The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 253: Change to persuade in less than 1 second

The fire dragon is really edible. It eats hundreds of pounds of meat a day, and it's fun. The more you eat, the more you eat.

It's not that Jun Chang can't afford to buy meat, but this way of eating, the meat in the town is not available.

Should we go to the city to buy meat?

When Jun Chang laughs and practice, visiting the town every few days is not a waste of time, but it is a bit far to go to and from the city.

Send a disciple to buy?

It's not impossible, but how much space ring do you have to take as Xiao Longlong eats like this.

"Ironbone Mountain is so large that there are many birds and beasts that can let it go hunting to fill its belly."

Jun often laughed and murmured.

Such a big stomach king will definitely cost a lot of money by raising it, and can only be thrown into the mountains and left to rest.

The system said: "The fire dragon cub was born shortly after, and its strength is not strong enough. In case of encountering a high-level fierce beast, I am afraid to sing cool."

Jun Chang twitched at the corner of his mouth and said, "As soon as the flame erupts at birth, you can burn Xiao Mo to death. Isn't this strong enough?"

The system said: "The disciples know that they are the host contract beasts. On the one hand, they are unprepared. On the other hand, they do not want to hurt them, otherwise they can be easily taken down."

That's the point.

Su Xiaomo and Tian Qi have the same strength as martial arts masters, so they can easily fire fire dragons.

However, because he is in charge of the contract beast, he would rather have a face than eat vegetarian food.

As the saying goes, hitting a dog depends on the owner.

Jun Chang laughed: "Do you mean, let Xiao Longlong continue to eat in the martial arts?"

The system said: "You can eat for a while, wait for the strength to rise, and have the power to protect yourself, then throw it into the mountains and hunt by yourself."

Jun Chang smiled for a moment and said, "Yeah."

Throwing the little guy alone in the mountain, even if it is Iron Bone Mountain, he is a little bit uneasy. It is a big deal to bring a space ring and buy tens of thousands of pounds of animal meat.

No more.

Go to Death Valley and kill some big beasts.


At this moment, Su Xiaomo rushed in from outside, wondering whether her face was excited or sad, and said, "Xiao Longlong was frozen by the master sister!"


Jun Chang laughed and hurried out of the hall.

Only to see Yan Wuchang, Lu Yan's face was cold, the cold air in his hands had not completely converged, and the surrounding air was extremely cold.

Although many disciples stood outside, they shivered as they held their hands because of the lowered temperature.

There is also a small ice sculpture on the Yanwu field, and Xiaolonglong is sealed in it, running like limbs.

"What is it?" Jun Chang laughed.

Su Xiaomo said: "Master Sister went to the cafeteria for dinner, Xiao Longlong ate the meat in her dish, and that's it."

Jun Chang smiled silently and said, "Fuck it!"

The little guy was so brave that he dared to grab the iceberg woman's flesh, and being frozen was considered to be self-sustaining.


For a moment, the seal was lifted, the ice layer fell off piece by piece, the little guy fell to the ground, and his whole body jerked.


The next day, the little guy lay on his master's shoulders and kept sneezing.

A fiery beast was frozen like this. It can be seen that the master of our cold talk, the ice property is still strong.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "In a martial art, anyone can mess with it, don't mess with that woman."


Xiao Longlong shouted unconvinced.


My contract beast is kinda ...

"call out!"

Suddenly, the little boy got into his clothes in horror.


Because Lu Yan walked out of the inner courtyard.

He and he thought that you were very good guys, and it turned out to be less than a second!


Lu Yan said lightly: "You contract animal, always grab the meat of the teachers and brothers, this is not the solution after all."

The disciples who were practicing in the Wuchang field heard the words of the master sister, and sadness suddenly came to their hearts, and they suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Although Liu Wanshi's cooking skills are very strong, although eating vegetarian dishes is good for health, but after all, they are carnivores. It is really bad to not eat meat for a few days.

"This seat is also considering this issue."

Jun Chang laughed: "Wait for someone to go to Qingyang City to buy enough meat for the beasts, so that everyone has meat to eat and soup to drink."

The disciples were overjoyed.

