The epic task 3 is related to the Holy Spring Sect, which is very good. After all, Jun Chang laughs and also needs to bring his disciples to challenge.

If it is completed, not only will it be able to raise its prestige, but it will also be able to gain contribution value and break through to Wu Zong.

However, the plan to challenge will also change a lot.

At the beginning, Jun Chang thought with a smile that he would bring disciples from the inner door and Zhou Hong to the foot, but from the number of tasks, he could only take disciples from the outside door.

Normal challenge rules, one player to fight one game, that requires 33 disciples.


There are many battles this time, and Jun Chang laughs without expecting a complete victory, so after thinking about it, he decides to take 50 disciples.

Needless to say, the twenty-five people who participated in the experience of Death Valley must follow.

Li Shangtian and Sima Zhongda are naturally indispensable. After all, the entry is early and the realm is higher than the later ones.

Disciples such as Lin Jianghang and Cui Bujian were also sent.

Although Xu Song Xuanzhou started late, her qualifications and realm are high, so she must follow.

After a selection of the heads of the Jun Jun, the disciples of the Iron Skeletons came out.

Of course, he didn't send poisonous snakes and lynxes. After all, he was too old, so how did he look like a disciple?


At the mouth of the cafeteria, Ma Yongning held the knife and said, "Can I go?"

家伙 This guy joins the martial arts. Although he often helps Liu Wanshi to take care of the cafeteria, he doesn't delay the practice of martial arts at all.

And, still a dedicated knife repair!

Knife repair and sword repair, because they have to test their qualifications, are too extreme, they are relatively rare in the starfall continent.

"You are too old." Jun often laughed.

This sentence is like a sharp sword, stabbed in Ma Yongning's heart, it is difficult to breathe.


He said in a deep voice: "I'm just a bit vicissitudes, and my actual age is only 29."


If you don't say this, you all suspect that you are 40 or 50 years old!

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "He is more anxious than Yang Yuhua."

Ma Yongning said with dignified eyes: "Please let me go to war, show the manager with the proof of strength, and show it to Dudu!"

He wants to play because Liu Wanshi.

The little girl often sits in the cafeteria with her cheeks, watching the disciples outside, muttering to herself: "I really hope to go to the Holy Spring Sect to challenge me.

"Go watch the fun?" Ma Yongning said.

Yanli Wanshi said earnestly: "Go and cheer for the brothers!"

A seemingly inadvertent sentence touched Ma Yongning, and secretly decided to challenge the Holy Spring Sect himself to go, defeat his opponent with strength, and coax Liu Wanshi happy.

昨天 Just yesterday, the little girl was smashed and finally obtained the qualification to follow the head to the Holy Spring Sect, so he naturally had to fight.


Ma Yongning's knife came out of the sheath and said, "Head, please respect a swordsman, otherwise, I will arbitrate in front of you immediately."


Xun Jun often twitches at the corner of his mouth.

I was done with a few bowls of rice by Liu Wanshi, and you talk to me about respect!

However, since we are going, we said: "You can go, but it depends on the situation to decide whether to go to war."

"it is good."

Ma Yongning closed the knife.

Wu Yihei Heihe also came over and said, "Head, we are much younger than him, can we fight for the martial arts!"

When I heard this, Ma Yongning almost drew out his sword and launched a battle of respect for the two bastards.

Xi Yi He Hei He is really young and only in his early twenties, and the realm has reached the peak of the warrior. Jun Chang laughs and decides to take them together.

Uh ...

The number of battles increased from 50 to 53.

Then, Jun Changxiao chose another 147 outside students, making up 200 rounds.

Away combat, you must have momentum, so the purpose of those outside disciples to follow is to cheer for the disciples!

After everything is done, with five days to go before the challenge date, Jun Changxiao gathers his disciples early.

Disciples all know that the head will take his brother to challenge the Five-Class Holy Spring Sect, so they will gather in the performance martial arts field, arrange them neatly, and hold their heads tall!

Xun Jun often smiled in front of the main hall and said, "This battle may be difficult, but let the world know that even if there is a mountain in front of me, I can surpass it!"

"Be a man of iron bones, do iron bones!"

The disciples turned their backs and swallowed the loud voice of the mountains and rivers, and the sound resounded through the martial arts, revealing the iron bones!


Xun Jun often smiled and waved his knees, and said, "Go!"


Under his leadership, fifty-three disciples and 147 disciples who had fought in the war hurried out of the martial arts and went down the mountain road.

Qi Liluo Qiumu sent them away, and preached: "Head, the wine of celebration is ready, my disciples and I will wait for your triumph!"


Xun Jun often laughed.

After discipling, the disciples returned to the martial arts and began to practice more insanely. They must become stronger and fight for the martial arts in the future.

This day.

Ironbone 铮铮 sent two hundred disciples under the leadership of the second head to leave Tiegushan and head towards the unattainable mountain in the distance.

This battle will be successful if you do not succeed!

Uh ...

"Ironbone people set off!"

"Go and report to the leader!"

I squatted in the dark eyeliner at the foot of the mountain and hurriedly sent the news to Hao Qimen.

These people, Jun Changxiao found it long ago, but because it was just a simple stare, he ignored it.

Not long.

The news came to Qin Haoran's ears, and he smiled coldly: "Jun Chang laughs really dare to challenge the Holy Spring Sect."

The master of Long Knife Gate grinned, "In Lingquan Mountain, boasting Haikou in front of so many people, how can you not stand on the rivers and lakes?"

Situ Wang, who had been vomiting blood, said lightly, "I don't know the juniors who are high in the sky, and they will experience the fear of the Five Schools."


Qin Haoran said, "We also set off."

Xun Jun often laughed. It didn't take long for them to go here. Dozens of big leagues in the 100 Sects each brought their own disciples to the Holy Spring Sect.

Ironbone sent to challenge the Holy Spring Sect, which is an unprecedented feat.

Xu as a fellow county power should have given support, and this time they left, it was all for the joke.

Someone is here to support and cheer!


Xie Guangkun and Aijia ~ ~ This is not. When Jun Changxiao just stepped out of the Tiegushan area, he saw more than ten owners of Xie Chengzhu and Qingyang City's major families at the road junction.

"Jun heads."

Xie Guangkun said, "My family and I, on behalf of the 3.6 million people in Qingyang City, are willing to go along with the Iron Bone Pipa!"

"Thanks a lot!"

Xun Jun often laughs and arches.

He was grateful for his support at this time, and he deeply understood that there are at least people with true dispositions in the world to support himself.


青 Li Qingyang shouted at his father.

The Li family said: "My son, the Li family is proud of you!"

"Jun heads."

Xun Jun often laughed and was about to set off. On the other road, Ai Shangzhang rushed over with Ai Shangfang and Ai Shangke, followed by many family heads of Hu Yangcheng, including Song Xuanzhou's father, Father Song.

Who said that the protagonist must bear the fate of being the enemy of the whole world, who said that the whole world is plotting the protagonist?

Do not.

友谊 There is also friendship in the cruel world!

Even if this friendship may be based on business, but to challenge the Holy Spring Sect and dare to accompany, this is the iron relationship!

"You all."

Xun Jun often laughed: "Today cheer me on the Iron Skeleton. This kind of kindness is remembered in my heart. If he can use my Iron Skeleton in the future, he will do his best to help!"

I said quite seriously.

But everyone who came with them smiled.

They would never think of how difficult and precious the words of Jun ’s head will be!

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