The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 264: Difficult breakthrough to 7th grade martial artist

The number of people reached 1,000, and the missions appeared, and the linked task list was released.

This has three benefits.

First, if the number of people reaches the standard, you can upgrade the martial arts level.

Secondly, the disciples can get the achievement value by doing tasks, which can upgrade the martial arts construction.

Thirdly, you can also get contribution value by completing the martial mission. If you achieve 1000 achievement value, you can get 1000 contribution value!

At that moment, the head of Jun felt that he was getting rich again, and he could sit back and relax.

For the third martial mission, one star is relatively rare, the two three stars are mostly, and even four star missions have appeared!

The disciples who started earlier are relatively strong, and they will choose the second Samsung tacitly when taking on the task.

As for the one star, it is left to the newly introduced students.

Jun Chang smiled with relief.

He wanted to build a strong sect, and he also wanted to build a sect with love. Disciples could help and encourage each other, instead of fighting all day for their own selfish desires.

Four-star missions are a bit difficult, and most of them kill high-level beasts, either they need enough manpower or only insiders to do it.


Li Qingyang said: "It is not enough to build a house."

There are more than 400 new disciples who want to become stronger. They need to take elixir, practice exercises, and build muscle.

"Ding! The host consumes 400 points of contribution value to obtain the muscle shaping room × 20, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Martial contribution: 102/1000."

Jun Changxiao sold 20 units directly and placed them in training rooms. In this way, the number of shaping rooms also rose to 40 units.

These shaping houses are still difficult to supply hundreds of people, but there is no way. After all, the contribution value is limited, and they can only be used to shape the body in batches and periods.


The benefits for new students must be indispensable.

The first treatment of Dandan and plastic Dan must be a manual, Kaimai Dan and Cyclone Dan will also be distributed according to the level.

In terms of martial arts, Jun Changxiao did not release them one by one, but chose a house in the outer court, named the Gongfa Pavilion, and placed all the martial arts bought in the mall.

Disciples choose what they want to learn.

Under normal circumstances, no matter the sect, family, or academy, how many protagonists play in the act of forcing starts with the selection of martial arts in the Gongfa Pavilion.

In Ironbone, there is no need to compete for entry qualifications, and there is no ridicule of goalkeeper elders.

Go in and learn.


After taking the plastic body, I felt that my body and strength had improved to varying degrees, and Song Xuanzhou's excited hands were shaking.

As a genius, naturally understand how far the physical transformation will affect martial arts in the future!

When he practiced his mind and martial arts such as Yi Jin Jing and Burst Fist, his inner shock was even stronger.

that moment.

Song Xuanzhou understands that the rise of the Iron Bone faction is no accident!

Since joining the martial arts, there was no need to hide some things, so Li Qingyang informed him of the treatment of Dan.

Knowing that the elixir he was taking at Ai's house actually originated from the refining of the head, Song Xuanzhou came to the hall and smiled and bowed to King Chang.

Paralyzed in bed, despairing.

Now I can stand up again and continue to practice martial arts, which is absolutely the same as regenerating my parents!

Bow down and take it for granted!

Jun Chang smiled and waved, preventing his disciples from saluting, and said, "If you want to repay this seat, go hard and become stronger, and let the martial arts be carried forward."

Song Xuanzhou's eyes firmly said: "Practitioner Song Xuanzhou, is willing to send soup to fire for the iron skeleton!"

It was not only the Song Yangcheng who was shocked on the first day.

Those disciples who have just joined the martial arts are deeply shocked by the various martial art resources. ’

They regret it so much that they didn't join the Ironbone Pie earlier, and spent their time in vain.

of course.

At the beginning stage, it must be taken care of by the brothers, especially Brother Li Fei's happy football.

But also,

Pain and happiness!

As long as you can become stronger in the martial arts, it doesn't matter if you are kicked by the ball every day.


Xiyutang and Yaotang also lacked manpower. Jun head selected a number of new students and divided them into two entrances to provide fresh blood.

The disciples began to accept tasks one after another from the mission cabinet, either alone or in teams.

In the next period of time, Jun Chang laughed and would often sound the reminder of martial art mission completion, and the achievement value and contribution value would continue to rise.

Upgrading Level 4 construction must reach 1000 achievement values.

To upgrade the martial arts level, some new beginners have to break through the 12th section of Kaimai.

Both take some time.

No rush, no rush.

It should be all done in a couple of months.

Jun Chang laughed and handed over martial affairs to Li Luoqiu.

It is seven or eight months away from the one-year contract with the Holy Spring Sect, and he must step up and improve, and it is best to break through the peak warrior or Wu Zong!

The tragedy is.

One month later, the realm moved from Liupin to Qipin Wushi.

Why use tragedy to describe it? Why use words? Because he took 10 times Juqidan all the way!


Jun Chang laughed and said madly: "Cultivation in one month is equivalent to ten months in others, but only one grade is improved!"

The system said: "It's normal."


Jun often laughs silently.

After stepping from a warrior to a warrior, he felt very easy to improve.

This time the system's turn is silent, saying: "You feel relaxed because you completed the epic quests and jumped to the next level. In fact, the martial arts level, especially the fifth grade, will be improved in the future, and it takes a year or two for the outstanding martial arts."

"I have 10 times more gas." Jun Chang laughed.

The system said: "The higher the level, the more the amount of heaven and earth attributes required, the effect of 10 times polygas will become less obvious, and the accumulation of time will become more important."


Jun Chang laughed: "You mean, the higher the realm, the more multiple Qidans are needed."


What I mean is that the road to martial arts is gradual and gradual, and requires more detailed understanding of the attributes of heaven and earth, and time to accumulate slowly.

You pull on the high-powered polyqi, which is also ... not impossible.

"Go and see how old Wei Wei's herbs are."

During this time, the pharmacy garden was expanded from more than ten acres to fifty acres under the care of members of the pharmacy.

It was filled with all kinds of medicinal materials, and the floating spiritual power gathered over the sky, giving people a feeling of clouds.

Inside the kiosk.

Wei Lao handed in a few space rings and said, "This is the third batch of high-quality medicinal materials."

The medicinal materials matured half a month ago. Because Jun Changxiao focused on cultivation, he didn't bother, so he temporarily stored it.

"Old Wei."

Jun Changxiao took it and took a sip of the tea ceremony: "The 200,000 seeds previously planted should be ripe soon?

Wei Lao said: "Because the medicinal materials around the martial arts were planted for the first time and the environment was restricted, I am afraid it will take about a month to mature."

"Not in a hurry, take your time," Jun Chang laughed.


Liu Wanshi led Yao Mengying over and said with a smile: "Why is the head here?"

Jun Chang joked: "Why can't I be here?"

Speaking ~ ~ Look at the little girl.

For a month, Yao Mengying has come out of her grief and integrated into the iron bone life.

Because he was too young, he didn't start to contact martial arts, and he followed Liu Wanshi all day, like a little follower.

The disciples knew that Yao Mengying had a poor life, so she took great care of them, and she was so coveted in the martial arts.

In particular, Su Xiaomo and Li Fei laughed at Xiao Shimei all day long.

Strange to say.

Faced with a large number of brothers and sisters, Yao Mengying will be very cheerful, only to see the head and be restrained.

This is not, hiding behind Liu Wanshi again, timid again on his face.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head, secretly: "Am I scary?"

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