The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 238: My disciple is also very cruel

Jun Chang smiled and said, "We walk fast, you walk slowly, how can we block the way, and if we don't stop, we will enter the city now, let alone your way."

This explanation makes sense and is perfectly fine.

However, the forces of all sides secretly thought, this foreign county iron bone faction has not seen yet, do the masters of Yushoumen have any opinion on you? Don't hurry up and make a mistake, so as not to get into trouble?


People who come out of the backcountry have no eyesight.

The master of Yushoumen did not expect that the other party would explain this, so he said lightly: "This black leopard, Ben Shao, is a bit cruel. If the two walk in front and anger it, they will be eaten by one bite, but they will die. "

If it is the advanced sect of Waigun, it will naturally give face.

But an eight-class sect came to the boundary of Pingyang County and must teach him to be a man.

"It was for us."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Thank you so much for this boy, we will have a period later."

Speaking, take the night star to the city gate.

The young master's eyes were angry.

The black-skinned leopard, which communicates with the owner's mind, took a step towards the past.

Instead of attacking, it opened its mouth wide and intended to make a roar to deter the two humans in front.


Not yet roaring!

Ye Xingchen turned suddenly, and a burst of fist came.


Boom directly on the side.

This punch was as energizing as eating grilled gluten. The black leopard banged back more than ten steps, and finally his limbs softened and lay on the ground on the spot.

Shaomen's body rolled down unbalanced, and the whole body was very embarrassed, not to mention the dust.

"Young Master!"

The disciples rushed forward.

The forces at the gate of the city opened their eyes wide.

Oh my God!

The teenager, who seems to be only seventeen or eighteen, punched down the black leopard, which was comparable to the peak warrior.

This is not the point, the point is that he dared to attack the mount of the Liuliuyu Beast Master Shaomen. This is the tiredness of the old life star!


Jun Chang smiled and said, "How can I just shoot casually."

Ye Xingchen retracted his fist and said lightly: "The disciples are worried that the evil animal will attack the head."

"So too."

Jun Chang smiled, turned his head, and smiled at the host who was being supported. "This boy, please bring your pet, especially not near this seat, because my disciple is also very cruel."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

It was brutal indeed to hit the black leopard with one punch!


The keeper of Shaomen was full of anger, but as soon as he opened his mouth, they saw that the two had already entered the city, so he shook his fists and yelled in his heart, "Wait for Ben!

The scenery and scenery came on a black leopard, and my heart was very comfortable.

As a result, the mount was knocked down, rolled itself to the ground, and lost its face in the eyes of the public. It must be difficult to accept.

Revenge must be reported!

However, fighting is forbidden in Liyang City, and can only be used to suppress anger and wait for the end of the martial arts before liquidation!

"The guy just called himself this seat. The man who shot it called him the head. Is it that the iron-headed leader always laughs?"

"It should be!"

"I heard that not long ago, this iron skeleton sent to challenge Haoqimen and won a total victory."

"Well, heroes are young."

The warriors at the gate of the city argued.

Not everyone looks at Bingjun and laughs often. Many veteran martial artists have expressed their appreciation. After all, it is unprecedented to fight against Liuliu and win with Liuliu. This is unprecedented!


Liyang City is large and lively.

After Jun Changxiao came in with the night star, he just glanced at it a few times, and then went to the south gate martial arts registration point according to the markings on the street.

Martial arts began to register a few days ago, and many forces will also send high-level officials to register in advance, so there are not many registration offices.


Jun Changxiao just arrived at the registration office and wrote the man.

"Qingyang County, the Iron Bone Faction." Jun Chang smiled.

The man in charge wrote for a moment, then raised his head, and looked at him and said, "You martial art in Qingyang County, you want to participate in the martial arts contest in Pingyang County?"

"No?" Jun Chang smiled.

It can be, after all, there is no explicit regulation restricting other counties to participate.

But for the first time, the writing man received applications from outside sects, so it was normal to be surprised.

"you are?"

According to regulations, it is necessary to confirm whether the identity of the applicant is a high-level martial artist.

"Iron bone pie faction heads, Jun often laughs."

Jun Chang smiled proudly.

Others can look down on their martial arts, but they must be proud of them!

"How many people participate?"



The corner of the man's mouth twitched and said, "Jun is in charge, and the martial arts are only for the disciples. You are not eligible to register as the master of the faction."

This is a misunderstanding.

This is the night Emperor standing next to him!

"This is the disciple in this battle." Jun Chang laughed.


The writing man understood and said, "Name, age."

"Night stars, eighteen."


The registration form was stamped, and the authoring man handed it along with the entry token and said, "I will come here tomorrow morning."


He paused and said, "Pingyang County martial arts have always been disciples from within the county. Your faction comes from outside the county. It will inevitably be treated specially."

This is a reminder in good faith.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "I see."

When he took Ye Xingchen to leave, and the followers entered from the gate of the city and came in to sign up, they talked loudly.

"It turned out the Ironbone faction wasn't here to see the excitement, but to join the martial arts contest."

"The courage is not small, dare to cross the county to participate in our event held in Pingyang County."

"Two years ago, there was a Liuliumen from outside the county who took ten disciples to participate, but it was not eliminated in the first round."

"So our martial arts contest in Pingyang County must be attended by our own. When the martial arts sent here came out, we would definitely attack with our enemies."

"Ironbone faction only has one disciple to participate in. In the first round of scuffles, it will certainly not be long before being eliminated."


Ye Xingchen just punched the black leopard with a punch, which made the martial arts witness very daunting.

But the Pingyang County martial arts big competition ~ ~ has its own style. The first round of fighting is a big dogfight. At that time, hundreds of people will fight in a region. Only survivors can advance to the second round.

He is a foreigner who will certainly be the target of criticism.

Jun Chang smiled and took Ye Xingchen to choose the inn to stay, and went to the Dabie venue early the next morning.

The Puyang City Gate faction is also a colosseum-like building. The observation platform can accommodate 200,000 to 300,000 people.

Old rules.

As a senior martial artist, Jun Changxiao and the leaders of various factions were placed on the best spectator seats.

Slightly, Ye Xingchen followed the contestants, walked out of the venue, and stopped in one of the eight areas of the Colosseum.


Jun Chang laughed high, looked at the eight areas, and murmured: "At least 2,000 people participated in the competition, and the specifications really are much higher than the Cheongyang County sect."

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