The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 276: Ultimate Martial Artist, Epic Quest 3

There are only 10 days left to challenge the Holy Spring Sect.

Not short or long.

In the past few days, Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji have stopped practicing and started to adjust their state to better meet the upcoming battle.


What level are they in now?

Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, Su Xiaomo, and Li Fei have already broken through to Wu Pin Wu Shi.

Tian Qi is a martial arts master of the fourth grade, only a short distance from the fifth grade.

The night stars who practiced the Taixuan Zhenjing still led them and broke through to the sixth-grade martial arts early.

Not just disciples inside.

Outside disciples have also made breakthroughs to the peak martial arts in these months.

Long Ziyang and Yang Yuhua first stepped into the martial arts.

Because he is not an insider disciple, and only enjoys Qiqidan in terms of resources, he has just entered a grade.

The new disciples, except Yao Mengying, did not practice martial arts, all broke through to martial arts, and they were all second or third grade.

Because of the plastic body and the shaping room, the strength is far stronger than the same level warrior.

If the two elders of the certification hall come back for certification, they must be deeply shocked again.

of course.

Ironbone disciples are not dumb-headed, they will also focus their minds on enlightenment and practice martial arts and martial arts together.

Li Luoqiu also entered Qipin from Liupin Wushi.

This woman has always put her mind on the hidden weapon and body style, so her ascension is not too fast.

The venomous snake and lynx entered the fourth grade martial arts master.

Formerly a member of the gold medal killer, he also relied on martial arts resources to march from martial arts to martial arts.

After Li Qingyang's inventory, there were more than 20 disciples at the martial arts level, and the requirements of ten martial arts teachers who had been promoted to Liuliu martial arts had been reached early.

At present, the lack of the Iron Bone faction is the entry of Wu Zong into the head of Wu Zong, and there are 510 12 disciples of Kaimai who can be promoted to Liuliu.

There are 1,000 disciple places in the martial arts, the difference is recruitment.

If Jun Changxiao can't break through to Wu Zong, even if the disciples all meet the requirements, then it won't work.

Someone will ask.

Is the power of Jun comparable to that of Wu Zong?


Certification hall certification, first look at the realm, then look at the power.

Either of the two is impossible.

For now, it may take time for the Titans to advance to Liuliu, because according to the previous rhythm, as long as Jun Changxiao reaches a realm end, an epic task will be released.

If you can't complete the task, the realm will always be stuck!



In the training room, Su Xiaomo kicked on the test machine and showed a power value of 80,000 kg, so he grinned.

To be able to play this kind of strength at the Wupin Martial Arts level, only top-level geniuses can do it.


The first element of top-level genius is to have holy spirit root or divine spirit root.

Although Su Xiaomo is only the best spiritual root, there is the tempering of the plastic body and the training tower to make up the gap between the spiritual roots, and it is almost the same as the top genius!

Ordinary people with ordinary talents and doomed to do nothing will become top geniuses after one year. This is the training of Jun Changxiao!

not enough!

His goal is.

Let the disciples become the pride of the heavens and the respect of beings.


That's right, stepping into Emperor Wudi!


Xiao Xingji banged on the test machine and showed 83,000 pounds.

Su Xiaomo, who was a little bit proud, grabbed her hair and collapsed, "In the same realm, Master Xiao is even 3,000 pounds taller than me!"

Xiao Xiji laughed: "Brother Su is far behind in terms of speed."

Su Xiaomo suddenly became psychologically balanced.

Li Qingyang came up and said, "We are not as strong as Brother Xiao's physical strength."

Su Xiaomo, who had just found a balance, heard the second elder brother say this, and suddenly fell on the wall with tears in his eyes.


Li Qingyang was on the test machine with a force value of 85,000 kg.

2,000 pounds more power than Xiao's sin, because the former did not have a pulse at the time, leading the main body.



Tian Qi and Li Fei successively tested the strength of 60,000 kg and 78,000 kg respectively.

With the same resources, each of them is working very hard, and the gap between the forces in the same realm is often not too great.

Tian Qi was only 60,000. At first, there was only a fourth-grade martial arts master.

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei practiced self-cultivation. Although their strength was a little weaker, they also had their own strengths.

Xiao Xiji majored in physical tempering, and then faced the high-five fire dragon beast. Not to mention that he could completely hold it, there should be no problem in dozens of rounds of fighting.

"Brother Ye, you have to try it, too," Li Qingyang said.


When Ye Xingchen came, the converging spirits could bang on the test machine in the fist, and the apparent strength was 90,000 kg.

"My God, Ye Shidi is terrific!"

"It was later than we all started, and our strength was 5,000 kilograms higher than that of Second Brother."

"Master, how did you do it!"

Su Xiaomo and Li Fei exclaimed.

Ye Xingchen said nothing, but said helplessly: "The emperor has Taixuan true scriptures, and his realm is still the sixth martial arts master, but he is only 5000 kilograms higher than Li Qingyang."


Jun Chang laughed and gave them so many resources. If Yedi could leave everyone far away, wouldn't it prove that everything provided by the system was not as good as a Wudi rebirth?

Actually, Ye Xingchen thought wrong.

He shouldn't think about how much better than Li Qingyang and others, but should think about how far away he is from the past six martial arts masters.


Although there was a spiritual root in the previous life, all resources need to work hard by themselves. It took three years to enter the sixth-grade martial arts division, and the strength was only about 70,000.

In this life, one year into the sixth grade, the strength is 20,000 kg higher.

What's the reason?

Although there is the credit of Taixuan Zhenjing, but only accounts for 20%, Bacheng relies on various martial arts resources provided by Jun Changxiao ~ ~ Whoo! "

In the study, the powerful aura whistled out of Jun Chang's laughter, which lasted for about half an hour and began to be restrained.


He opened his eyes, and two spirits flashed away.

At this point, the realm from the martial arts master Jiupin, into the peak martial arts!

In two months, from Jiupin to the peak martial arts, this shows that as long as there are enough resources, rapid breakthrough is not difficult.

"Ding! The host enters the peak martial arts, meets the requirements, the epic mission begins!"

Sure enough, here it is again!

Jun Chang smiled and opened the data panel. The epic mission presented below the martial mission, which was to lead his disciples to the Holy Spring Sect challenge [Unfinished].

This task is actually related to the Holy Spring Sect!

Click on the detailed introduction.

Epic missions [three].

Mission Details: Please host within one month to take your disciples to Mount Tirta Empul, and challenge the Five Stream Sect's Tirta Emperor.

Task conditions: The disciples defeated Sheng Quanzong's personal disciples by 0/3, defeated Shengquan's inner disciples by 0/10, and defeated Shengquan's outer disciples by 0/30. "

Failed mission: Did not reach the Holy Spring Sect within the time limit, failed to defeat the Holy Spring Sect disciples during the mission.

mission rewards:? ? ?

"It seems quite simple." Jun Chang laughed.

The big boss of Epic Mission 2 is the high five-grade fire dragon beast. If the holy spring ancestors pass on the disciples, they will be better than the fierce beasts that are comparable to the fifth grade Wuzong.

The system said: "The fire dragon beast was solved by the host with a hard-to-receive knife. The disciples were almost killed in front of it."


Jun often laughs and silences.


ps, 5 even more, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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