Liu Wanshi held Xiaolonglong in his hand, making Jun Chang smile very surprised.

You know, she doesn't feel hot because she signed a contract with the little guy. What's wrong with her?

Later, Su Xiaomo picked it up and exploded the flame directly, so that the head of the Jun immediately understood that the little guy originally did not reject women, but rejected men!


My contract dragon is a bit skinny.


Jun Chang laughed: "Xiaolonglong is hungry. Give it something delicious and bring more meat."


Liu Wanshi quickly put on her apron and started cooking.

As for Su Xiaomo, who was burnt out, he was carried to the medicine hall by his disciples, and Sun Bukong was awakened for treatment.

This incident tells us that even small evil beasts that seem harmless to humans and animals have very high dangers and cannot be touched at will.

Cooking takes time, Jun Chang laughs and puts Xiaolonglong on the dining table, holding his chin and saying, "Just born, the flame is so strong, it is really surprising."


Xiaolong opened his mouth and screamed.

The meaning seems to be telling the host that he is strong.

Jun Chang laughed with a finger on his head and smiled, "I hope you can grow up quickly, and I hope you will see the nursing home in the future."

The purple electric cub shape pulls the wind, suitable as a representative mount.

If this little guy grows into a full-scale fire dragon beast, a proper town beast.

At that time, the guards don't have to open up, let it squat in front of the mountain gate, as long as the brain is normal, no one dares to break in.

"The meal is ready!"

Liu Wanshi's voice came.

Da Hei Er Hei came up with a few dishes, all of which were amaranths, with all colors and aromas.


Smelling the smell, Xiaolonglong's two small eyes flashed excitedly, and she drooled.


Jun Chang laughed when the meals were served.

brush! brush! brush!

Xiaolonglong was also rude, and hurriedly came to a plate of food, opened his mouth and ate it.

After a while, the dishes on the plate were eaten clean.

Jun Changxiao and Liu Wanshi's eyes narrowed.

My Nima!

A little guy with a big palm ate eight dishes. This appetite is too great!


Xiaolonglong circled around the empty plate, it didn't seem to mean ... full!

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Dudu, make another table."

"it is good!"

Liu Wanshi returned to the kitchen again.

It didn't take long for Xiaolonglong to be full, lying on the table with a belly.

The expression on Jun ’s face is more exciting, because the little guy has eaten more than thirty dishes, and the dishes are stacked high!


Liu Wanshi said dumbly, "Xiaolonglong is so delicious!"

It ’s more than edible, it ’s so edible!

More than thirty dishes, and iron-bone pie disciples who can make enough food, have to be eaten by at least ten people.

A little guy with a big palm eats it all, how does the stomach fit?

Jun Chang laughed and shocked, explaining to himself: "The little guy was just born and must be hungry before eating so much."

In the evening, at dinner.

The disciples in the cafeteria held chopsticks and looked at the head of the dining table. Their faces were stiff, and their eyes were shocked.


For a moment, Xiao Longlong took a full nap and lay down on the table again, squinting his eyes, looking very enjoyable.

Jun's mouth twitched sharply.

Because he meowed more than thirty empty plates in front of him!

Eating so much in the morning and so much in the evening is enough to show that the little guy has an amazing meal!

the next day.

Xiaolonglong fully demonstrated the side that he could eat.

Breakfast, lunch, lunch and dinner, I ate nearly a hundred dishes, and all of them were meat dishes, and all were hard dishes!

"Don't just eat meat, you can have soup and steamed buns."

On the third day, just after breakfast, Jun Chang laughed and hurriedly packed more than ten big buns.

This stuff is also cheap enough. Eating two dishes can top a hard dish. If you banquet a friend that day, let him eat more, and it will definitely save money!

It's a pity that Xiaolonglong simply ignored it and directly picked amaranth.

Jun often laughs and collapses.

If a martial arts disciple has such an appetite, the food expenses alone will make his eyelids jump for a month.


One day, Liu Wanshi muttered: "The stored meat has been eaten up by Xiaolonglong. You go down the mountain and sell some gluttony."

Jun Chang almost fell to the ground with a smile.

Returning from the Death Valley, he gave a lot of fierce beast meat. Liu Wanshi estimated that he could eat for half a year. As a result, it was only a few days before he was eaten by Xiaolonglong. This is too exaggerated!

Even more crumbling and unacceptable is.

After eating so much food, in a few days, my body was as big as when I was born, and my weight did not increase!

Eat more, grow faster, Jun head can accept it comfortably.

Eat too much, not long, this is fucking!


Ironbone disciples are still practicing as always.

Li Qingyang and others also went to the tower every day and did not dare to relax.

Jun's head started to march from the martial arts to the town, running frequently on both ends.


Definitely buy meat for Xiaolonglong.

So much so that when they first arrived in the town, the owners of the large butcher shops swarmed around, either selling their own beef and mutton or selling fierce animal meat.

"The Iron-Bone faction is in charge. He buys meat every time he goes down the mountain. How much can his disciples eat?"

"Every time I buy two or three thousand pounds of meat, and eat them in a few days, it would cost tens of thousands of dollars a month just to eat?

"I can provide such good meals, the disciples must be very happy."

When Jun often laughed and bought meat to return to the martial arts, the boring warriors in the town talked about it.

If the Disciples disciples heard what they said, they would cry with tears.

The meat is not for us, it is for Xiaolonglong!

And, sometimes, as soon as the meal is opened, the chopsticks are not lifted, and the meat on his plate is taken away by the little guy!

Many disciples have not eaten amaranth for two or three days, and have forgotten the flavour of meat!


It's lunch again.

Before the dishes were all ready, Su Xiaomo sneaked into the kitchen.

He put a large bowl on the table and whispered, "Deep, give me some pieces of meat first, and I'll go to Houshan to eat."

As soon as the words came down, Li Fei and Tian Qi sneaked in. The two smelled the scent of meat they hadn't eaten for two days, and the saliva flowed down.

"Give me some more!" The two men said in unison.

In this way, because of the existence of Xiaolonglong, the disciples became hard and careful to eat meat.

But useless!

The little guy is very sensitive to the dishes that Liu Wanshi makes.

No, Su Xiaomo and the three of them carefully carried the food to Houshan. They just put it on the stone, and before picking up chopsticks, Xiaolonglong rushed over.


I can't take it anymore!


In order to protect the meat in their bowls, Su Xiaomo's three sacrificed Han Fengjian one after another, psionic energy instantly poured into it, and his eyes flickered fiercely.

When Xiaolong saw this, his body shuddered, and a flame of two or three meters high suddenly burst out.

Suddenly ~ ~ The temperature around has risen sharply!

"Brother, this rapeseed tastes really good, you try it."

"The bean sprouts are good too."

"Vegetarian dishes are no worse than amaranth!"

"It ’s ok to be vegetarian in the future, what to eat!"

The three Su Xiaomo were sitting on the grass in the distance, holding the vegetarian dishes on the plate with rice. The one they ate was delicious and the one they ate was fragrant.

call out!

Xiaolonglong retracted the flame, opened his mouth, and ate it. He ate up all the meat in the bowl, and even licked the oil on the bowl.

After watching the little guy dragging away, the three of Su Xiaomo pulled the rice with chopsticks while shed tears of grievance.

(End of this chapter)

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