The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 237: Cheongyang-gun

Jun Changxiao and Ye Xingchen walked lightly.

He didn't take other disciples because this kind of martial arts is much more difficult. If more people go, it will waste time, and it is better to practice at home.

If the organizers of Pingyang County Martial Arts Bishop knew, they would definitely collapse.

Our competition is much more than the specifications of Qingyang County martial arts. Can we give the least respect?

Respect is definitely given.

Otherwise, Jun will not send his disciples to participate.

Pingyang County has a long way to go, and Jun Chang laughs to call out the Purple Tiger Baby Tiger, riding it comfortably and hurrying.

Ye Xingchen was very sad and hurriedly followed him.

Damn it!

If the emperor's blue sky jade carving is still there, his wings are fluttering thousands of miles, and he would have been flung to the north and the south.

Good guys don't mention brave years.

Ye Xingchen can only follow on foot, and enters Pingyang County next door the next day.

Pingyang County has a large territory and is stronger than Qingyang County in all aspects. There are at least 300 martial arts here and there, and there are two in Wuliu.

One is Haoyuefang, and the other is Tingyu Pavilion.

That's right, Zongmen was the owner of the young man who was laughed at by the auction house several times.

Pingyang County has a good public order. Although there are also evil factions, there are strong decent factions, most of which are sneaky.


Sitting on the tiger beast and walking slowly in the beautiful mountains and forests, Jun Chang laughed and whispered, "I feel that the spiritual power here is stronger than that of Cheongyang-gun."

Ye Xingchen said, "Qingyang County is only a 9th-class county in the end, and naturally it cannot be compared with the 8th-class county."

Nine, eighth?

Jun Chang smiled and wondered: "Is there a hierarchy in the county?"

Haven't heard of this product as the master of one faction?

Ye Xingchen said: "In the star continent, the martial arts are divided into three, six, and nine grades, and the county is naturally divided into three, six, and nine grades."

"The ninth lowest?"



Jun often laughs and silences.

Can you have better luck crossing the Jiuliu School, where you are in Jiuyi County?

Systemically said: "Does n’t the host like to challenge the difficulty, the openings are the lowest, not just to the appetite?"

Jun Chang laughed too much to ignore it, looked back at Ye Xingchen, and laughed: "You seem to know a lot."


This is the most basic information, OK?

Jun Chang smiled meaningfully: "Xing Chen, this seat actually knows that you are a person with a story."

In the martial arts, there are some things that cannot be said, and now there are only two people who can speak freely.

Ye Xingchen said: "So the head can sum up life with a handsome character?"


Jun Chang smiled seriously.

I have been walking on rivers and lakes for thousands of years, and I have never seen such a shameless master!


Jun Chang preached with a smile: "Everyone has his own secret, buried deep in his heart, and cannot be known."

Night stars are silent.

Does he know his secret?

Impossible, who can guess that rebirth is such a rebellious thing?

Must be cheating me!


Jun Chang laughed: "The secret in your heart, I'm not interested in knowing this, but you just need to keep in mind that one day is a Titan Bone Pie, a lifetime is Tie Bone Pie.

This disciple is a forcible puller, naturally knowing that he has dissatisfaction, so he needs to teach and influence slowly.


Ye Xingchen said so in his mouth, but his heart was disdainful.

Although he was positive during this time, the real purpose was nothing more than to get more resources, and he really didn't have a sense of belonging to the martial arts.

"Xingchen, do you know what is Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang?"

"Dang Dang Dang?"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang is Only, you-can accompany me to get the West Longitude! Only, you-can kill demons and remove demons!"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

His fists clenched tightly.

After finishing singing, Jun Chang said earnestly: "Stars, when you understand the meaning of the four words of iron bones, you will naturally understand."

In charge.

I want to kill you with a punch!


Pingyang County martial arts big contest, held in Liyang City.

Although Liyang City is not the main city in the county, it is far stronger than Qingyang City in terms of scale and strength.

There are still two days before the opening of Tabitha. The forces from all directions are flowing in from all directions, and the gate of the city is crowded with people.


An old man arched his hand and said, "Isn't this the head of the Heshan faction? I haven't seen it for many days, and I am good at it!"

"Oh, it's Confucius' master, it's been a long time, it's been a long time!"

The head of Heshan sent his disciples to do archery with him.

This kind of scene where the parties greeted each other as soon as they greeted was repeatedly performed at the gate of the city, and the atmosphere was very good.


Just then, a roar came from behind, and everyone looked around in shock.

I saw only a man in a Jinyi walking slowly on a black-haired panther.

"This is a black leopard!"

"My God, it's like the beast of the peak warrior!"

"Is the young master of Liuliuyumon!"

"It's worthy of the faction that breeds ferocious beasts, and they all ride black leopards when they go out!"

"Where did the young master of Yushoumen come? Do they want to participate in the martial arts competition?"

"Tabitha stipulates that as long as members of the martial art are under the age of 20 and have not participated in the Dabie, they are eligible to register."

Everyone whispered, their eyes envy.

Master Shaomen rode on the black leather beast, surrounded by his disciples, and walked proudly.

Going out on a ferocious beast, wherever he went is the focus of much attention, making him very comfortable.


Suddenly, Shaomen frowned.

Because the two men walked quickly beside them, their heads didn't turn, they didn't seem to find themselves.

He was accustomed to his attention, and suddenly felt a sense of being underestimated, so he sang, "The two people in front, stop Ben Shao."


The black-skinned leopard can communicate with the owner's heart, and he growls at the two people who walked by.

The sound was a bit loud, and the ordinary martial arts trembled.

At the same time, everyone noticed the two people walking quickly past the master of Yushoumen Shaomen.


How dare you walk in front of a black leopard!


The man in front stopped, turned around with a smile, and took a closer look. It turned out to be our most handsome Jun head!

Needless to say, it is the night star.

Seeing that guy doesn't matter, the young master suddenly got angry ~ ~ The black leopard I was riding was in your field of vision, how could I show a little fear?

Could it be a master?

The young master asked cautiously: "His eyes are very good, I don't know where he came from?"

"Qingyang County, the Iron Bone Faction." Jun Chang smiled.

After listening to the surrounding forces, their expressions began, and they began to discuss immediately.

"It turned out to be an iron skeleton in the next county."

"Isn't this the eighth-class martial art that has only recently been promoted?"

"Did you come to Liyang City to watch the fun?"

Hearing everyone's discussions, and especially hearing the four words "Bali School", the master of Shaomen looked disdainfully, saying, "This friend, haven't you realized that you have blocked the road of Ben Shao now?"

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