The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 262: Destiny, no way

After returning to the martial arts, Li Qingyang settled in for the new beginners, younger siblings and sisters, and distributed school uniforms and door regulation manuals.

Various elixir is also indispensable.

Sitting on the throne of the head, Jun Chang laughed and whispered: "When they have reached the 12th stage of Kaimai, they can be certified as the seventh-class martial art."

Jun often laughed and murmured.

The Qiliu martial arts are required to be master martial arts masters, fifty martial arts disciples, and five hundred Kaimai twelve disciples.

Jun Changxiao is now a sixth-grade martial arts master and has met the requirements.

As for fifty warriors.

Sorry, not just the new disciples who just started, the 501 disciples in the Ironbone School are all martial arts.

The reason for not being promoted is that there are still five hundred Kaimai twelve disciples, so this is 50 + 500, so the number is not enough.

Now that the disciples have been promoted from 502 to 602, they only need to train and get through the twelve pulses, and they can be properly certified.

The head of Jun will not meet more than 600 disciples, so after arranging new disciples, he decided to leave for the nearest Sun Yangcheng to continue recruiting.


Li Qingyang said: "I have a friend in Sun Yangcheng and want to follow him to see him."


Jun Chang laughed and let Xiao Xie practice in the martial arts, and led his two disciples and Zhang Wei to the next day.

Sunyang City is one of the eight cities in Cheongyang County.

Earlier, the Ai family sold the wounded Dan for the first time, and Song Ergong, who stood up again in public, came from the Song family in this city.


Li Qingyang's friend is Song Ergong.

One is the first genius of Qingyang City, and the other is the first genius of Sun Yangcheng.

The two met in the wild and stared at a ferocious beast at the same time, and finally became friends without meeting each other.

Later, Song Ergong was paralyzed in bed, Li Qingyang went to visit but was turned away.

The two haven't been in contact since.

Until recently, I learned from Xiyutang's intelligence that a friend who had not been in contact for many years relied on the head healer Dan to stand up again.


Jun Chang laughed: "This healing Dan not only saves you, but also saves your friends, maybe it is fate."

Li Qingyang said earnestly: "So the disciples went to visit this old friend this time, and also hoped to persuade him to join the Iron-Bone Faction."

Jun Chang laughed: "It depends on how you are a lobbyist."

Although he doesn't care about the disciple's qualifications, he wouldn't mind even filling the remaining vacancies with top-quality spiritual roots.

There are many roads to Sun Yangcheng. Jun Chang chose the mountain trail with a smile, which is expected to be reached in half an hour.


When he led his disciples to a mountain, he heard a roar from the depths.

Li Qingyang said: "The head is the beast attacking humans."


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Go and see."

Everyone followed his voice.

Soon, at the boulder ahead, a leopard was lowering his head and biting a human.

The clothes were torn, claws and bite marks appeared on the back, and blood was flowing to the ground.


Jun Chang laughed: "Look for crystal nuclei."


Li Qingyang stepped on the vertical clouds and flew away. Han Feng's sword trembled in his hands and suddenly formed a sword light, which cut off the head of the second-lower leopard beast.


Cut through the chest, the nuclei rolled down.

"It's worth it," Jun often laughed.

Get a crystal nucleus, this is the absolute value.

Li Qingyang picked up the crystal nucleus, then came to the person who was bitten, put a hand on his neck, shook his head and said, "He is dead."

"Destiny, nothing."

Jun Chang laughed: "Let's hurry up."

Since the mountains and territories where ferocious beasts are everywhere, it is natural to do a good job of consciousness of death.


Li Qingyang closed his sword into the sheath.

But when he just stepped on his feet, he stopped suddenly, looked down at the corpse, and grabbed it.

Below the corpse was a small pit, which curled up a girl with blood on her body.


Li Qingyang said: "There is a girl."

Jun Chang smiled and looked back. When he saw the body lifted by Li Qingyang, he immediately recognized that this was not the old man in Liyang City yesterday?

Could it be ...

Come over and look inside the pit.

Sure enough, it was the seven or eight year old girl who called Grandpa Lu.

The little girl seemed terrified, her body curled up and kept snoring.

"Grandpa Lu ..."

Slightly, seeing the old man's body, he could no longer control his emotions, and cried like tears.

Li Qingyang said: "Head, this old man should press her underneath to protect her, and bear the bite of the beast with his body."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "If the strength is not good, don't go wild."


In the mountains, a small earthen bag was piled up, and the stone wall was engraved with the words "The Tomb of Grandpa Lu".

The little girl knelt in front of her eyes and cried.


Li Qingyang couldn't bear it: "This child is so poor, it's better to be under income."

He has learned from his brother's mouth that he was in Liyang City yesterday and that the little girl has no father or mother.

Now that the old man died for him, without any relatives, how pitiful it is to live alone in this world.

Although he killed many people and became quite decisive, Li Qingyang was still kind.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Yes."

He is not a cold-blooded fellow. Since he met again in the wild, he can only earn his income. He can't let her at a young age be alone in the wild.

At that time, because Liu Wanshi was crying, she was taken under the door, and was named by some readers as the "Mother of God." Today, she received another little loli, and she was mentally prepared.



"Take her away."


Ling Yuanxue still obeyed the order of the head and picked up the little girl, but the other side was crying and clamoring to accompany Grandpa Lu.

"Let's go, Sun Yangcheng."

Jun Chang laughed and led his disciples to continue on their way.

The little girl named Mengying kept crying and noisy, her tear-stained eyes always looked at the tombstone.

Although Grandpa Lu has no blood relationship with him, he is the only relative in the world, and will now gradually disappear and lose.


After Jun Changxiao waited for someone to leave, the cemetery just established suddenly shuddered, the stele fell, and the earth tumbling out.


Suddenly, the skinny hand reached out from the graveyard, and the dead old man slowly crawled out from it.

If this scene is seen, I am afraid it can be scared to death on the spot.


The old man took a breath and sat on the stone monument.

Is he alive? He's not dead?


Take a break and watch where Jun Chang laughs away. The old man voice said oldly: "My deduction is not wrong. The iron skeleton must not be simple. I hope you can become stronger in this martial art step by step."

"No ~ ~" He paused and said, "Live carefree. "

brush! brush! brush!

Several warriors in black clothes appeared, neatly arranged behind the old man, as if they were rigorously trained soldiers.

"Lu Hufa."

One whispered, "When will you return to the Magic Mountain?"

The old man who looked like a beggar stood up, and the black breath instantly covered the whole body, forming a dark armor.

His murky eyes became extremely cold, saying: "The future of the young master is properly arranged, and it is time for me to wait for these cheap lives to follow the Lord Lord."

On this day, dozens of black streamers flew away, and the eerie atmosphere was so shocked that the birds and beasts in the mountains were violent on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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