The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 251: Fire dragon

For this dragon egg, Jun Chang laughed and burned a lot of money, so when he saw the egg shell fall off, he was immediately excited and nervous.

Excitingly, the high-quality crystal nucleus blessing is needed to start the incubation, which shows that the breed must be very strong.

The tension is, will the 87% mutation rate fail?

The idea will not be so memorable, it can certainly be mutated, and it can definitely hatch a nigger, or a young cub that is stronger than a mule!

The head of Jun began infinite fantasy, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.


Another eggshell fell off, and the fiery red light spewed out from the inside, like a hot flame.

The system said: "There is a fire system attribute, it should be the fire dragon beast."

Jun Changxiao doesn't care about the variety, he cares about the mutation!

"Kakaka ————"

The egg shell fell off faster, and more fiery red light emerged from the inside, gradually forming a flame.

Jun Chang smiled and reached out and touched the incubator, and suddenly felt a little hot.


It must be hot inside.

The eggshell fell off a little, and the red glow was expanding, at first glance it looked like a cluster of burning flames.

Eventually, all the eggshells fell off, and a hot flame appeared inside the incubator.

Jun Chang smiled and held his breath.

My heart is still praying, we must mutate, otherwise, our previous investment will be lost!

Not long after.

The flaming light began to converge.

The inside of the incubator returned to normal, leaving only the eggshells torn apart.

Jun often smiled.

Because, you see nothing!

What about cubs?

The system was wondering: "Isn't there?"

If it was a person standing in front of him, he would surely be shaken frantically by Jun Changxiao's neck, and growled, "This is what I asked you!"

and many more!

Jun, who was about to lose his mind, laughed and found that the cracked egg shell was slightly touched, and a little guy got out of it.

The slender body is like a small snake, but has four legs and a fiery red skin.

There are small horns protruding from the small head, which do not seem to be fully open. There are two beard-like beards beside the small nose.

Is this a fiery little red lizard?

If Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were present, they would certainly think so.

But Jun often laughed but was overjoyed, because from the shape and physical signs, it was obviously a dragon!

This dragon is not a fire dragon beast, but a dragon in a real sense.

The system poured cold water: "Although it seems to have several characteristics of the dragon, it is not obvious enough. It is not sure whether it is a dragon."

Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the little guy with a firm voice: "I have dragon horns and dragon whiskers on my head, Xiang looks like a snake and claws looks like an eagle, which is clearly my totem of the Chinese family!"

"What about dragon scales?" Said the system.

Jun Chang laughed and was silent.

The little guy's body is smooth and slippery, without the most obvious feature of a dragon-dragon scales!

Systemically said: "There are many fierce beast-like species between the heavens and the earth, but they may not be real dragons."

"What's more, this is a fire dragon egg. Maybe the cub looks like a dragon, and it will be a dragon dragon in adulthood."

Jun often laughs: "..."

Although he also hopes that the little guy is a real dragon, the system is not unreasonable. He may become a dinosaur when he grows up.


The little guy in the incubator wandered around a few times, and his small eyes resembling rabbit eyes looked at Jun Chang with a strange cry.

Systemically said: "After the cubs hatch, it is your covenant beast."

Jun Chang smiled, opened the door, and put his fingers down. The little guy snorted up, stopped in front of his shoulders, and rubbed his master's face with his little nose.

It looks like a lizard, but because it has some of the characteristics of a dragon, it looks pretty cute overall.

Jun Chang smiled and gently touched his slightly hot body and said, "From today on, you are my contract animal."


The little man seemed to understand the master, and hurried to respond with a weak voice.

"Just a name."

With a chin up, Jun Chang smiled and thought carefully, and said seriously: "I hope you can become a dragon that truly soars in the sky, so the name is Fire Dragon, and the little life is called Dragon Dragon."


Fire dragon beast named Fire Dragon, don't you just remove a word!

It's so casual, so technical!


The little guy seemed very satisfied with the name 'Fire Dragon', and happily bounced back and forth between his left and right shoulders.

However, soon after I heard the sound of 'Guru', I was obviously hungry.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, smiling: "Eat meat or milk?"

"Squeak!" Fire Dragon called.

Although he is not sure which one to choose, Jun Changxiao feels that he is talking about eating meat!

When the two signed a contract, they were naturally connected.

"it is good."

Jun Chang laughed: "Take you to eat meat."

On the way to the cafeteria, he said, "Is this little guy mutated?"

Systemically said: "Too small to see if there is variation."

Jun often twitched at the corners of his mouth.

After spending so much money, after hatching the fire dragon cubs, I don't know if there is any mutation. How can I see that there is a loss?

"Brother, look!"

On the performance martial arts field, a disciple who was practicing, saw the fire dragon sharply, and was surprised: "There is a little guy on the shoulder of the head!"

"Huh? What is this?"

Everyone came to see, with surprise in their eyes.

Su Xiaomo raised her chin, and after a very logical thought, she said seriously: "This should be a little lizard."

"I've seen a lizard, but I haven't seen one with a red color."

"I heard that there is a fiery beast that looks like a lizard and is called a salamander."

"So to say, the head not only has a small wild boar, a lightning purple tiger, but also a fire lizard!"

The crowd immediately admired it.

The three-headed contract beast is too envious.


After hearing the disciples' discussions, Xiaolonglong screamed with dissatisfaction, as if he was very resistant to the word 'lizard'.

Jun Chang laughed: "I, disciples, have never seen the world and don't know that you are a fire dragon beast, so you don't need to worry about it."


Xiao Longlong's dissatisfaction was even louder.

Jun Chang smiled that this was still the spirit of the disciples who described it as a lizard.


Entering the cafeteria, Liu Wanshi saw Xiaolonglong with a big slap, hurriedly put down her spoon and ran out, staring at her with big eyes and saying, "What is this master, so cute!"


The little guy who was a little sullen at first suddenly raised his head, and there was a pride in his small eyes.

Jun Chang smiled at the corner of his mouth.

When he says it is a lizard, he gets angry, and when he says it's cute, he is prestigious. This little guy originally liked to listen to good things.

"Its big name is Fire Dragon and its little name is Xiaolonglong." Jun often laughed.

"Head, can I hug?"

Liu Wanshi said that her little hand had been stretched out, and she held the little guy on the palm, and touched her smooth skin, and smiled, "Xiaolonglong's skin is smooth."

Touched by the tender little hand, the fire dragon's face was very enjoyable.

Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

The little guy's body is very hot ~ ~ Liu Wanshi is so afraid of being hot?

Su Xiaomo walked in from the outside, carefully observed Xiaolonglong, and grinned, "Dudu, let the brother hug."


Liu Wanshi passed it.

Su Xiaomo carefully took over the fire dragon.

However, the little guy who had been holding Taoran in his palm just now, his eyes flickered coldly, and his body burst into a powerful flame.


The hot flames swept across, and Su Xiaomo fell to the ground with a black face, and spit out white foam and passed out.

Jun often laughs: "..."

Liu Wanshi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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