The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 275: Be prepared for danger

After drinking a drink with Xie Chengzhu, Jun Chang smiled to understand that the world seems peaceful, but undercurrent is surging. If there is a war in Southwest Yangzhou, Qingyang County will definitely be destroyed.

Under the nest cover, is there a finished egg?

The Iron Bone faction is in the territory of Qingyang City. Once the war is over, it will definitely be affected. Therefore, helping the Lord Xie is also helping himself.

"It still takes time." Jun Chang laughed.

The martial arts are now in the starting state. If a foreign county launches a war and attacks Qingyang County, it will be very difficult to organize forces to defend it. As long as there is enough time to be strong, it will be able to protect itself.

how long it takes?

The longer the better, the better.

of course.

Jun often laughs and doesn't want to be a savior.

If the war really comes, it will only guard the Qingyang city where the martial arts are located, as for the other cities ...

Well, looking at the relationship of the Ai family, if they have the ability, they will try their best to help.

If it doesn't work, you can only defend it.

The head of the monarch did not have the ambition to dominate the world, because that was the thing the emperor Liu played, and he could be the one in charge.

"Li Tangzhu."

In the hall, Jun Chang laughed, "Ming Xiyutang members purchased a large number of cities in each city."

War depends not only on people, but also on sophisticated equipment.

Regardless of whether it can be used for refining or not, it is definitely right to buy it first and store it.

Li Luoqiu said: "The war fought the economy, not to say that the fight would start immediately.

"Since peace is at stake, do you plan ahead?" Jun Chang laughed.


Li Luoqiu rubbed his hands and said, "You have to give money."

Jun Chang laughed and threw away a few space rings.

Li Luoqiu ordered it and found that there were a total of 50 million in it, so he was a little hesitant: "How much does the head plan to buy?"

Jun Chang smiled and handed in materials such as Han Fengjian that could be refined, and said, "Buy according to the above ore, if not, buy other ore."


Li Luoqiu summoned poisonous snakes and others to distribute silver tickets and ordered them to go to the eight cities of Qingyang City to purchase at the fastest speed.

The members of Xiyutang who have learned the vertical cloud step are very efficient in their work, and they have just purchased one after another in two or three days.

Han Fengjian, Overlord Gun and Strong Iron Shield were all supplemented, and other ores of different quality were also purchased.

As for 50 million yuan, the flowers are naturally clean.

Jun Chang laughed that since he wanted to plan ahead, naturally he wouldn't feel bad about the money. After practicing, he opened the foundry pavilion and began to make weapons and equipment.

After some inventory, Han Feng's sword made more than 200 handles, and the Overlord Gun made more than 300 handles.

Jiantie Dun directly refined more than 700 because of a large amount of iron ore obtained from the Xiao family.

Even so, it would not allow the thousand disciples of martial arts to be equipped with weapons and shields.


When the war was fought, the ambitious county guard knew himself, so after building a lot of equipment and hoarding ore, Jun Chang laughed and continued to cultivate.

During the period, I have been taking Juqi Dan and ingesting spiritual stones. The speed of psionic energy incubation is quite fast. In just one and a half months, I broke through from eight grades to nine grade martial arts!

There is high promotion and high pay.

For more than forty days, the head of Jun ingested as many as 450 spiritual cores, consuming an average of 10 per day.

Not counting gas gathering, light is a spiritual stone.

This guy has to spend 100,000 yuan a day, which is really a super burn.

Cultivation like him, even the masters of the four or five liumen may not be able to play.

The disciples of the inner gate are also the practice of gathering Qi Dan Ling Stone, and their realm has been improved significantly.

Ye Xingchen entered the fourth grade martial arts master.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others entered the third-grade martial arts division.

Tian Qi, who is from the top of Lingpin's roots, broke through to the martial arts step by step. Although he also had spiritual stone supplies later, he had just entered the second rank of martial arts.

At this time, there is only less than three months to go to the challenge of the Holy Spring Sect. If there are enough spiritual stones to supply, it should not be difficult to reach the Wupin Wushu on average.

But ... no more!

On the contrary, Qiqidan was harvested and planted by Wei Lao and others during this period, and a virtuous circle has been formed to achieve self-sufficiency.