Sima Zhongda voluntarily raised his hand and said, "Head, I have sold meat once, I understand the price and I am willing to go to Qingyang City for purchase!"


Jun Changxiao calculated the storage space of the ordinary space ring, and then handed it to Sima Zhongda for twenty pieces and a lot of money, let him go down the mountain to purchase.

Twilight is coming.

After returning from Sima Zhongda, the space ring contained 20,000 kg of meat.

Even if you eat five hundred pounds a day, it is enough for one month.

"Twelve pounds of meat, twenty thousand pounds is two hundred thousand two hundred, and one year is two hundred and forty thousand two thousand!"

Jun Chang laughs a little crazy.

A school of more than 500 people who eats so much money a year, why not continue to make money to support the family!


Li Luoqiu came from the outside and said, "There is news in Huyang City, and the Ai family mainly goes to eighth-class Puyang County to auction elixir."

Jun Chang smiled and said suddenly: "Why not go to Qingyang County for auction?"

Li Luoqiu said: "It is rumored that a large family in Shenyang County paid a lot of money to ask Ai's house to auction the wounds."


Li Qingyang came to report: "The owner of Ai seeks to meet abroad."

The news of Ai Shangzhang's coming to the martial arts was learned by Li Luoqiu, but before he could say, people had arrived, and the speed was really fast.

"Please come in."


Ai Shangyu entered the hall, and after a conversation, he first delivered the recently prepared medicinal materials and high-quality seeds, and then he was informed about his visit to Shuyang-gun.

"Master Ai."

Jun Chang laughed, "Why go to Poyang County?"

Ai Shangyi laughed: "The Qian family in Puyang County has a big price, hoping that I can host the elixir auction in his auction house."

Qian Family?

It sounds rich at first!

Ai Shang said: "Ai has a good friendship with the Qian family owner. However, when the hospitality is difficult but he has to make an appointment, he chooses the next auction location in Shuyang County."

When he received Qian's invitation, he was very excited. After all, Qingyang County was too small. If he went to the eighth-county auction, he would definitely be able to sell for a higher price.

Businessmen value profits.

If you can sell curative Dan and plastic Dan to higher prices, you are naturally willing to go to economically developed areas.

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled for a moment, and then took out 20 healing pills and 10 bottles to shape the Dan, saying: "Yuyang County is quite far away. It is not easy to go there. The owner of Ai will sell more.

Aishang Yu was delighted.

Counting the previous ones, there are 70 healing dandans and 20 plastic dandans, and you will definitely return to Fuyang County with a full load.

The two talked for a while, and the owner Ai stood up and left.

After Jun Changxiao saw him off, he murmured, "I'm short of money right now. I hope the owner Ai will go to Puyang County this time and bring enough silver two."


One clap said, "There is enough meat to cultivate with peace of mind."

However, unexpectedly, the next day, Xiaolonglong's appetite dropped a lot, he just ate two or three pounds of meat, and he looked listless.

Is it frozen?

Another day passed, the little guy couldn't sleep in the small nest temporarily placed in the study.

Jun Chang laughed even more worried.

System said: "The host is not panic, this little guy should enter hibernation."

Hibernate a fart.

It's autumn now, OK?

Systemically said: "Some special fierce beasts on the starfall continent will occasionally fall into a deep sleep state. This should be the case with the fire dragon."

"Not sick?"


"That's good."

Jun Chang laughed: "What are the benefits of deep sleep?"

Systematicly said: "Beast beasts will understand the heavens and the earth in the deep water to enhance their strength. This is called sleep evolution."

As soon as he heard that he could improve his strength and evolve, Jun Chang smiled and looked hot ~ ~ Then he seemed to understand something, and said, "Xiao Longlong hasn't grown so much food. Is it lack of sleep evolution?"


Systemically: "Theoretically."

Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his hands, and said, "How long does it take for so-called sleep evolution?"

"Fast is three or five months, slower is three or five hundred years."

Three or five hundred years?

Jun Chang almost fell down with a smile.

If the little guy belongs to the slowest, by the time he wakes up from deep sleep, he has either blew himself up, a few feet of gravegrass, or has developed the Ironbone faction to be the strongest ancestral gate of the starfall continent.


PS, 4th more, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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