle Church disciples have a minimum of five samurai warriors, including more than twenty peak warriors and two first-grade warriors.


Xun Jun often laughed and whispered, "It's a bit strong."

For more than a hundred people, the minimum is five martial arts samurai, who are definitely going to do things, otherwise there will not be such a big move.


Qi Li Luoqiu kept observing and said, "They are going to the Iron Bone Pie."


Xi Jun often laughed: "How do you know?"

Qi Liluoqiu laughed: "A professional killer, understanding lip language is very important."

I go.

So far away, look through the octave lens to see how their lips move when they speak. This is too professional!

Vipers and lynx envy.

The technique of lip glossing is also the old convention in the drizzle building. They have learned that they can't master the essentials.

Uh ...

On the stone steps at the waist of Laoshan.

The leader of the hunting and killing team walked ahead, and the deputy leader and members followed closely behind. Because they were investigating first, they didn't hurry.


The deputy leader of the team was rather dismissive: "An eight-level martial art, the boss sent us to investigate, is it a bit of a big deal."


One member said, "Our hunting team, but we had a hard time with the Liuliu martial arts, and now we are investigating a small iron-bone pie, aren't we using chicken to kill chickens?

The leader of the uncle was unhappy, but said: "Little **** complain, since the boss has given the order, we must complete the hunting team smoothly."


Deputy Chief Wu said: "Boss said that as long as the deputy's blood is confirmed, he can act. In my opinion, he will directly kill the Iron Bone faction at that time, and there is no need to play a shadow trick outside."

"Mr. Yang said, the Ironbone faction is not easy, I'd better wait to be cautious." The team leader said seriously.


"Which is Mr. Yang again."

The deputy team leader and the crowd were full of disdain and disdain.

Wuxie faction martial arts, exquisite brutal killing, the most hated of this kind of people who have to think twice about everything.

If it wasn't for the church owner's great trust, how would he listen to his irritability before every action?


One member smirked: "Brother, I heard that the girl in Cheongyang-gun looks very watery, so there must be a lot of female disciples in the Ironbone School."


Another member joked: "Ergozi, do you want a woman before Shanmen goes down?"

"The second dog is full of firepower, and jumps off the wall without seeing a woman in a day."

"In my opinion, this will no longer be intemperate, and sooner or later it will have to die in the hands of women."

Everyone was joking.

A member of Howling Ergouzi said, "Is there a saying that is good, peony is dead, is it good to be a ghost? Lao Tzu just likes women, and is happy to die in the hands of women!"

Team leader Lai laughed: "I haven't done much in a while, and my brothers have been waiting for a long time. When you are sure that the Iron Bone is a murderer, you can vent on their female disciples."

二 狗子 's eyes flickered suddenly.

Other female-loving members are also looking forward to ~ ~ So, on the way down the mountain, the topic always revolves around women in Qingyang County and female disciples of the Iron Bone School.

He cracked out every word they said, and Li Luoqiu's beautiful eyes deceived people, and said, "You must all die today."

Xun Jun often laughed and watched with an eight-fold mirror. Although it was difficult to eavesdrop on their communication without the enhanced mode, he realized from the wretched smile that he must be talking shamelessly.

In Li Luoqiu's tone, he also judged that he was talking about his iron skeleton, so his eyes became cold, and he said, "Let them down and kill them all."

The disciples were ordered, and the psionic energy began to mobilize.

Li Yuhua and some of his disciples summoned the Iron Shield and the Overlord Gun.

The members of Xiyutang lurking in the dark also held all kinds of hidden weapons in their hands. As soon as these people entered the attack area, they greeted mercilessly.

The atmosphere became annihilation!

成员 The members of the hunting group who came down from the mountain apparently did not expect someone to set ambush at their door.

They are still talking about women unscrupulously, because the distance is getting closer and closer, and unbearable words are passed down.


Lu Luming's eyes were cold, and Yushou began to gather cold.


At this moment, the team leader seemed to notice something, looked at the grass on the right side of the stairs, and said coldly, "Someone!"

The members who had a wry smile on their faces suddenly became serious, looked at Qi Qi in the meantime, and locked Li Shangtian who was squatting on the tree to snore.

"His uncle!"

The poisonous snake hiding in the dark, collapsed inside, "This is a pig teammate!"

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