High-power polygas is of course good, but it can be time consuming even as it is taken higher and higher as the realm rises.

Already pretty good.

If outside warriors knew that the inner disciples of the Iron Skeleton faction would supply 10 times and 15 times the gas supply, they would definitely spit blood with envy.

With a smile on his face, Jun Chang went downhill and went to Qingyang City. He spent 20 million to purchase 2,000 spirit stones and practiced with himself and his disciples to prepare for the challenge of the Holy Spring Sect.

The hundred million sent by Ai's owner, buying seeds and ore, and buying so many spirit stones, left him with little money left.

The gap between the gates is deeper than that of the deep gates. It doesn't rely on the system and a lot of money to pile up.

During this period of practice, the martial arts held martial arts martial arts and monthly strength tests once a month.

Even if the time process is accelerated by the Spring and Autumn Dafa, this kind of thing should still be carried out. It will not mean that it has never happened because it has not been written.

Similarly, the owner of Ai will also send resources at designated locations, and the pharmacy will also harvest and recycle the medicinal materials.


Two months later.

There are only about 10 days left to challenge the Holy Spring Sect!

Outside discussions have intensified.

Many warriors are always keeping up with the latest news, such as the Iron Bone faction?

The people of the Baizong Alliance even set eyeliners under the mountain. As long as Jun Changxiao starts with his disciples, he will leave for Shengquan.

Cheer for Ironbone Pie?


They must go to see the joke, they must be desperately ridiculed like a brainless villain to force a wave of existence.

The reason why he didn't set off ahead of time was to send his eyeliner. He was afraid that the iron bones would seduce and quit the war, so let's be supervised.

The meaning of Baizong Alliance is simple.

Now that we have challenged the Holy Spring Sect, we must fight like a man.

Pigeon release, absolutely not!

In Qingyang City, Xie Chengzhu began to arrange affairs to free up enough time to cheer on the Iron Bone.

At this point, Aijia performed better, even because the day of the challenge was closer to the auction, and it was even delayed.

When the forces of all parties are extremely pessimistic about the Iron Skeletons, Xie Chengzhu and Ai Jia can still stand firmly on this side, that is, the true suffering is true!

The day of the war is approaching.

Qingyang County, which was quite peaceful, became lively, and some forces in other counties also moved.

The Eight-Class School challenged the Five-Class School, which is an unprecedented event. Naturally, we must go to Shengquan to see the excitement.


Miaohua Palace surrounded by aura.

Qi Jingxuan sat in a poetic little booth ~ ~ and said: "The day when the head of the king will challenge the Holy Spring Sect is coming."

"Ten days left."

Lier muttered in her heart, it has been more than half a year since the last auction, how did the palace owner remember the iron skeleton.

"Get ready."

Xi Jingxuan said, "Go to the Holy Spring Sect."



"Sister Murong."

On the official road of a certain county, a woman in strong clothes said: "I heard that a non-religious sect is going to challenge the fifth-class sect, or do you want to see the fun?

She looks good, but compared with the sister and sister walking in front of her, she is clearly inferior.

The woman walking ahead was about sixteen or seventeen years old.

In the blue coat, the skin was like snow, with a slender figure, a goose egg face, and a willow leaf eyebrow, exuding a noble atmosphere.

This is Xiao Rongxin's ex-fiancee, Murong Xin!

The martial artists on the road seemed to know that the two were disciples of Lily Shengzong, avoiding each other, and their eyes were frightened.

"Don't join the school?" Murong Xin said.

The sister said: "It seems to be called Tiesha sent, oh, by the way, there was a waste of marriage contract with sister Shi in a county."

"Is the Iron Bone Pie?"

Murong Xin said a little silence and said, "The training is over, time is still sufficient, and it just happens to be on the way. It's better to check it out."


The teacher laughed: "Joining the martial arts, you have broken through to the Jiupin martial arts. The speed is the fastest among the new disciples, and the martial arts competition will soon achieve good results!"

"It's all well taught by the elders." Murong Xin humbled.

The sister said: "Heavenly princess like Shimei, how can the Qingyang County waste be worthy, and it is wise to terminate the marriage contract with it?"

Murong Xin Liu Mei frowned slightly: "Sister, can you not mention him?"

ps, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, and thank you for your reward! !! !!

End of this chapter

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