The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 263: When the number of people is full, the martial mission will start again.

Because it wasted a little time on the road, Jun Changxiao came to Sun Yangcheng with two hours.

"Grandpa Lu ..." The girl who was crying and sleeping on Ling Yuanxue's shoulders occasionally yelled like a nightmare.


Li Qingyang glanced at her and said, "This little girl is so pitiful."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, and said, "There are so many poor people in this world, and one cannot save one."


Li Qingyang knew that the head was actually talking.

Saving himself, saving Xiao Xiao, and even saving this little girl meant that there was good in her heart, but she was deliberately covering it up.

A qualified disciple knows and will not speak up.

This has to be replaced by Lu Yan's presence, I'm afraid I broke it early and hit the head with words.

"Let's go."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Let's go into the city."

Old rules.

After entering Sunyang City, go directly to the city's main government and inform the disciples of recruiting disciples in the city.

The Sun Yangcheng city master also received news that many disciples of the Iron Bone School won the county championships, and naturally there will be no opposition.

He and the Lord of Aocheng thought that the solution between the factions and the factions had nothing to do with us.

Sun Yangcheng Square.

The door face representing the Iron Bone Sect erected again.

This time went well. After 100 alliances did not cause any trouble, after some momentum and publicity, they recruited another hundred people. The members were increased from 602 to 712, and the contribution value was increased from 104 to 214.

"It seems that we have to go to the other four cities to fill our disciples." Jun Chang murmured with a smile.


At this moment, Li Qingyang came over and was followed by a young boy facing Yushu.

This person is the second son of the Song family, named Song Xuanzhou.

The Sun Yangcheng was arrogant in his first day, but once again stood up and became mature and restrained.

"Jun heads."

Song Xuanzhou arched hand: "Yang Yang's name, fortunately, fortunately!"

He had long heard about iron bones.

I also know that my friend Li Qingyang joined this martial arts, so I have always had a lot of interest. I thought of going to the door to visit the family for some time.

"Song of Song."

Jun Chang laughed: "Qing Yang should have told you. Are you interested in joining me?


Song Xuanzhou arched his hand and said earnestly: "If the head of Jun does not think that Song was once a paralyzed person, he is willing to join the Iron Skeletons!"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "If this love is thirsty, how can it be rejected?"


Cover the entry sheet with a large seal.

The number of people and contribution value will be increased by 1 point, so the Ironbone faction will have one more qualified talent.

"Practitioner Song Xuanzhou."

Song Xuanzhou bowed his hands, respectfully said: "See the head!"

"What are you doing now?"

"Ten pulses."

If he hadn't been paralyzed for many years, he would be a martial artist now.

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "In this realm, I can just practice Yi Jin Jing and can focus on training."

"Go home and say goodbye to your parents."

"Head, I said goodbye to my parents when I came out."

So sharp?

Li Qingyang said: "Head, I told you what I said when you recruited me intact, and he is very much looking forward to the future of our iron skeleton."

That's it.

Jun Chang laughed with a snapping finger and said, "Return to martial arts."

Under the eyes of many warriors in Sun Yangcheng, he led a large number of disciples and left.


All the forces hiding in the dark shook their heads and sighed.

Song Xuanzhou relied on Healing Dan to stand up again. They came early, hoping to recruit them.

However, the Sun family propagandized that his son had just recovered and needed time to recuperate, so he refused all recruitment.

I never thought that I would be cut off by iron bones!



In the hall of the Song family, an elder said with a rather ugly face, "Xuanzhou joins the Ironbone faction, isn't it right?"


Another elder said, "Jun Changxiao not only offends Qin Haoran, but also offends the Holy Spring Sect. Xuanzhou's joining this faction is unwise."

Song parents have always opposed Song Xuanzhou's joining the Ironbones.

This is not contempt or underestimate, but too much trouble, how can you hang on in the rivers and lakes in the future?

Father Song said: "Xuanzhou joined the Ironbone faction, it is his own choice, as a father naturally supports unconditionally."

The Song family is more enlightened than the Li family.

of course.

It is also because of the recent fame of the iron bones.

If it were to recruit hundreds of recruits at that time, it would definitely be the same as Li's homeowner, and opposed his son to join this non-religious martial arts.

Song parents were silent.

The owner said so, even if he objected, it was useless.

After the meeting.

Mr. Song's father stood at the window of his study and backhanded: "Zhouer, joining the Ironbone faction is your own choice. No matter how difficult the future is, you must keep going."


Iron skeleton.

Jun Chang laughed and returned with his disciples, arranged by Li Qingyang.

What worries him is that the little girl hasn't come out of her sorrow, she has been in the corner of the box, and asked her name without saying, how to get started.


Liu Wanshi asked: "I'll ask!"

"Um." Jun often laughed.

At this time, you can only let the bigger loli to persuade the smaller loli.

Liu Wanshi made several meals and entered the room.

"Let's do it."

Before long, the sound of eating came.

Looking at the window with a smile, Jun Chang saw the little girl eating with a big mouthful of chopsticks, and said childishly, "Sister Liu, your cooking is so fragrant!"

Sure enough, there are very few people who can resist the temptation of food in this world.


Liu Wanshi took the little girl's hand and came out, laughing: "She's Yao Mengying, and she is willing to join us.

Take out the entry form and fill in the name with a big seal.


Jun Chang laughed and said, "This little girl is very depressed, and she should enlighten her."


Liu Wanshi said, "Head, can I and Meng Ying live in the same room?"

"no problem."


After placing the second batch of recruits properly, Jun Changxiao set off again for Yaoyang City.

The Yaoyang City Alliance is very unfriendly.

After all, the Lingquan Sect in the territory was killed by that guy, so when the door face was placed on the square, he was in trouble for trouble.

"Don't agree?"

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Fight against my disciples, and immediately leave after winning. I will no longer go down to recruit disciples."

As a result, Ye Xingchen stood on Bidoutai and came up one by one.

In a short period of time, as many as 30 league leaders were defeated.

The Emperor Ye is heavier than Xiao Guiji, and it is estimated that he needs to lie in bed for at least three or five months to recover.

After the flea group was resolved, recruitment began, and one hundred disciples were earned after an hour.

The next few days.

Jun Changxiao went to Huayang City, Zhengyang City and Shouyang City again.

After having suffered two losses, the Baizong League never dared to come to trouble, so the recruitment was very smooth.


Cover the head seal again, and a crisp system prompt sounded in my ear.

"Ding! Martial members ~ ~ Ding! Martial contributions: 502/1000."

When Jun Chang laughed and brought the newly recruited disciples back to the martial arts, the next day, the system determined that they met the requirements.

"From the number of recommended stars, as long as the disciples are fully completed, the construction should be able to be upgraded to level 4."

Jun often smiles and rubs his hands.

The function opened in Level 4 is the Charm Pavilion.

This made Jun's head very much looking forward to it, because he might be able to craft spells of insight, amulet, and gallop!

?? PS, ask for votes.



(End of this chapter)

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